Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2196: 2196 West Field Demon Tower 2

If a person has two middle fingers and can play a role, it is naturally a male left female right.

As for the human eye, the magical world is called "Zizi", which is the place where people are sacred, but the eyes of ordinary people do not hurt the evil things. Only when they open the eyes, can they exert the potential of the human eye, the yin and yang eyes are just the eyes of the sky. The most basic form.

Gu Long once famous a novel "Lv Xiaofeng Legend", in which Lu Xiaofeng's trick is to use a **** to clamp any blade. This is an allusion.

Ye Shaoyang listened to Wutong when he said that he had nodded and listened to her.

"The mandala, whether it is in Tibetan Buddhism or in the ****, is a spiritual circle, usually used to pray for blessings or blessing certain opening rituals, offering beautiful beauty, but in front of us Mandala is not the kind of mandala. It has nothing to do with Tibetan Buddhism and ****, but a primitive witchcraft in the Western Region...

Before the stay in Buddhism, the Western Regions believed in Bonism. However, there were many original beliefs. Later, with Buddhism, these religions were affected. Whether it was Orthodoxy or evil/teaching, it absorbed a lot from Buddhism. The Necromancer City is a kind of legal matrix formed from the imitation of the Buddhist mandala and the original witchcraft...

If I didn't guess wrong, what is in front of us is this legal array, which is the Necromancer... I have only heard of it, or I saw it for the first time. ”

After Ye Shaoyang listened to her, she opened her mouth and said that she was the boss of the dead mandala. What is it? What is ****?

"**** is the Bon religion. There are five major sects in Tibet. Huang Hongbai is black. Huang Jiao is the Gelug Sect. It is now the mainstream of Tibetan areas. **** is Bon, but strictly speaking, it is not a Buddhist temple. It only absorbs a lot of Buddhism things. If you don't understand it, you think it is a Buddhist one.

Still, the Necromancer City... This thing does not know who created it. The mandala itself, like the tower in the Central Plains magical circle, has a strong spiritual power. If it is blessed, it can become a circle. It is not the Buddha that is dedicated to the Temple of the Dead Mandala, but a kind of evil spirit. Then take the one-hundred and one man's left hand and the rhinoceros finger. Well, these people must be child boys.

It is rumored that these men must first use the technique to force a yang to the top of the spirit, tie it with a ribbon, and then kneel down directly, to trap the soul in it, and then put it into a different position... You see this The different patterns of the pile of fingers, like the runes, are composed together, which is a phalanx, relying on the yang of the person stored in the fingers to maintain...

After that, after the formation of the formation method, the atmosphere is restrained, claiming to be yin and yang, and it will not be removed at all, it will become a circle with itself as the core. What we see now is like this. ”

Ye Shaoyang listened to her, and then looked at more than one hundred fingers... I thought they were cut from a hundred people. Ye Shaoyang can only describe this feeling in four words: shocking.

"So, what is the role of this array?" Ye Shaoyang asked the core questions.

"The role is to activate and ensure that the feng shui here is unchanged. The corpses inside enjoy the feng shui aura. As long as the ritual will not be destroyed, the corpse can not be rotted for thousands of years, and it can also be taken care of to future generations."

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he finally understood it. He touched his chin and said, "What do you mean by saying that someone made this thing here and put his ancestors in this coffin, for the sake of the future?"

"Yes, this is the dragon vein, the water moon hole, the mandala also has the role of collecting Feng Shui aura, plus its own law, can better absorb the beauty of the feng shui here..." Wu Tong said turning his head Looking around, said: "So good feng shui, coupled with this mandala, will definitely produce a hero."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "Why not the emperor? Isn't this a dragon?"

Wu Tong laughed and said: "The dragon is right, but the emperor, the blessing of the world, can not tolerate evil spirits, here for the mandala, killing a hundred people, the arrogance is too heavy, the descendants will figure out the head, but also a kill It’s absolutely impossible to be a real emperor.

Ye Shaoyang is still curious, saying: "Why don't you just get a squad like the empire?"

Wu Tong laughed: "Do you think that the emperor's Lingtai is so good? It is not to give you a dragon vein. If you bury it here, you will be able to be an emperor. Many dragons look from the outside as barren hills and mountains. Many locals have died. They are buried there, why are there no emperors?"

In a word, Ye Shaoyang could not speak.

Because of the fact that he had saved his life before, Wu Tong was very close to him. She did not like to talk. She also opened her voice to Ye Shaoyang, roughly speaking how the Lingtai of the Dragon's pulse gathered the emperor's spirit.

"I listened to my grandfather and said that the dragon vein of the Qing Dynasty was built under the dragon vein of Changbai Mountain. It was built with a golden dragon spit water, but it was not water, but gold sand, and it was made by extremely skilled craftsmen. The sand was recycled and continuously sprayed. , the wind watermark live, long-lasting..."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this and was shocked on the spot.

"So they have been the emperor for hundreds of years? Is it because the ancients who drove the emperor were buried in the dragon veins because of their ancestors?"

Indus couldn't help but laugh. "You have turned the cart before the horse. Feng Shui only has to make up for it. If there is anything that can determine everything, I will find a dragon to bury the ancestors. I just hope that there will be an emperor in the future. All the emperors are like this. It is very difficult to be an emperor. Because Feng Shui is a sparse one, as long as there is one wrong, the entire Feng Shui tray will be destroyed and the best results will not be achieved.

And people always have exhaustion, even if we are a family of teachers, we can't guarantee it. Even if it is done, some natural disasters, even a pangolin or a mouse that goes into the ancient tomb, can destroy the entire Feng Shui plate. It is impossible to make up for it. ”

Ye Shaoyang slowly nodded. Most of this knowledge was originally understood. It was just because Wutong had just told him too many novel things. He was a little dizzy at one time and asked a silly question. Now he said: "Actually, this is also a It’s a natural destiny, sometimes it’s done, but it’s not necessarily successful.”

Wu Tong nodded and agreed to his opinion.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the fingers used to make up the battle. I thought that they were born and killed from a hundred people, and suddenly they were a little scalp.

The eyes of the two men fell on the coffin.

Ye Shaoyang said: "You said before that the sellers of the Song Dynasty are sold here? But why do you use the magic of the Western Region? And what we saw before. Why is this?"

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