Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2206: 2206 yin flower 4

"a ha ha ha……"

Numerous weird laughter, which sounded louder and louder, and everyone looked at it, but it was the sinister rose. It was like a human face. It really seems to be a human face, a face of Zhang’s face. , twisted, and the squid also swayed, making a terrible laugh.

Among the petals of the other shore flowers, blood also oozes out, along the flower beds, slamming down and spreading to the feet of everyone.

"what's the situation!"

Everyone was shocked.

Ye Shaoyang sprinkled a packet of cinnabar against the blood. After the contact with the black blood, he slammed the blood and burned it, temporarily blocking the momentum.

Everyone was a little bit forced at a time, and this changed... It was too fast.

Before, Ye Shaoyang thought that this flower was intended to lead them over, and they must have a certain grasp to be able to do them, but the bottom of my heart is still the same as everyone, a little disapproving: after all, it is a plant, how difficult it is to deal with, now look Come, I really want to be wrong.

"Get off the bridge first, quit and think again!"

Ye Shaoyang shouted a scorpion and took the lead to run back. As a result, a vine of vines blocked the way and looked to the left and right. The bridge did not know when it had been occupied by vines: it was all sticking out from the branches of the giant flower. Followed by the two sides of the stone bridge, but did not attack them directly, it is estimated that I can't pick up so many people at a time, so first block their retreat and then go back.

"I am going to go, I have encountered this kind of thing for the first time!"

Looking at the vines and roots that are constantly stretching over the bridge, there is a feeling of special effects in the Hollywood blockbuster, but Ye Shaoyang has no time to appreciate it, take a deep breath, and feel a few charms, painted into a fire symbol. And then lost it.

Any plant, no matter how varied, always avoids the law of the five elements, the plants are afraid of fire after all, let alone these vines are enchanting and born, the fire symbol hits the top, immediately ignited a fire. However, the vines immediately pressed up, layered, and the speed of growth overshadowed the speed of the fire.

This unscientific!

Ye Shaoyang looked at this scene with a sigh of relief and felt that he had encountered an unprecedented challenge.

"You come to help, right, Wu Tong, your Wubao Jinlian, fast!"

Ye Shaoyang shouted and turned to look back. When he was in a hurry, he was completely stunned. Behind him, there was only a wonderful heart left, staring at himself, no one else.

Ye Shaoyang looked around, empty, the bridge was so wide, the front is not far from the flower garden, these people... Where did you go?

"People!" Ye Shaoyang screamed.

"I... don't know."

"Indus, Xiaofang!" Ye Shaoyang screamed with a scorpion, but there was no echo.

"They, will it..." Miao Xin looked worried.

"Impossible!" Ye Shaoyang knows what she wants to say, but she feels impossible. So many people can't be caught at the same time, and it's impossible to have a little movement. However, I couldn't take care of this at all. Ye Shaoyang looked around. Now there are vines in front and blood on the back. Both sides are spreading along the bridge deck, eroding the ground where the two stand...

"Fast, start!" Ye Shaoyang said, while looking for ways to deal with the situation in his mind, he is very calm, can be regarded as dangerous, he has seen more than this scene, just...have not experienced this The dilemma.

Originally, he wanted to jump off the bridge, but the railings on both sides were also occupied by the vines, and they continued to rise up, forming a network-like place, and wanting to jump and escape, it is simply a self-investment.

There is no good way.

"You will help me block these vines first!"

Ye Shaoyang called a wonderful heart, weighed a bit, first rushed to the front of the wonderful heart, took out the ink bucket, crossed the red line from under the railing on the left side, and then pulled it to the right, with a cast mother big money in the middle. Then along this red line, a cinnabar was laid on the ground, arranged as a blockade line, hoping to stop for a while, then turned and looked, the wonderful heart is holding the things like her wand, and constantly falling into the fire. Blocking the ever-spreading vines, but with the growth speed of these vines as copy and paste, this level of attack can only be suspended.

"This is not the case, we must first rush out!" Ye Shaoyang rushed to her side and said: "Miaoxin, I have a way to rush out, you will follow my sword, be careful, you can definitely go out!"

A wonderful heart, said: "How is it possible!"

Ye Shaoyang has drawn out the Qixing Longquan sword, which is stimulated by the surrounding yin. The Qixing Longquan sword illuminates the dazzling purple light.

Miaoxin was originally distrustful, but she was also a master of the geographer. When she saw the sword and felt its spiritual power, she immediately knew that this was an artifact of Jiu Duanguang and she said: "What sword is this! ”

"My treasure of the town of Maoshan, Qixing Longquan sword!"

"Ah!" Wonderful exclamation.

Ye Shaoyang pulled her over and stepped back a few steps. She said quickly: "I am thinking, we are now on the site of this thing, there is no way to do it, we can only take it with rhythm, want to escape, only the first Rush out, you go out first, then think about how to attack it, from the outside should be more ways, I believe you!"

Miao Xin shocked and said: "What do you do?"

"I am here for a while, nothing, you listen to me, not much time, fast!"

"How can this be done? You even give up the sword, not even its opponent. I am blocking you from going out."

Ye Shaoyang sank for three seconds and said: "I am afraid you can't stop it!"

After that, turned around and looked at the vines that were constantly coming in, looking at the seven-star Longquan sword in his hand, Shen Sheng: "Old friends, see you."

"Sunset Shaming, the heavens and the earth are falling, the Qiankun is infinite, and the Tao is boundless!"

The sunset sand will be opened tomorrow, and the open mantra of Maoshan will be invincible with the seven-star Longquan sword.

"Go!" Ye Shaoyang pushed a good heart and made a fortune. The good heart didn't want to waste the opportunity and rushed out.

She just rushed over, and the vines on the left and right were growing again and closed from behind. Everything is the same as Ye Shaoyang thought. The Qixing Longquan sword only cleared the vines in a straight line. The two couldn’t walk side by side. If they walked back and forth, these vines could not give them enough time. It’s easy to be trapped by the vines. Live, by that time, everything is over.

(It will continue to send some [Mushan Characters] in the works related, qq reading can not see and inconvenient to use the computer friends, please open the creation of the Chinese network computer version, search the book, look in the directory.)

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