Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2115: 2115 strange valley 3

In the darkness of the yin, you can see some little glowing things jumping in the valley.


Ghost fire flashes, the soul is out. Although the scientific explanation about the wildfire is actually unclear in the magical world, it has always been thought that the wildfire is a ghost lantern. It is a ghost that comes out to explore the road. The ghost does not necessarily need to explore the road, but there is a large area of ​​wildfire flashing. There must be ghosts.

"It’s finally out." Ye Shaoyang saw these wildfires and didn’t feel nervous at all. Instead, he was a little excited. He immediately drew two invisible charms, posted a piece with Mao Xiaofang, and then posted it toward the valley.

Came to the cloud, Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang wiped their eyes with banana leaves, barely seeing things in the yin, looking at them, in a wildfire, there was a ghost, translucent, in the valley. It floated slowly, and it looked like a light paper man was blown by the wind.

The two did not rush in, standing in the mouth of the valley looking into the inside, because the eyes can only see a part of the valley, can not see too far, so only see these ghosts floating in the wind, more and more, not Know where it came from.

"Yes, I came in like this last time." Mao Xiaofang said, "There was not so much at first, but then I walked around, and more and more, it seems to be coming out from the ground."

"Call out?"

Ye Shaoyang felt incredible, but he didn't ask much. After all, the truth was in front of him. If you had time to ask, you might as well go and see it, so you greeted Mao Xiaofang and entered the valley together.

These ghosts can't see them because of the invisible charm. The two walked all the way through the valley. At first the valley was still wide, and the valley behind it became narrow. Ye Shaoyang finally saw what was going on:

A suffocating suffocation emerged from the ground, gradually forming a human shape in the air, and then began to wander in the valley.

This grotesque scene, even Ye Xuyang, who has seen everything, is also very surprised.

"What is this ghost thing, the same is the last time you came here?" Ye Shaoyang said in Mao Xiaofang's ear.

Mao Xiaofang was also shocked and muttered: "There was no moon last time, and I was busy on the road. I didn't see it clearly. I don't know what it is."

The more the two went forward, the more they felt the yin in the valley. Even if they were masters, they would not be invaded by the body, and they felt cold and in a strong pressure, a little breathless.

The two walked all the way to the end of the valley. This is the most sultry place in the entire valley. The ghosts that come out from the ground are also the most. Going forward, out of the valley, suddenly felt the pressure completely disappeared, and there was no yin spreading around. The ghosts are also going back to the mouth of the valley, as if there is an invisible barrier.


Mao Xiaofang just screamed, and Ye Shaoyang waved his hand. "Let's observe first. If you have any doubts, write it down and summarize it later."

Mao Xiaofang nodded, and the two stood in the mouth of the valley and looked inside. Observing these wandering ghosts, these ghosts are translucent, just like a picture is enlarged into a jagged shape, and it is impossible to see the face at all. The vaguely visible clothes on the body are all ordinary people's costumes and look very old.

"This should be the dress of the Ming Dynasty, not modern, the clothes worn by modern people are all improved." Mao Xiaofang saw the difference at a glance.

Ye Shaoyang asked: "Why not the Qing Dynasty?"

A small ghost not far from Mao Xiaofang said, "I can't see it, these people's hair is all up, no scorpion."

Ye Shaoyang stunned, could not help but have some doubts, staring at the shape of a smoldering smoldering from the ground, said: "These should not be real ghosts, but the spirit of the soul, for some reasons, the entanglement."

The so-called soul gas, in fact, mainly refers to grievances. After the death of a person, the ghosts leave the world, and this will not leave any soul in the human world. Even if there is, it will soon dissipate.

But if people are dying, their grievances will be very deep. If they are in a closed place, this kind of grievance will be assembled. Therefore, every time Ye Shaoyang broke a nest of ghosts, he would ask Lao Guo to help clean up the scene. It is worse than ghosts. The grievances will survive and breed evil spirits.

However, in this open valley, Ye Shaoyang still can hardly imagine why there is grievance. And the most incredible thing is that these grievances are so powerful that they can gather together in adult form.

There is only one possibility, that is, there must be something in the underground, no matter what kind of grievances can be accommodated, but also preserve some of the knowledge of these dead people. These grievances can still form an image of life with an instinct.

Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang observed for a long time, and these souls of resentment have always circled the valley, and there seems to be no specific purpose.

Moreover, more and more "soul spirits" emerged from the underground, saying that it is a hundred ghosts, but there are more than one hundred, at least hundreds. This scene is really a bit horrible.

Ye Shaoyang has never seen such a scene.

Observed almost. Ye Shaoyang drew a charm, and posted it to a "soul" not far away, and collected it in the charm. He wanted to study how this grievance is going on, igniting the charm and throwing it into the air.

The spirits were thrown out and burned in the air. Ye Shaoyang looked at his eyes and waited for the grievances to be dissolved. As a result, the spirits burned cleanly, the grievances did not dissolve, and a scream was made from the spirits. Then, the ash from the spirits The fly out of it is actually a grain of fine.

"What! This is a ghost!!" Ye Shaoyang shouted and shouted.

Mao Xiaofang is also a face.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the fine flying, the shock inside, no words can describe, and then look at the hundreds of ghosts in the valley, they are real ghosts, not the images produced after the resentment

How can this be!

This valley is so empty, it is not a closed nest of ghosts, how can there be so many ghosts can not go? Does the yin also care? Besides, these ghosts come from there. Why do they look so vague and not like real ghosts? Otherwise, they will not treat them as images only.

These problems were turned over and over in Ye Shaoyang's heart. At the same time, I thought of the ghost that I had inadvertently killed by myself. I felt a guilty guilty in my heart, and hurriedly caught the ghost in my hand. Looking closely, the ghost did not struggle, as if there was no consciousness at all.

(End of this chapter)

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