Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2117: 2117 mysterious monster 2

how is this possible!

The money sword still has a mucus, spread in the blade, and wherever it goes, the money is gradually melting. (..)

Although Mao Xiaofang was shocked, but after all, it was a heavenly master. The reaction was also extremely fast. The money sword did not all corrode. When he shook his sword, he also read the flying money curse. The money sword was originally a string of hundreds of copper coins. After the mucus corrosion, the rope was broken, the hair was shaken, the money was scattered, and under the stimulation of the spell, the zombie flew over to the opposite side.

The copper coins fell on the zombie body. As a result, it was directly corroded, liquefied into steam, and disappeared into the air.

The zombie shook his head and climbed slowly towards the two.

"What is this!" Mao Xiaofang sucked in the air and took out a clock to confront the zombie. The heart is very worried: after the confrontation of these two rounds, he has already seen that the suspected zombie evil in front of him is absolutely in his own right. Even he and Ye Shaoyang are not necessarily opponents.

Thinking of Ye Shaoyang's current strength of only real people, Mao Xiaofang was watching the zombies in front of him, and whispered: "Shaoyangzi, I will drag it, you will escape first."

"If I escape, you can't escape. You can help me for a while."

Ye Shaoyang stood behind Mao Xiaofang and took out the Qixing Longquan sword. He padd it up in the land and buried it in the copper beans.

Over there, when the zombie climbed less than a few meters away from Mao Xiaofang, he suddenly vacated and grabbed it toward Mao Xiaofang.

Mao Xiaofang took a wooden hammer in one hand and slammed the clock.

The loud noise of "咣" is not a big thing in the human ear, but for the evil thing, it is tantamount to running a thunder.

The zombie twitched a bit, was shaken a few meters away, shook his head, and the mucus flowed out of his mouth. He looked more mad, shook his arms, and climbed again. This guy also has intelligence, and he feels that the little bells are not Good to deal with, do not want to be positive with him, trying to attack Ye Shaoyang hiding behind the array.

It also saw that Mao Xiaofang was trying to protect Ye Shaoyang, so he circled the circle and wanted to take Ye Shaoyang first.

Mao Xiaofang had to turn around the circle and block in front of Ye Shaoyang and said: "Shaoyangzi, what are you doing, still not running?"

"almost done."

Ye Shaoyang just finished this sentence, the zombie rushed to the ground, and Mao Xiaofang once again sounded the bell. As a result, the zombie had a good idea of ​​the car. The voice of the road bell just sounded, the zombie screamed, and the mouth spit. The strong corpse of the stock, the aura of the bell caused by the sound of the bell shattered, the hand lifted, toward the Mao Xiaofang brain door fan.

Mao Xiaofang’s urgency is not a pipe, and he directly blocked it with a peach stick.

Colliding with the zombie's claws, Mao Xiaofang immediately felt his arm numb. The man also stepped back a few steps and looked up. The zombie had crossed him and rushed toward Ye Shaoyang.


Mao Xiaofang just wanted to be wary, and Ye Shaoyang pushed him away from behind and faced the zombies.

The zombies picked up their hands and shot the temples on both sides of Ye Shaoyang.

At the moment when his two arms connected to the arm of Ye Shaoyang touched the head of Ye Shaoyang, Ye Shaoyang deceived and retired, and his hands were sealed. He said: "Tai Laojun is in a hurry as a law! Heaven teaches God and spreads beans into soldiers!"

The ground where the zombies fell, the sound of the explosion of the fried beans, followed by the aura, formed a Taiji figure, Ye Shaoyang's seven-star Longquan sword was inserted in the Taiji figure, the sword made a striking purple light, and merged into the Pisces.

Powerful spiritual power, like countless sharp knives, cuts the body of a zombie...

When Mao Xiaofang saw this scene, he finally understood what Ye Shaoyang was doing: he used the sword to engrave the ground, buried the copper beans, and at the same time used the seven-star Longquan sword to set the battle. After that, the zombies were used to lead the way. After the fuel-burning method, and then with the help of the spirit of the Seven Star Longquan sword, the array method has been brought to the extreme...

Really... have an idea.

In fact, Ye Shaoyang is also forced to do this. He only has the strength of real people. No matter what kind of brilliant method, he can play no role in his own hands. Only by the spiritual power of Qixing Longquan sword can he activate the higher array method. The effect you expect.

Under the strangulation of the force of the law, the zombie was immediately wounded, the flesh and blood were blurred, the body was twisted, and he tried to rush out from the array, but he could not climb.

Ye Shao** did not want to take care of its life and death, pulled up the seven-star Longquan sword from the ground, called Mao Xiaofang and rushed toward the direction of Taniguchi.

The clouds broke out, and the two went to Taniguchi. They turned their heads and looked at it. The clouds were once again condensed, forming a slender group, and they came again.

The two did not dare to neglect, all the way to fly, Mao Xiaofang ran all the way, suddenly Ye Shaoyang pulled him, "Mao brother, look!"

Mao Xiaofang turned his head and saw that the group of black shadows, like the ghosts of those lost souls, stayed in the position of Taniguchi. The ghosts were screaming and screaming at their own side, but they were like being seen by one layer. The glass that was not seen blocked, and did not dare to leave the valley mouth. The cloud was the same, and stayed in the mouth of Taniguchi.

How could this be!

Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang glanced at each other, and both of them were amazed. After a short stay, Ye Shaoyang dared to go back to the mouth of the valley, only ten steps away from those ghosts. These ghosts are still stunned.

Mao Xiaofang also came over. Ye Shaoyang greeted him to leave here. He walked forward for a while, then looked back. The ghosts stopped looking at them, but returned to the normal trajectory before continuing to circle the valley.

The clouds have re-expanded and refilled the entire valley...

"What is going on here, why don't they chase it out?" Mao Xiaofang said with amazement.

"In the dark clouds, there are other evil things. The long zombie is not the only evil thing." Ye Shaoyang said, "If you really catch up, let us two, really don't necessarily run away."

Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "I understand what you mean."

Evil murder, there will be no mercy, especially for the Master, as long as the strength of the two sides is similar, basically will fight a battle, or let go of a Master, may lead to a group.

Take the moment, since the other side still has a backhand, it should not let them leave.

This is a common sense, so that Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang are really puzzled, sitting and thinking.

Mao Xiaofang said: "There is only one possibility, the evil things in the valley, or the evil forces, there is no way to leave the valley."

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