Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2125: 2125 spells raging blood five steps 2

Yun Erdao: "I have endured for three years, I am used to it, I have a girl who is new, and as I was in the beginning... After three years, there are others, I would like to replace them with oneself, accept the fate, if the master Leave me down, I will definitely serve you a hundred times, and ask the master not to dye another girl..."

Wutong God laughed: "You are very kind, haha, it seems that you should be enshrined in the temple, not me. You don't want me to ruin other girls?"

Yuner lowered his head and did not dare to speak.

Wutong Shinto: "Well, since you have to stay, I am serious, I will stay with you, and I will not go down the mountain in my life!"

Yun Er was shocked and said: "The master promised?"

"You ask for it, I naturally promise, but... other girls, but I also want it! As for you... Waiting for this king, I am tired of talking, haha. You just didn’t say it was ruin, then I am so bad today. you!"

I just rushed to the end...

"No!" Yuner screamed, but was pressed under the five-way god.

Ye Shaoyang resisted the wrath of the sky and drifted away. He couldn't bear to watch this scene, but he is just a touch of the gods. He can't do anything. He can only go down the mountain...

After the Yuanshen returned to his body, Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes and sat up from the ground.

"When you wake up, how?" Mao Xiaofang hurriedly asked.

"Wang Ba Gu! Beast!" Ye Shaoyang shouted and rushed toward the mountain.

Mao Xiaofang stunned and immediately chased him. He hugged Ye Shaoyang and asked: "What happened? Shaoyangzi, you must make it clear!"

Ye Shaoyang fixed his eyes on him and said: "I am going to kill God, are you with me?"

"Tu [... God?"

"I can't tell you so much, if you don't go, I will go by myself."

Ye Shaoyang opened him and continued to rush to the mountains. He has only one thought in his mind, and he has destroyed the five gods!

Mao Xiaofang is not easy to chase him, and he persuaded: "Shaoyangzi, you don't want to be impulsive. No matter what happens, you always say it to me first, otherwise it is easy to be bad."

Under Mao’s hard persuasion, Ye Shaoyang finally calmed down a bit and briefly said what happened in the mountains.

After listening to Mao Xiaofang, he stopped on the spot and muttered: "The five gods... actually do this kind of activity?"

"See you with your own eyes!" Ye Shaoyang said.

"This... Shaoyangzi, I know that you want to fight against the injustice. You want to know clearly. These five-pass gods are the gods of the Master and the Yinshi. Even if you can do it, you and I are not qualified to kill him. You also said The five-way **** that was killed in the Ming Dynasty, or the song star Fang Xiaoyu, you and me, a human master, how can he be?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him with a sigh of relief and said: "Know it, I will go by myself."

After talking all the way, I ran for a while, and suddenly I heard footsteps behind me. I turned around and looked at Mao Xiaofang’s follow-up. I stopped and said, “Don’t persuade me again, you don’t go, I understand, I’m going to It is."

Mao Xiaofang said: "With your current strength, can you kill the five gods?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "The scholar is angry, the blood is splashing five steps! The girl is being devastated, if I don't go, I am right. I am sorry, I am a natural person who cannot be a tortoise."

Mao Xiaofang listened to him saying something, some movements, sighed and said: "Xiaoyangzi, you are not an ordinary person. Although Mao Xiaofang is not a master, I have always been temperamental, I am not afraid to offend the five-way god, this thing, I Stay with you."

Ye Shaoyang smiled slightly. "I know that the famous zombie leader is definitely not a person who is afraid of things."

Mao Xiaofang said: "I am not afraid of things, but I can't rush to go. If we go so far, I am afraid that it is not the opponent of the five-way god. It can't save the girl, but it is a stunned snake... From a long-term perspective, we should discuss countermeasures."

Ye Shaoyang said: "But the girl is..."

Mao Xiaofang said: "She has endured for three years, and it is not bad this night. I know that this is not true. But if we go, it will not save her, but it may hurt her. We will discuss it and save her. She has suffered in her life. It is a good thing for her. What do you say?"

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "Although you are right, I still can't bear it. I think of a way..."


"set fire."

Ten minutes later, the two men each held a large number of firewood from the mountains, came to the vents on the side of the temple, lit the fire, and the fire soon burned the trees outside the temple.

Ye Shaoyang smashed a few branches of fire, threw it into the temple, and whistled a whistle. He said loudly: "The husband is not renamed. We are the nephew of Erlong Mountain, killing the rich and helping the poor, and knocking down all the ghosts and gods! Today is the first Give you something to add, within three days, get together 10,000 silver dollars, wait for the men to come..."

After saying a beckoning, the two took a step and ran down the mountain road.

Ye Shaoyang believes that after they have such a trouble, the five-way **** certainly has no intention to do that, but in the end, this period of pretending to be a thief’s bandit is also a temporary thought. He knows that the five-way **** cannot believe, but also casually, find a An excuse.

The room was full of smoke, and the five-way **** still had the thoughts. From the cloud, he climbed down and rushed toward the door. At the door, he turned and saw Yuner still sitting in the bed sobbing, sneer: "You want to be The fire is burning? Unfortunately, the king is still playing enough!"

I rushed over and held it in my arms and took it out.

Ye Shaoyang’s torch was just thrown into the firewood room and lit the firewood. Chen Laohan was hitting the water to save the fire. He was not surprised to see the five-way **** holding the cloud. The girl said: “The god, just got the bandits to the kiln. ""

"My temple has been here for decades. Whoever doesn't know how to be effective, never dares to provoke it, it can't be a bandit."

Chen Laohan said: "It may also be a rogue. I know that we are full of incense, but we can't recognize the true God..."

"I went out to see and saw her." Wutong Shen put down the cloud and rushed out of the temple door.

Chen Laohan went to fetch water to fight the fire, and regardless of Yuner, he knew that Yuner would not run. In fact, she did not run through, but when she was married, she had already sucked her soul, no matter she ran to her. , will be caught back, and then abused, suicide is useless, cast, hang, she has tried, Wutong God can help her return soul, the real survival can not die.

Yuner sat in the ground, his hands rubbing his face and crying silently.

Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang went down the mountain early and hid themselves to discuss ways to deal with the five gods.

According to the meaning of Mao Xiaofang, the five-way **** can only be used to swear by the sinister, withdraw his god, and then deal with it as a sin.

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