Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2118: 2118 mysterious monster 3

Ye Shaoyang nodded and asked: "Mao brother, just the zombie, what is it, you have studied the zombies, have you seen it?"

Mao Xiaofang thought about it carefully. He said: "There are too many zombies. The regular corpses have blood corpses and corpses to fly zombies. You know this, but under different forms, there will be many unconventional zombies, no tracks. Following, there is a corpse on the body, strictly speaking, it must be a zombie, but how it is formed, I don’t know, but

"But what?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Mao Xiaofang thought for a while and said: "There is no fur on the body, it is generally related to blood, and the face that crawls in and out of it is a corpse. The corpse is not able to survive on the ground for a long time, so I infer that this zombie It must be from the underground."

From the underground leaves, Shaoyang thinks of those ghosts, which are all coming out from the underground. Obviously, the zombies are difficult to deal with, but like those ghosts, they are just a servant's role. What really promotes this is another mystery. power. There are indications that there must be something in the underground of the valley.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Other times, let's talk about it. We still talk about the topic just now. I think there are two possibilities. One possibility is that this valley is the seal of the mysterious evil that hides behind it. What is the power? Seal it in the valley and not step beyond the valley."

Mao Xiaofang nodded slowly and said: "This is possible."

In the magical world, this kind of thing is often there. Some evil things are because they are in the fairy class, or there is an immortal body (such as the corpse queen), there is no way in the magical world, only forcibly sealed. Get up, but more often, some evil things are not dead, but the strength is too strong, there is no way to force kill, only to retreat, to seal a small area, let it not go out to make trouble, I will talk about it in the future. Although in many accidents, some evils broke through the seal and reappeared in the world, but when they were sealed, it was really helpless.

"There is still a possibility, of course, the possibility is not big," Ye Shaoyang looked at several peaks not far behind him, spit out four words: "The sphere of influence!"

Mao Xiaofang was shocked: "The sphere of influence?"

The sphere of influence is a special term for the magical world. It has existed since ancient times. Behind this, it is a rule about the magical world between the evil world.

The relationship between evil things is like the animals in nature. After the mountains and rivers in China, there are many places where the heavens and the earth are filled, or where the yin and yang are dying, up to a mountain, and a small dead house. These places are often sinned by evil spirits. Occupy, because resources are limited, of course, do not want to share with others, so once there is a new evil to snatch, then you have to fight one, win the left, lose the run, you will not be able to run Killed.

The biggest difference between evil things and human beings is that they will not form an alliance. At most, they will accept a group of younger brothers or rely on the strong. But the evil between the same level will definitely not join hands. Generally, they are all boring, but the world of magical circles is helping each other and breaking one by one. Otherwise, if the evils of the world unite to form an alliance similar to the magical world, there is no such thing as a storm in the world.

As for the ghost domain, the Promise Ghost King is the road that has great power, but it is limited to the ghost domain and has no effect on the human world.

If a place is seen by two evils with similar strengths, and each other can't kill each other, but for some reason, there is no way and you don't want to find a new nest. Then you will reach a consensus: Each of them occupied a place and made a clear distinction, and neither side could cross the boundary. This is like the territory of the beasts in nature. Once the territory of others is violated, it is an endless fight. This kind of battle will affect the cultivation of both sides, and it is easy to make extra-budgets and be stared at by the Master.

Therefore, unless there is any accident, under normal circumstances, once the evil has set the limits of the sphere of influence, it will never pass.

Mao Xiaofang thought of this and asked Ye Shaoyang: "Do you mean that the export of this valley is the boundary of the sphere of influence?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "There is such a possibility. We have all tested before. There is no enchantment in the valley. I don't know if there is underground."

Mao Xiaofang stood up and looked over at a few mountains in the distance. He said, "Is there any evil in this neighborhood? The evil in the valley is strong enough. This evil can be demarcated with him. It must be very Impressive."

Ye Shaoyang said: "No matter what, let's leave this first, and it will be smashed tonight, and the other party did not find us first, otherwise we may not be able to get out of this valley."

The spiritual power of the Qixing Longquan Sword is absorbed by the Japanese Jingyue Yuehua. It has been used once and has already consumed most of it. If it is used again within a few hours, the effect will be greatly reduced.

Mao Xiaofang knew that there was a town nearby, and Ye Shaoyang rushed over to find a place to stay for one night.

Because the mountain road was not able to ride horses, both of them put the horses, so it took two hours for the mountain road to go to the town that Mao Xiaofang said.

Like all the world in the mountains, this town is also the core of all the nearby villages. Although it is a little small and too remote, it looks like an ancient one in Ye Shaoyang's eyes.

There was a small inn in the town. Mao Xiaofang lived here for the last time. He knew the road and took Ye Shaoyang to look for it. He found a room to stay and let the boss get some food.

In the room, the two discussed it. It is impossible to directly investigate the valley: although I know that the mysterious force is hiding under the valley, but there is no way to find a specific location. If it is a hundred years later, Ye Shaoyang can find an excavator and the like in the past, but this era is completely unworkable, and can not hire people to dig the ground, otherwise it is too dangerous.

If you want to come and think about it, you can still ask from the side. This is also the conventional means of the spell world: since there are evil things in the valley, the mountain people living nearby can not know without knowing it. At least some legends will be known. The two decided to inquire and see.

After returning to his room, Ye Shaoyang first thought about the experience in the valley, to make sure that this is not a general spiritual event, not to mention that he only has the strength of real people, even in the heyday, it may not be able to cope, but since In this matter, it is naturally impossible to ignore it with his own character. I can only go to the investigation step by step.

This is also the first big trouble that I encountered after I came to this world. Ye Shaoyang feels that everything is fine, that is, there is no helper around, Mao Xiaofang counts one, but it is still too little.

(End of this chapter)

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