Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2197: 2197 strange corpse 1

(In the last chapter, I mixed my heart and the sycamore, I am sorry, so I modified it, please turn it to the front and look at it)

Wu Tong snorted: "So my name is also ruined."

Ye Shaoyang said: "No, no, you only said to him alone, the man has to face, he will never say it outside, and at most he will eat a dumb loss. You think, this method is really good, the average person I Don't tell him."

On the face of Wutong, with an intriguing smile, said: "You saved me, just kidding. If you say it again, I will be serious."

Ye Shaoyang suddenly stopped and said: "I just want you to be serious. Who is joking with you."

"You are not afraid that I have listened to your proposal, really do it?"

"I am going, I said this, I want you to listen."

Wu Tong stared at him for a while, watching him look serious, not like a joke, but he was a little surprised, saying: "Your method is actually good, I do it, he scolds his own festival, certainly not Go out and talk, but... he will kill you."

"Oh, you are worried that he will come to me for trouble." Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized.

"Of course, are you not afraid?"

"What's so scary, let him come."

Wutong has some helplessness. "What, he is almost the strongest of the second generation of disciples, the son of the heavenly election, you are also a mage, if he wants to target you... you are just a disciple outside Maoshan, no one can help you, simpler. You will die very hard to see."

Ye Shaoyang smiled softly. "This, you don't have to worry, since I dare to help you out, I am not afraid that he will come to me."

"Why not afraid?" Wu Tong is very puzzled.

"Why are you afraid." Ye Shaoyang was even more puzzled, and then smiled and said, "Seriously, I am really not afraid. I am in charge of his first boy, the son of the election, really not afraid, as long as he can help you." ”

Wu Tong stared at him for a while, and from his eyes, he only saw a sincere heart, so she believed. "But even if you are not afraid, why are you helping me?"

Ye Shaoyang touched his nose and said: "If I said that because you look like a friend of mine, do you believe it or not?"

Wu Tong smiled, of course she did not believe, but she rarely smiled, actually laughed at Ye Shaoyang, is the kind of sincere smile.

"Your idea, I will consider it. If there is such a day, I hope that you will not regret it. Otherwise I will be very disappointed."

"Never repent, you can do it at any time."

Wu Tong smiled and suddenly remembered something and said: "You said before, we are taking the road of the workers, that is to say, there is still an exit here?"

Ye Shaoyang also remembered this, only because he saw the mandala as soon as he came in, and immediately attracted attention to it, but he forgot this.

The two men walked around the mandala and walked around in this huge burial chamber. Behind the mandala, they found an arch that was shaped like a pagoda. It was very deep and didn’t know where to go. There was no past. .

But on the other side of the tomb, the two also found a lot of murals, some of which are bodhisattvas and Buddha statues, or some gods that are fierce and sinister.

The two waited quietly for a while. The road they came to came up with footsteps. After waiting for a while, someone came over. It was a wonderful heart and so on. Several people lit up with two lampstands.

Ye Shaoyang swept away, a lot of people, but a few people have a bit of hair and clothes, and the look is also exhausted, guessing is the result of the battle with the little boy. Chen Xiaoyu’s forehead was still hurt, and the blood flowing out was dry and looked very embarrassing.

Seeing Wutong and Ye Shaoyang, Miaoxin and Mao Xiaofang were very happy and came up to say hello.

Ye Shaoyang listened to Mao Xiaofang and simply said that after the war, although it was nervous, it was not very thrilling. As Ye Shaoyang speculated, this group of masters, to deal with the trumpet of the trumpet is still not to mention.

Chen Xiaoyu looked at Ye Shaoyang in vain and said: "You are good, since it is safe, why not help us to deal with you, hide here?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him. "You are all three immortals. You can't cope with a small one. You have to do it yourself. I killed the big ones. How do you want me?" ”

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to pretend to force this, but Chen Xiaoyu was so aggressive that he had to use his strength. Chen Xiuyu said nothing in this statement.

"What is this!" Miao Xin discovered the mandala and walked over with an oil lamp.

Wu Tong told her about the role of the mandala and his own speculation.

Wonderful thoughts around the mandala for a long time, slowly said: "Yes, this is the dragon vein, the water moon hole, the mandala also has the role of collecting feng shui aura, plus its own array, can better absorb here The beauty of Feng Shui..." Turned his head and looked around, saying: "So good feng shui, coupled with this mandala, will definitely produce a hero."

Ye Shaoyang frowned: "Why not the emperor? Isn't this a dragon?"

Wonderful smile: "The dragon is right, but the emperor, the blessing of the world, can not tolerate the evil spirits, here for the mandala, killing a hundred people, the arrogance is too heavy, the descendants will figure out the head, just a It’s absolutely impossible to kill the world’s heroes.”

Ye Shaoyang is still curious, saying: "Why don't you just get a squad like the empire?"

Wonderful smile: "Do you think that the emperor's Lingtai is so good? It is not to give you a dragon vein. If you bury it here, you will be able to be an emperor. Many dragons look from the outside as barren hills and mountains. Many locals have died. They are all buried there, why are there no emperors?"

In a word, Ye Shaoyang could not speak.

The wonderful heart itself is not much seen by Ye Shaoyang, but before the battle against the shackles, Ye Shaoyang showed his ability beyond his own, so that the wonderful heart also looked at him, and they were close to each other and opened to him. When I talked about the scorpion, I roughly said how the Lingtai, which is the dragon's scent of the emperor, gathers.

"I listened to my grandfather and said that the dragon vein of the Qing Dynasty was built under the dragon vein of Changbai Mountain. It was built with a golden dragon spit water, but it was not water, but gold sand, and it was made by extremely skilled craftsmen. The sand was recycled and continuously sprayed. , the wind watermark live, long-lasting..."

Ye Shaoyang listened to this and was shocked on the spot.

"So they have been the emperor for hundreds of years? Is it because the ancients who drove the emperor were buried in the dragon veins because of their ancestors?"

Wonderful heart couldn't help but laugh. "You have turned the cart before the horse. Feng Shui only has to make up for it. If there is anything that can determine everything, I will find the dragon worm to bury the ancestors. I just hope that there will be an emperor in the future. All the emperors are like this.

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