Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2215: 2215 Grass Elf 1

"We can go out of our souls, and when we get outside, we will notify others... or simply attach them to people and then bring some tools to save us. I think if there is a chisel or crowbar, we can put the gap The nearby stone is open, just take some time."

Everyone widened their eyes and looked at each other. They felt that this method was good. They were all mage. Although people could not go out, the ghosts could go out...

When I said it, I discussed it. My heart and Wutong decided to try together. The current practice, the soul went out, and the result just went to Shimen, and I couldn’t go outside. I tried it several times, but I had no choice but to go back to my body. in.

"This stone room has an enchantment, and our souls have nothing to do, and we can't go out!" Wutong said with dismay.

"Sure enough." Ye Shaoyang reluctantly snorted. "The pit that built the tomb may have thought that it would be a mage to come to the tomb, and it is already ready."

Some enchantments are invisible, only for all spirits, and living people are not. Therefore, Ye Shaoyang is not surprised by this incident.

If people can't get out, the soul can't get out. Is it really necessary to starve to death here?

Everyone tried the yin again, and wanted to go to the ghost field to rescue the soldiers. Indirectly informed the acquaintances of the human world that the result was that the emptiness could not be opened because of the existence of the enchantment... This method had to be done.

Ye Shaoyang holds his chin in his hands and thinks about the way out. Anyway, he can't really starve to death here.

Everyone was quietly staying, thinking about the way to go out. Only Chen Xiaoyu showed some hysteria, but he quickly calmed down and squatted on the side. His Monkey King also understood the situation in front of him, and he was eager to scratch his head. .

Seeing this ghost-faced monkey, Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of something and said: "I have a way to try it."

Everyone immediately cast their gaze, Ye Shaoyang stood up, took out the yin and yang mirror, reached out and clicked on it, saying: "Come out."

No movement...

Ye Shaoyang was shocked on the spot. After a few seconds, his gods left the body and tried to project into the Yin Yang mirror. As a result, it failed. That is to say, there is a mirror of another space, and now it is solid. Although the shape has not changed, it is not the original Yinyang mirror in essence.

"I am so arrogant, exactly the same." Ye Shaoyang looked at the yin and yang mirror and couldn't help but express his feelings.

"What do you mean?" Mao Xiaofang asked curiously.

"I mean, this illusion is really terrible, it is so real, it is really true."

"Illusion?" Everyone suddenly stunned. "What are you talking about, what illusion?"

Ye Shaoyang put down the Yinyang mirror and looked at her. He said slowly: "I mean, everything we are going through now is simply an illusion."

Everyone was stunned and looked at each other, and they all felt incredible.

"Impossible, isn't the Tongling Buddha flower dead? How could it still be an illusion?" Wu Tong asked.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment: "Maybe, it is not dead at all."

not dead……

Wutong thought for a moment and shook his head. "This is even worse. I personally burned it with Jinlianye..."

"If we started from that time, we will enter the illusion? Burning this flower is also done in the hallucination?"

Everyone is stunned, and all expressions are unbelief. Even Mao Xiaofang, who trusts Ye Shaoyang most, does not believe it. He said: "Shaoyangzi, this will not, then are the gold and silver jewels we see, is it an illusion?"

"Of course it is."

"Can you... have such a real illusion?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Want to verify whether it is an illusion, it is very simple, just bite your tongue..." After that, I bite my tongue first, and the tip of my tongue hurts. The blood flowed out, and Ye Shaoyang jerked a fierce spirit. Everything in front of me is gradually blurred and then becomes clear.

Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes and turned his head to look at it. There was nothing in the stone room. He was still standing on the stone bridge he had stayed in front of him. In front of the flower bed, in the middle of the flower bed, the burning Buddha’s flower was burned into ashes. Still standing in the middle, the leaves sway gently with the wind.

"It's really an illusion, how could it be!" someone called behind him.

Everyone has been waking up and standing together, looking at the psychic buds in front of them, no language can describe their inner shock.

After a long time, everyone just slowed down, moved back together, left Shiqiao, and began to discuss everything that had been experienced before.

"This time, the psychic buds spent more time than before, and all of us entered the same illusion... and killed it in the illusion." Ye Shaoyang was the first to recover, at the beginning of recovery, he I thought about everything from the beginning and came to this conclusion.

"Remember that when we were going to burn the psychic Buddha flower, it spewed out a scent of scent. We were also alert at the time, for fear of entering the illusion, but in fact, we had entered the illusion, but the illusion and the real Like the world, let us mistakenly think that everything in front of us is still true. We burned the psychic Buddha flower, which is also in the illusion..."

Everyone is silent. After a short while, Wutong took a deep breath and muttered: "It's terrible."

"It is terrible." Ye Shaoyang looked up at the psychic Buddha flower, and his heart was very emotional. The so-called killing was invisible. It was probably like this. Everything was simulated. Everything is as real as it is. People never think of themselves. In the illusion... If it wasn't for me to make Meihua hide in the yin and yang mirror, it would be impossible to find that it was an illusion. It is estimated that it would have died in the illusion.

Magical and terrible attack means...

Such a sin, Ye Shaoyang is still the first time.

"But the stone room we have been in the illusion is fictitious?" Lu Xiaoqing questioned, "Everything in the stone room looks really real, including the words on the stone tablet... Is it also a Buddha? Spend your own imagination?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment: "I don't think that the Buddha has this ability, I think, those should be real, but they are projected into our illusion, that is, the illusion it creates is mostly According to the real world projection, it is said that it is simulated in the illusion."

Miao Xin Shen said: "It is very possible. The stone room, up to a few hundred meters from here, the spiritual power of the Buddha flower can cover so far, it is understandable."

"Aroma." Ye Shaoyang said, "Most of it is because of the aroma, where the aroma can be covered, it should be its spiritual power range, and then projected into the illusion."

(End of this chapter)

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