Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2124: 2124 spells raging blood five steps 1

"Mountain funeral! There is a dragon vein. If you want to bury it there, you must dig the mountain and bury it. But the project is vast, and the owner of the tomb is definitely not an ordinary person."

Finally, there was a clue. The two decided not to go to the tomb to avoid being killed. I think that since there are tombs here, the locals cannot be completely unaware. They should first find a way to clarify the identity of the tomb owner, and then think a little bit. Uncover the things behind this ancient tomb and say later. At the moment, I still have to deal with the things in the Temple of the Mountain.

The two waited until the darkness in the mountains, and they painted a circle together. Then Ye Shaoyang sat in the middle, and displayed the method of the gods to go out to the top to see the truth.

The Yuanshen is invisible and invisible, even if it is a five-way god, it will not be noticed. Moreover, the gods of the gods are consuming, and the power of the gods is consumed. It is not the suffocation. The soul of Ye Shaoyang is powerful and can be left for a few hours without any problem. Mao Xiaofang certainly can't do it, and this kind of thing goes on one line. Ye Shaoyang lets him guard his body in the array to avoid accidents, and some people protect the flesh.

"Shaoyangzi, you must be careful, I heard that there are evil things that can see the gods, and the gods are weak and unable to meet the enemy, you can pay attention."

Ye Shaoyang nodded and promised to sit down and recite the curse. The gods left the body and floated toward the mountain. They came all the way to the top of the mountain. They looked at the mountain temple from the perspective of the gods. The auspicious light in the hall was a fairy. The land of the repairs shows that it is true that during the day, the temple has a master, and the master is in the temple.

However, in Xiangguang, there seems to be a turbid color, so that Xiangguang is not so pure, Ye Shaoyang does not know why.

He advanced the room of Chen Laohan. There was no light in Chen Laohan’s house, and he was already sleeping in bed. Although it is more than eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Shaoyang is not surprised by this. After all, there is no entertainment in this era. Don't talk about TV, even the radio, you can't sit under the kerosene lamp.

However, Ye Shaoyang was also pleased to find him here, at least he did not appear in the next room.

Ye Shaoyang fluttered to the next room, and as soon as he entered, he squinted: the girl was taking a shower.

There is no such thing as a bath in this era. The method of bathing is very simple, and it has been used in rural families in at least the 1990s. It is to make a large wooden barrel. After boiling water, a shower cover is attached to the outside to insulate the cold air. It also prevents water from spilling out.

This girl is like this: in the wooden tub under the shower hood, the bath cover is cotton yarn, and by the kerosene lamp, only a shadow can be seen.

There is still a feeling of bathing, then it is definitely not tied. Ye Shaoyang thought, but he was more curious. Why did a girl live in this ruined temple, and what does it have to do with Chen Laohan next door?

Seeing the girl stand up, Ye Shaoyang quickly turned his head and listened to the girl going out. After waiting for a while, he turned his head and sneaked a look. The girl was already dressed and sat on the bed.

Ye Shaoyang's two eyes were straight: the girl was wearing only a layer of red tulle, and the skin was white and tender, especially the two white feet that appeared under the tulle, which seemed to make people think...

Ye Shaoyang moved her gaze to her face. The girl is also very beautiful. She looks at Ye Shaoyang’s own eyes. At least seven or eight points, and the skin is white, it doesn’t look like a crop, only old. The sixteen-seven-year-old looks like childish.

But... Mao Xiaofang said that it was right. The girl sat on the bed and stared at the oil lamp in a daze. It was indeed frowning and looked very sad.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is full of curiosity, so he stays in the house and sees what this beauty is doing.

After waiting for about half an hour, the door was slammed from the outside, and Ye Shaoyang looked at it with big eyes. He came in with a big belly and a short fat man. His body was a little strange: his belly was big, his legs were long, his mouth was very big. Two eyes were like a bronze bell, wearing a green robe and coming in with a smile.

When Ye Shaoyang saw his first sight, he felt that he was familiar with it. When he thought about it carefully, his heart immediately trembled: How does this guy grow up like the **** of Wutong God?

Then I saw a touch of Xiangguang in the middle of the man’s eyebrows. Ye Shaoyang immediately understood: Wutong God...

Actually... is like this...

After entering the house, Wutong Shen closed the door and went to the bed. When he reached out, he grabbed the girl's foot and played it in his hand. He asked, "Is it clean?"

It’s groaning, it sounds weird.

The girl did not say anything.

Wutong Shen smiled and said: "You have been here for three years, I have always been born to you, but I have never seen you laughing."

The girl still didn't talk and started to undress. Wutong Shen reached out and grabbed her hand and said: "Yun, no hurry, I want to tell you good news today, let you smile."

Yuner looked at him with a sigh.

Wutong Shinto: "After three days, you can go down the mountain. I have already found you a good family. I will send you money, so that you will not be able to eat and wear for the rest of your life, nor will you serve me for three years."

"Three days later... Why?"

Wutong God played with her little feet and laughed. "Why? This is the rule I set. You come here at the age of fourteen. In a few days, you are seventeen years old, just three years, I Picking up the yin cultivation, as long as the dew girl, after the age of seventeen, it is not the same, although I can't bear you, but I have to change someone."

Ye Shaoyang heard the words of Wutongshen on the side, and he understood everything. He was angry at the scene.

Wutong God pinched the little feet of Yuner and climbed her hands to her legs. **** Smiled: "You can rest assured that I can't bear you. When you marry someone, I can find you in the next day. Fish and water..."

Yuner took a deep breath and endured his harassment. He said, "I don't know which woman is going up the mountain this time?"

Wutong Shinto: "That doesn't know. If you were in the same year, the town has already picked me twenty girls. I raised them from my teens and did not work. The skin of the appearance is like you. I have to wait a few days. Pick one from it, but I don’t know who it is."

His hand has climbed to the waist of Yuner and touched it.

Yuner frowned and did not resist. She had been here for three years and had lost her instinctive rebellion... She suddenly smiled at the five-way god.

Five Tongshen, a grin, said excitedly: "You smile! This is the first time you smiled at me!"

Yun Er put his hands on his shoulders and said softly: "The Lord, you leave me, I will serve you all my life."

This sudden initiative made the five-way **** a little unpredictable. I couldn’t help but frown. “You’re not hot or cold for me. I know you don’t want to stay in the mountains, but what is the saying?”

(End of this chapter)

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