Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2214: 2214 is in desperate situation 2

Is this the most valuable thing?

Wutong was very curious about what was in the opportunity, so he grabbed the end of the reel and wanted to take it out. He found that the reel was stuck very tightly, so he pulled it hard and only heard a bang, as if something was pulled inside, the reel was finally Pulled it out.

Wutong is also a foggy water. Just about to open the oil-paper bag, suddenly heard a rumbling sound, coming from the direction of Shimen behind him, followed by a loud bang, shaking the room and shaking it, and generating a powerful The air flow also blows off the two oil lamps.

It was dark in front of your eyes. After a few seconds, Ye Shaoyang only came back to God, and no one could see it in the darkness, so he shouted: "Are you all okay?"

"I am fine."

"I am fine."

It is the voice of Wutong and wonderful heart.

Ye Shaoyang's oil lamp in his hand lit up and looked at the people around him. It was discovered that everyone was there, and soon another oil lamp was lit, and the stone room was bright.

“What happened just now?” The guys looked at each other.

Miaoxin took an oil lamp and walked out of the room and walked in the direction of the loud noise. When Ye Shaoyang and others chased out, she was already standing in front of Shimen, and she stayed motionless.

"What's wrong?" Wu Tong asked.

"Shimen closed up..." Miao said in a whisper.

Everyone was shocked and rushed over. Sure enough, the stone door that was opened before was completely closed.

After a moment of squatting, everyone began to check the previous door lock, so I found a shocking fact: the door lock is gone!

The gap that was dug by them was still there, but whether it was pushed out or pushed in, Shimen did not move... Ye Shaoyang put his hand into the stone trough and fumbled for a long time, and found that Shimen seemed to be much thicker than before, but... why in the middle What more gap?

Soon, Ye Shaoyang thought of something like an electric shock. He retracted his hand and looked back at the crowd. He said in a shocked and helpless tone: "There is one more door!"

"What do you mean?" asked Mao Xiaofang.

"There is one more door. Behind that door, there is another door. There is no door lock on this door. It can't move completely..."

When everyone heard it, they both stopped and checked it up. It was exactly the same as Ye Shaoyang said. That is to say, the door that trapped them here is not the one before, but more out of thin air.

After some inspections, everyone found that the stone door inside was probably suspended in the air. It was controlled by some kind of organ and now it was released, blocking the only exit of the stone room.

"It may have fallen from above. This is called a hanging door. It is a relatively rare institution in the ancient tomb." Miao Xin said, "But this organ is also very practical, and it is difficult to open it by external force."

When Lu Xiaoqing heard it, he frowned and said: "We haven't touched any organs. Why did the hanging door suddenly fall down? Why didn't it fall before?"

Indus bowed his head and bit his lip and said, "It’s my sake... I just pulled this scroll and obviously felt something on the reel. When I tried hard, it seemed to be broken, and then... Shimen fell. It is."

Everyone is ashamed.

Miao Xin sighed: "No wonder, I understand... The scroll is the organ that controls the hanging door. Once it is pulled open, the hanging door will fall..."

Everyone stunned, Lu Xiaoqing said: "Those things are left to the tombs of the tomb owners. This stone is also written. Since this is the case, why should you leave this thing? Is it not afraid to bring his descendants to future generations? Also killed here?"

Ye Shaoyang took the call and said: "The opposite is true to you... Since the owner of the tomb left the key to his descendants, there is no other explanation, or it has been deliberately passed, in the scroll in the stone trough, One can't move. If it moves, Shimen will fall and seal people in the stone room... This is to prevent the tomb thief."

Having said that, Mao Xiaofang has already understood, and rushed to say: "You mean that while his ancestors left him the key, he must have left this prompt, but the tomb thief did not know, even if it was created by other methods. Come in, and finally will be trapped by this stone door, and finally nothing can be taken..."

"Yes, there are so many scrolls in the stone trough, and all of them are in front of the city. They are all worthy of the city's calligraphy and painting. The last one will of course not let go. Besides, those in front are all right. People have long been relaxed and vigilant. Who would have thought of it? The last reel is connected to the agency..."

Speaking of this, he turned to Wutong and said: "This is really not blaming you. If you change the scroll, the result will be the same as you."

Everyone secretly thought about it. If you change to yourself, you will not hesitate to pull the reel out... This is the result of the people who cultivated the tomb, and the ingenious design of the organization, it is impossible to think of it. .

"Then what do we do now, there is no other exit here, we will be killed alive here!" Chen Xiaoyu excitedly picked up.

He was so embarrassed that he also caused a shadow in the hearts of everyone. At one time, Ye Shaoyang came back to Shimen and saw the stone trough that was dug out. He suddenly said, "There is a hole in the air that can be breathed and will not be Sudden death."

"What about that, we can't get out, it's not going to die in it!" Chen Xiaoyu picked it up.

Ye Shaoyang is also speechless.

Everyone came to Shimen and tried to push the stone door again. The result was still not moving. In fact, there was no need to try this: the people who used to repair the tomb had to work hard to get such an organ. If the stone door could be easily opened, the house would be white. played.

Ye Shaoyang tried to continue to dig the gap that was dug up before, but the surrounding rocks were very strong and could not be opened by hand. Everyone was so anxious that they couldn’t do it. In the end, they couldn’t help. They took the oil lamp and squatted on the wall. They almost groped the walls of the two stone rooms one inch at a time. As a result, there was naturally no place to go out.

"No way, it seems to be starving to death here." Mao Xiaofang sullenly lie down on the ground, unintentional, since the tomb has been tossing, everyone is very tired.

Ye Shaoyang and others also sat down and began to think about ways to go out. Chen Xiaoyu was a little excited and walked around the stone room, yelling and no one to pay attention.

If there is explosives, then...

Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but think of it. He only needed a little bit of explosives, stuffed it into the gap that was dug out before, and fixed the blast, it was easy to blow up a gap for people to go out...

"I have a way!" Miao Xin suddenly opened, interrupted Ye Shaoyang's cranky thoughts, and everyone looked at her for a time.

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