Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2123: 2123 Five Pass God 3

As for snakes, tortoises, and monks, the aura is even worse. It can be cultivated as a god. It is much more powerful than these five kinds.

These five aquarium creatures, once they are adult-shaped, can easily become a scourge. Therefore, the Yinsi has set the gods of the five gods. As long as these five kinds of monsters are repaired to a certain extent, they can be listed by the human master. Passing the gods, ranking in Xianban, guarding one side.

Although the status of these five-pass gods is not high, but good is also a god, the human master is not qualified to treat them. In history, there are also many five-way gods who have been robbed or killed, but they must be listed on the sky. In fact, it is the yin division, which is carried out by the adult **** of the yin division. The human master, only the trademark to participate in their qualifications, is not qualified to play with them.

"You see this five-pass god, which one of the five links?" Ye Shaoyang asked.

Mao Xiaofang thought for a moment, shook his head and said: "This is not important. I told you one thing. I said it was convenient. Actually, it was the door next to Chen Laohan who lived in the house. We didn't hear when we left. Is there a sound inside, then I took a look at it, there is a window on the side, guess what I saw through the window slit?"

"Don't sell off." Ye Shaoyang stared at him.

"A woman."

Ye Shaoyang gave him a white look. "You can really gossip. It may be Chen Laohan's wife. What is curious?"

Mao Xiaofang said: "Chen Laohan said that he did not marry his wife."

"That's a good thing, it's normal."

Mao Xiaofang shook his head and said: "The girl looked at her twenties. She was very pretty, dressed in red, sitting on the bed and combing her hair against a bronze mirror. The face looked very bitter."

Ye Shaoyang stunned as soon as he heard it. Chen Laohan’s old wrinkled face appeared, and he couldn’t have more money in a temple. In any case, it seems that no woman should look at him, especially young and beautiful. Woman.

Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang grabbed Mao Xiaofang’s hand and said: “You tell the truth, the girl is really young and beautiful, your eyes... no problem?”

"My eyes can have problems. I see the girl's eyes are very accurate."

"Yes, I know that you are a veteran." Ye Shaoyang smiled badly.

"What!" Mao Xiaofang's face was red. "I haven't eaten pork. I haven't seen the pig yet. It's really a pretty young girl."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Then the problem is coming. You said that the girl is not good enough? It is hard to be... This Chen Laohan Golden House is a charming, forcibly tied a girl in the room?"

Mao Xiaofang hurriedly shook his head. "That can't, the girl is combing her hair, she is free to move, and her mouth is not blocked. The people on the mountain come and go. If she is forced, she can yell and find someone to save herself. And Chen Laohan can't have this courage to keep people in the temple."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Then you said that this girl is voluntary?"

Mao Xiaofang gave him a glance, "Do you always tie this girl to Chen Laohan?"

"Otherwise, the two live in the next door. There is only Chen Laohan in the temple. Who does it have to do with him?"

Mao Xiaofang couldn’t speak, Shen Shen said: "What do you say?"

"I have a way. When I go to peek at night, I know everything. If I can't, I will ask the girl directly."

Mao Xiaofang thinks this is also a solution.

"However, the five-pass **** should be in the temple, I feel it. If you go directly, you may be amazed."

"I also felt it." Ye Shaoyang said, "But I have a way. Right, you just stood on the top of the mountain and looked across the valley, what did you think?"

"Shibuya is a dragon vein, the valley is a dragon neck, and those streams are dragons. The location of this five-way **** temple is just the pressure of the dragon head. This coincides with some spells in Kansei. ... I am the worst in Feng Shui. I can't name the spell. Do you understand what I mean?"

Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "This is called the Dragon Warrior. It is a spell used by the teachers. I don't understand the organs. But the principle I understand. Just... with a five-pass god, you can suppress it in Shibuya. The evil thing? I don't know much about the five-way god, how is the strength?"

"I heard from my military sergeant that before the Ming Dynasty was difficult, there were five gods who made trouble, because it was a god, the magical world couldn’t do anything about it. Finally, I went to the lower literary star, Fang Xiaoyu, and killed a five-pass god. The specific strength is not known, but since it is qualified to be sealed, it is by no means comparable to the general evil."

"Yes. I hope not to offend this mountain god." Mao Xiaofang shrugged and said.

The two found a place to stay in the mountains, ate dry food, went under Ye Shaoyang, and went to Shibuya, because it was a big day, except for the yin, nothing happened.

In the middle of the valley, Ye Shaoyang noticed that there was a mountain in the valley that slipped, revealing a dark cave, covered by a clump of grass. It was not found yesterday.

The cave was filled with wind and the two thought that they met the zombie monster last night. The suspect was drilled out from here. I didn’t dare to go in, just leave and go back to the mountain where the temple was located to discuss the hole. Xiaofang’s guess is that the cave may be the place where the Yinchao corpse is located, because there are evil things in it to cultivate, which has gradually become a scourge. As for this mountain temple, it is estimated that there is a Taoist temple to welcome the five gods here. Repression, how many years have been in peace.

Ye Shaoyang did not express his words after listening to what he said. It was a piece of blue brick when he touched something out of his pocket.

"Hey, how do you carry this thing with you, multiple." Mao Xiaofang feels very curious.

"This is what I was squatting near the cave. I was afraid that there was a sinister stare. It was not convenient to tell you at the time. Look at what it is."

Mao Xiaofang took over the blue bricks and looked at it and said: "This is the green brick that builds the house. What is wrong with it?" Suddenly thought of something, "No! This wilderness, how can there be blue bricks, then this is... ..."

The eyes of two people are on, Ye Shaoyang nodded and spit out two words: "Tomb brick!"

Mao Xiaofang said for a while: "Ah, the mountain near the cave is peeling off, so the cave is revealed. So, is there a tomb in the mountain? Right, right, I wondered where the zombie came from, and dare to climb in the tomb. from!"

Ye Shaoyang said: "Mountain funeral?"

"Mountain funeral! There is a dragon vein. If you want to bury it there, you must dig the mountain and bury it. But the project is vast, and the owner of the tomb is definitely not an ordinary person."

(End of this chapter)

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