Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2198: 2198 怪尸2

Wonderful heart went on to say: "It is very difficult to be an emperor by Feng Shui. Because Feng Shui is a smattering, as long as there is one wrong, the whole feng shui plate will be destroyed and the best effect will not be achieved.

And people always have exhaustion, even if we are a family of teachers, we can't guarantee it. Even if it is done, some natural disasters, even a pangolin or a mouse that goes into the ancient tomb, can destroy the entire Feng Shui plate. It is impossible to make up for it. ”

Ye Shaoyang slowly nodded. Most of this knowledge was originally understood. It was just because Miao Xin had just told him too many novel things. For a moment, he was a little dizzy and asked a silly question. Now he said: "Actually, this is also A kind of destiny, sometimes the authorities count, but not necessarily succeed."

Miao Xin nodded and expressed his agreement with his opinion.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the fingers used to make up the battle. I thought that they were born and killed from a hundred people, and suddenly they were a little scalp.

Everyone’s eyes fell on the coffin.

Ye Shaoyang said: "You said before that the sellers of the Song Dynasty are sold here? But why do you use the magic of the Western Region? And what we saw before. Why is this?"

I thought about it for a moment and said: "Maybe the person who was at the time of the tomb could not find the geographer, and there is another great wizard in the Western Region. So I used the Western Witchcraft. The result is the same, what is the use? If you want to do it with a spell, there is no difference. It can be considered as a local resource."

This kind of speculation, although there is no evidence, but Ye Shaoyang feels acceptable.

Looking up and down the mandala, I said, "How do I have a nine-layered demon tower?"

Miao Xin stunned: "Do you know the nine-layer demon tower?"

This question is to ask Ye Shaoyang to stay. "Amount... this, the ghost has seen it in the lamp."

"What is the ghost blowing light?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged his shoulders. This can't be explained. Can't you tell him that this is a robbery novel written by someone after a hundred years?

"How do you know the nine-layer demon tower?" Ye Shaoyang asked curiously. There is no such thing as "Ghost Blowing Light" a hundred years ago...

"Know, this is a legend of the geographer family. Under the Changbai Mountain, there is a nine-layered demon tower, which is full of powerful evils... The mandala in front of us is actually a demon tower, but it is only used in the Western Region. What the sorcerer has shaped and enshrined should be the descendants of Zhao Wei."

Ye Shaoyang looked up at the coffin and said, "Is there a millennium old man in it?"

"It's not likely to have a scorpion, but this is not allowed." Miao Xin glanced at him and said: "Do you know that the wizard is also a scorpion? I don't seem to have heard of it."

"No, there is a friend around me who is touching the gold school. These terms are what he told me."

When I heard it, I felt a little moved. "Is it really rare to touch the gold school? If you have the chance, you can take me to know. I have some questions and would like to talk to Kim."

Touching the gold, fighting with the land division is a different profession, but because it is all about the ancient tomb, there are many places that have similarities, not to be interested in the wonderful.

"Would we like to open the coffin?" Wutong had long been curious, and finally waited for them and immediately raised the idea.

My heart is also very curious, of course I agree.

"Then remove these bones first and break the altar of the mandala." These arrays are used to bless feng shui and have no effect on the tomb itself. Therefore, Wutong is also rude to those The bones placed on the mandala were cleared, and the array was immediately destroyed. The cold air disappeared without a trace.

Ye Shaoyang greeted Mao Xiaofang and climbed to the side of the coffin. Before the opening, he checked it up and down. Only then did he see the phoenix pattern on the enamel cover. It was a wonderful work. At first glance, the craft was extraordinary. The most important thing was that even Ye Shaoyang could At first glance, this is the craft of the Han people.

In the folk customs of the Han nationality, the phoenix and the phoenix were originally a pair. The phoenix was male and the phoenix was female. Later, it became a dragon and a phoenix. In ancient times, the phoenix also had a very high status. It can be compared with the phoenix. A queen, even a normal nephew will not work.

Ye Shaoyang saw the phoenix carving on the coffin, and suddenly he was a little surprised. He thought that this would be the son of Zhao Wei, but when he saw the carving on this coffin, he knew it was definitely not.

The things used by the emperor must be dragon-shaped, not phoenix. Is it the queen inside this coffin?

Since the coffin is in front of you, it doesn't make sense to think about it. Who is inside, you know it. Ye Shaoyang found a safe place to stand up and explored it under the cover with Mao Xiaofang. This metal texture coffin is actually much better than the ordinary coffin. Because ordinary coffins must be nailed, metal coffins can't be done. The nails are directly buckled up, it is not so troublesome to open, and the silver is not heavy.

After the two men found a good position, one stood at one end, grabbed the lid, adjusted it several times, and finally found the balance point. Together, the lid was picked up and thrown directly.

Ye Shaoyang looked down at the coffin, and did not directly see the bones or zombies, but a shape that was wrapped around the silver thread. From the beginning to the end, the whole body was wrapped tightly, just like the mummies, lying still in the coffin. .

The two shocked on the spot. After staying for a long time, Ye Shaoyang reached out and touched the foot of the body. There was a metal feeling. It seems that most of the body worn on this body is really made of silver.

"What's inside, talk!" Chen Xiaoyu and others shouted below.

Because the mandala is too high, the cold light on the surrounding walls is unclear. Ye Shaoyang is looking for a good idea to come to the oil lamp and look at the body.

The body of the corpse is petite, because the silver silk dress is tight and tight, like wearing a tights, the body is also very sleek, looks... the body is really hot, ah, the key is to have a chest, at least... ...this is the d cup?

Ye Shaoyang spit out his tongue and stopped his own thoughts. Then he looked around the body and found that she was wearing a soft yellow cloth under her body. This is in line with the habits of the Han people and it is the habit of the royal family.

It seems that it is true that this corpse should be the so-called queen, at least according to the Queen’s standard, but... I have never heard of the ancient habit of wrapping people with silver and then burying them?

"Shaoyangzi, you see her hand." What Mao Xiaofang found in the opposite side, greeted Ye Shaoyang to see.

(At the beginning of the month, I was busy a few days ago. At 9:30 tonight, I will send a red envelope in the Yin and Yang Division. The unverified genuine readers of 1 group and 2 groups will quickly go to verify.)

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