Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2119: Before the 2119th millennium 1

He misses his friends, Guagua, Sibao, and military divisions. If they are there, they can have a lot of peace of mind. Just like before, as long as the brothers are united, no matter how strong they are, he is not really afraid.

Even if only the military division is alone, it is good. With his ingenuity, he will definitely give himself a lot of ideas.

Ye Shaoyang sighed and opened these thoughts. He sat on the bed and began to vomit. Now he wants to do his best to repair Dantian and restore his strength. Fortunately, in the big Sunday, he has a wonderful heart and a speed of recovery. More than Ye Shaoyang's initial expectations. This is the only thing that makes him feel gratified.

Among the mountains, there is a bamboo building, there is no one around, only a maple forest, a valley full of fallen leaves, there is a stream, above the stream, an ancient stone bridge.

A beamed man in a costume, standing on the bridge, looking at the stream under the bridge, his eyes are silent, do not know what he is thinking.

I don’t know how long it took. A figure from the bamboo building behind him was a graceful woman wearing a Luo skirt. She walked behind him and stood with him for a while, saying: "Sanlang, how have you been Don't go in."

This standing on the bridge is Lin Sansheng.

Lin Sansheng turned his head and looked at her. Although she was facing each other every day, Lin Sansheng still had a dreamlike feeling every time she saw her. Her long-cherished wish for hundreds of years was finally satisfied. He almost felt that this was not true.

I have been waiting for hundreds of years of nephews, just in front of myself... she is also a ghost.

Not long ago, Xu Fu promised to bring Lin Sanshengchuan back to the Ming Dynasty... The child just died and died, and the soul has not yet gone to the Yinsi. Lin Sansheng lied that he also committed suicide. He came to look for her, and worried that he would be dismantled. Therefore, I want to stay in the world, find a quiet place to be a couple of ghosts, and my nephew can stand with him, naturally it is promised.

So Lin Sansheng took her to see Xu Fu, Xu Fu took them through time and space again, went to a dynasty that the two did not know, mainly because the two did not deliberately inquire, but the situation is the same everywhere, this feeling of embarrassment, let They feel that there are only two of them in the world.

The two together found this beautiful place but no one, the bamboo building is also ready-made, although the two are ghosts, do not have to eat and cook, not afraid of the wind and rain, but after all, there is such a house, it will have a more home feel .

Although she was somewhat confused about this, she felt a little embarrassed, but she followed him and did not ask much. After all, Lin Sansheng came to him, that is all.

"I thought of some friends in the past." Lin Sansheng smiled and smiled and reached out to touch her face. Both of them were ghosts. Naturally, they could have physical contact.

"Friends of the past?" The nephew frowned.

"Oh, my friend." Lin Sansheng hurriedly corrected, the deaf is the ghost of the Ming Dynasty, at least this time, she still stayed in the Ming Dynasty, and Lin Sansheng and Ye Shaoyang and others together for a long time, after learning a few hundred years of a stomach The vernacular, from time to time, came out with a sentence, so that the deaf children could not understand.

The nephew stared at him outside and said, "Are you an emperor?"

"Emperor..." Lin Sansheng smiled bitterly. Because he lost his love because of him, he served him for hundreds of years. He should have done everything for him, and now Jianwendi is very good in the Valley of the Wind. He really has nothing to think about him. of. What he most wants is Ye Shaoyang, and that class of friends.

Ghosts don't have to sleep, and naturally they don't dream. However, Lin Sansheng wants to use the words "soul and dreams" to describe his recent days. He always thinks about Ye Shaoyang and the four treasures. They are in the Republic of China... I don't know how it is now?

Although he promised Xu Fu to do this, it was also for Ye Shaoyang. However, now he always has a feeling of guilt: he has lived with his nephew, and he has been a long-term ghost couple, but he has lost Shaoyang to the Republic of China. a danger.

This feeling is lingering in his mind, he wants to help them, fight with them...

He took his arm and said, "Do you have anything to look at me? Many of your recent words don't seem to be the language of our time. I am a husband and wife. What do you want to tell? I."

Lin San vividly shakes up, thinking about telling her the truth. In the end, she still made a compromise. She said to her: "There is something, I did not tell you, after I committed suicide... I met the warlock Xu Fu, who sent us before. The person who came here, he has a thing in his hand, called Shan Haiyin, who can bring people through time and space..."

Lin Sansheng used a long explanation. He explained what it was to travel through time and space. After she understood it, she told her: "...I used to find a reincarnated emperor. After hundreds of years, I met a group of friends. It’s a mage..."

Lin Sansheng has roughly summarized some of his experiences with the ghost-caught alliance and the current situation of Ye Shaoyang.

This is a very good understanding. After listening to the deaf children, he said: "Sanlang, since you miss your old friend, why don't you let Xu Fu send you a few hundred years later and meet them?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled bitterly: "If I go, what do you do?"

"I can accompany you, anyway, where are we all the same, what is the relationship?"

Lin Sansheng shook his head and said: "You can't go."


"I don't know why, but Xu Fu told me that if you go back, you will only be able to abandon you and go alone." Lin Sansheng hugged her arm and looked at himself. "I found it hard for you. How can I bear to give up?" you."

I don’t talk any more.

The two sat on the bridge and stayed for a while. Suddenly they felt someone broke in. Lin Sansheng turned around and looked at the bamboo forest. He was wearing a blue ancient robe and black beard. Lin Sansheng recognized it at a glance. Xu Fu.

Xu Fu has been coming over, and the children know that they have something to say, and they have a blessing to Xu Fu, and they have drifted into the bamboo building.

Xu Fu continued to move forward. Lin Sansheng followed, and walked through the bamboo forest. Outside was the cliff. Xu Fu sat on the edge of the cliff, blowing the wind, looking very comfortable.

Lin Sansheng observed silently behind him and said: "Xu Laozu, I always wanted to know, you are a ghost, why do you have a flesh, but it seems to be able to take the wind?"

Xu Fudao: "I have been detached from the six reincarnations. Non-human beings are not ghosts. I can use common sense to measure them."

Lin Sansheng thought of the form of the road, it seems to be similar to him, anyway, it is a cow, and he did not ask, said: "Xu Laozu looking for me something?"

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