Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2126: 2126 savers 1

Ye Shaoyang burned a jade symbol given by Xiao Yiyun. After a while, Xiao Yiyun came up to look for him. After listening to him, he said that he had a "mountain forest" in the seventy-two divisions of the government. Ghost God Division, specializing in this, the main lord of the Southern Song Dynasty, Li Gang, who had seen Yue Fei Chuan after his death, all know this man, the first sacred priest in the late Northern Song Dynasty and the Southern Song Dynasty, although this mountain forest ghost **** is a clear water trick Generally, they do not participate in the specific affairs of the Yin Shi, but the gods of the lords of the Yin and Yang circles are all sealed by the Lord.

Xiao Yiyun decided to go to Li Gang to talk about the situation, so that Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang are waiting here.

Ye Shaoyang was idle and idle. He spit up and spit for two weeks. Xiao Yiyun came and shrugged as soon as he met. He said, "It’s not good. Li Gang helped me check it out and said this. Wutongshen is a **** that was sealed about thirty years ago. It has always been guarded here, and it is safe to have a party. It has never been hurt, so it has never hurt people's lives. Therefore, I can't revoke my position. I can't help without giving face."

Ye Shaoyang and Mao Xiaofang are silent.

Xiao Yiyun said: "You can't do this. I will talk to him and let him stop harming the girl in the future. Let's keep one side, everyone will be safe, how?"

Ye Shaoyang quietly watched him for a while and said: "He has been doing this for decades. As the saying goes, he knows how to eat. He has this magical power. How can you guarantee that he will not do it again? Besides, those who were previously used by him The girl who has been harmed is sinned in vain?"

"That... what do you mean?"

Ye Shaoyang made a movement to wipe the neck. "I want to slaughter him."

Xiao Yiyun twitched his mouth and said: "Tu God?"

"What happened to the gods, I am not doing it for the first time."

"No, have you been slaughtered before?" Mao Xiaofang and Xiao Yiyun were shocked.

"Twice." Ye Shaoyang killed the four-year-old Qiu and the river god.

Xiao Yiyun asked the details and said: "This is not the case. Hehe is not qualified to kill him, but he has also killed the ring. The same is true for the 12 years you said, and the 12 years have been followed. This sinister is different from the god, but it is a sacred god."

The seven grandmothers are still different from the five gods at the moment. Ye Shaoyang certainly knows that the seven grandmother was only worshipped by one party. Before the killing of the ring, the sinister acquiesced her existence, which is not an official seal. These five gods are different,

Xiao Yiyun went on to say: "Li Gang said, although the five-pass **** is sinister, but after all, defending one side, Fuze is alive, it is more than over..."

Ye Shaoyang’s face sank and said: “It’s not Li Gang’s daughter who dares to be ruined. If so, I see him still saying that?”

Xiao Yiyun and Mao Xiaofang did not speak.

After a while, Xiao Yiyun said: "You want to be clear."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I think slowly, go back."

Xiao Yiyun smiled and said: "What do you mean, don't want me to help you, afraid of hurting me?"

"Yeah, you are the priest of the emperor. If you participate in the killing of the gods, even Cui Fujun can't protect you. We are different."

Xiao Yiyun shrugged. "If you really want to do it... I can count it as a copy. I just took it in. If I was bullied, it was my wife... This is really unbearable."

"If you are a daughter-in-law, I have already planned this grave of the king's ancestors!" Ye Shaoyang said with a wink.

Xiao Yiyun stunned and muttered: "What is the situation, I said my wife, what is the relationship with you?"

"Nothing is ok." Ye Shaoyang didn't want to tell him about the oranges. He just stepped in. If the oranges were bullied like this, they really dared to slaughter his ancestors for the 18th generation.

"Don't pull this, I won't let you participate, not afraid of tiring you, but you can do more things in the Temple of Heaven, and if you really kill, you can use your identity to help me mediate if you yourself Also jump in, then we are really finished. In other words, you are not not involved, but the way you participate, is to help us aftermath." Xiao Yiyun can propose to participate in the massacre, Ye Shaoyang is still very happy, although this It was a hundred years ago that they were not brothers, but Xiao Yiyun’s personality was still there.

Ye Shaoyang saw him as if he had seen that Xiao Yiyun, who had stolen the Son of Heaven and had his own reincarnation, couldn’t help but pat him on the shoulder. He could find him in this world. He was very happy. .

Xiao Yiyun listened to him saying this, and felt that it was indeed, nodded and said: "What, what are you going to do? The five-way **** is very deep, you don't come hard."

"Do not worry, I am not so stupid, I must think of a perfect way, when you need your help, I will find you again. Go back first."

Xiao Yiyun said a few words and went to the underworld.

Mao Xiaofang asked Ye Shaoyang: "What are you going to do?"

"I don't know, I haven't thought about it yet. I have to find a way to save the girl and say it."

"How to save."

"I didn't think about it, wait for us to think about it, first find a place to sleep."

There is no shop in front of the village. It is OK to go back to the town, but it is a bit far away. Now I have to go tomorrow. The two of them will find a sheltered place for one night. After dawn, they will find a stream. Washed his face, ate some dry food, and then discussed how to do it, Ye Shaoyang decided to go straight up the mountain to rescue the girl.

"During the day, the five-way **** should not be on the mountain. We can save the girl first, and then find a way to deal with the five-way god. What do you think?" Ye Shaoyang proposed.

Mao Xiaofang thought for a moment: "He may not be in the mountains. We burned his temple last night. He estimated that it was impossible to be a bandit. Today may be waiting for us on the mountain."

Ye Shaoyang said: "That doesn't matter, I have a way to make him afraid to let us know."

"any solution?"

After Ye Shaoyang said to him, Mao Xiaofang also felt that it was reasonable, so the two returned to the mountain temple.

At the foot of the mountain, I saw a group of people carrying the shovel up the mountain, and several people carrying the pig's head. Mao Xiaofang inquired about it. The group of people was the temple who wished Chen Laohan to find it from the nearby town. Because the temple was burned by the fire yesterday, it was somewhat damaged and he was specially looking for someone to repair. As for those who carried the pig's head, the villagers spontaneously came to worship the blood food and appease the gods.

Mao Xiaofang did not look at Ye Shaoyang with a look, saying: "Do you know what I want to say?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded. He understood the meaning of Mao Xiaofang. Mao Xiaofang wanted to say: This five-way **** is very popular in the area and wants to deal with him. These villagers may also be resistance in the future.

End of this chapter

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