Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2207: 2207 is not scientific 1

"You are careful!" Among the merged vines, there is no visible figure, only her voice is heard.

"Do not worry. Who am I?"

Ye Shaoyang almost said to himself, turned around and looked at the huge flower of a dozen meters high. Now, only oneself.

Ye Shaoyang put his hands on his hips and took a deep breath.

"I haven’t seen any big scenes in Laozi, I’m afraid you won’t!”

When saying this, Ye Shaoyang had some pride in his heart, but he also tried to keep calm.

Ye Shaoyang solved the hook in his right hand, and took the Taiyi whisk in his hand with his left hand. He rushed toward the giant flower. When the blood spread, Ye Shaoyang slammed it, jumped up and stepped on the vine. On the left side of the railing, the left hand touched the Taiyi whisk, and swept the vines over the encirclement.

What kind of artifact is Taiji Dust, the vines swept by it immediately withered and fell off the railing. Ye Shaoyang made a gap in three or two, and he was going to jump out.

As a result, in order to prevent him from jumping into the river, these vines quickly gathered together and were once again arranged into a net. They volleyed in the air. If Ye Shaoyang jumped like this, it may be too clear that the obstacles have not cleared the obstacles. Ye Shaoyang himself was caught by these vines. Lived, this is the only opportunity for Ye Shaoyang, but also a dead end.

However, this time even the giant flower also estimated the mistake: Ye Shao** did not jump bridge, but borrowed the power to jump up and came to the giant flower.

After sending out the wonderful heart, there was no worries, and Ye Shaoyang never thought about running away. He wanted to fight this giant flower!

Even though he only has the mana that Tianshi can't, even though it seems to be a complete ruin, Ye Shaoyang still wants to give it a try.

Under this situation of being attacked and completely surrounded, Ye Shaoyang calmly found the biggest weakness: the giant flower itself!

There is a saying that the most dangerous place is the safest place, and the reverse is also the same. The body of this giant flower seems to be the safest place, but it is actually the biggest weakness.

Ye Shaoyang's heart is like a mirror. I understand that no matter how I deal with the vines in front of me, it is a cure for the symptoms. It is not only a waste of time, but also a waste of mana. Only by killing the giant flower itself can we solve the situation at hand.

Either escape, or drag on, stick to the wonderful heart and so on to save yourself. This is the only two roads that seem to be the only ones, but Ye Shaoyang chose the third one and created the illusion of a jump bridge, attracting giants. The attention of the flowers, I suddenly slammed into the body of the giant flower... Even the giant flower himself was deceived by him. When the vines were mobilized to encircle the beggars, it was a late step. Ye Shaoyang had already embarked on a flower. The mosaic leaves and the leaves look thick and actually do not bear the weight. However, Ye Shaoyang is also prepared for the right hand. The right hand is a probe. The soul has already hooked the stems, and the force is pulled. The person goes to the direction and flies toward the direction of the flower.

After the flower was opened, Cao Yuxing’s body was directly absorbed. Although a long stem was grown in the middle, a film was left. After the body was digested, a group of liquids was left, and the drum was seen. Going up like a water bag, it also emits a reddish light. Ye Shaoyang concluded that this thing is mostly the life gate of this giant flower.

The giant flower seems to have seen his intention. Several leaves move together, and come to the cocoon Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang brushed it with Taiyi’s blast, and with the powerful spirit of Taiyi’s dust, they brushed the leaves one by one. Grabbing the soul of the hand, swaying to the vicinity of the flower, the left hand turned over, temporarily put away the Taiji whisk, and found a long dark gold charm from the sleeve, just a short note on the head When the tail finger popped up the cinnabar, it was caught by the dust of Taiyi, and the last finishing touch was painted on the evil.

Burning the Tianfu, with its current mana, can't be displayed at all. Ye Shaoyang can only rely on the spiritual power of Taiyi.

After the painting of the Tianfu was done, Ye Shaoyang immediately wanted to recite the curse. Suddenly he felt the wind blowing over the top of his head. He looked up and saw that the long neck like the plesiosaur had bent down. Five petals were opened together. The mouth of the monster.

Try who is going!

If you withdraw from this time, your chances of relying on an unexpected surprise attack will be ruined. It will be difficult to find an opportunity. Ye Shaoyang bites his teeth and begins to recite a curse:

"Tai Shang San Qing, the Quartet Emperor, Shen Wei Tong Tian, ​​burning the sky ..." The spell has not finished, suddenly a scream of heartbreaking, came from behind.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly stunned and looked back, because he was now suspended in midair and could overlook the whole picture on the bridge. Ye Shaoyang clearly saw that in the ocean of a vine, the heart was caught and the limbs were vines. Tightly trapped.

There were vines coming in from her mouth, nostrils and ears. The wonderful heart can't be called out, and I can only look at Ye Shaoyang with desperate eyes.

She was caught...

It’s too late to save her in the past. Even if she doesn’t want to die, she will only die together. Ye Shaoyang bites his teeth and continues to recite the curse. At this moment, the two groups of vines pierced the wonderful eyes.

With a bang, the eyeball exploded. Then the vines got in, twisted together, and the head slammed open, red blood, white brain pulp, flowing together...

Wonderful heart, the family of the geographer passed on, so he died in front of himself.

"Wonderful!!!" Ye Shaoyang gave a deep cry, and the wonderful heart was for him, but it was a friend who only knew a few days, but... she had a very good impression in Ye Shaoyang’s heart and felt that she could be a friend. Man, or rather, he has made his heart a friend. Of course, Cao Yuxing, who is evil inside, is not a status.

Seeing the wonderful heart is in front of her own tragic death, and her death, but also related to her, has always been calm Ye Shaoyang, this time the mentality is also a bit collapsed, the heart mixed feelings, where can still care about the curse.

Suddenly, a black shadow descended from the sky, and Ye Shaoyang suddenly looked up and saw that the bent stem was not waiting for him to come back. The open flower bone at the front end bit him.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt dark and had a powerful force. He was trying to absorb the suffocation in his body. He was sucked up, and that was flesh and blood. Ye Shaoyang had a sigh of relief and forced himself to resist this suction, but his body and limbs were also fixed, and he could not move at all. He felt that this suction was constantly increasing. Ye Shaoyang’s heart also understood that he was in a desperate situation.

"Taiwan is infinite, can be broken, and rushed as a law!"

(End of this chapter)

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