Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2216: 2216 Grass Elf 2

"There is only this explanation." Miao Xindao, "I don't believe that the Buddha can imagine the details of the calligraphy and painting out of thin air."

What Wutong thinks and asks Ye Shaoyang: "How do you know that we were in the illusion before?"

Ye Shaoyang did not answer urgently. He took out the yin and yang mirror and pressed it on it to let the suffocating infiltrate and said: "Come out."

The mirror flashed and a figure flew out. It was a woman wearing a cheongsam and a graceful figure.

At least the masters of the Tianshi and Zen masters were present. After a brief bun, they immediately recognized her true body.

"The soul of the ghost domain!" Sycamore called.

"Yes, she... is my doorman, my name is Meihua, let me know."

When Chen Xiaoyu heard it, he suddenly felt that he had found the opportunity to play. He sneered: "There was a servant who was also collected, or a beautiful female ghost..."

Ye Shaoyang heard the maliciousness in his words, looked at him, and said coldly: "From now on, you don't say a word to me, or you will die in the end!"

"Good tone, I am afraid that you will not succeed!" Chen Xiaoyu came here and was immediately stopped by Lu Xiaoqing and others.

"This person is so annoying." Meihua said in Ye Shaoyang’s ear, "Would you like..."

"You are not his opponent, don't look for things, I will pack him in the future." Ye Shaoyang whispered, and immediately asked her: "You did not do it before."

"I? I practiced in it. Didn't you say that I heard your call and come out again?" Meihua smiled. "Boss, who is the space in the yin and yang mirror, who planted a purple ling, aura Filling is a good place to practice."

"Oh, that may be Yang Gong’s work."

"Who is that?"

"Don't ask, wait a hundred years and you will know. You will go in and stay, it's okay." Ye Shaoyang rushed Meihua into the yin and yang mirror, and now she is not used, and she is afraid that she will be counted by Chen Xiaoyu. .

"The most terrible place for the psychic buds is not to simulate the surrounding environment, but to simulate everything. Even the instruments and various abilities can be imitated. It feels that this should not be imitation, it is some kind of penetration... like my yin and yang Mirror, in the illusion, is exactly the same as the real, but the Buddha flower can not imitate another space... I have a yin and yang mirror in my own world, just the girl is hidden inside, this is the absolute flower of the Buddha Can't imitate."

He said this, everyone knows it immediately.

"That is, you find that your ghost servant is not in the yin and yang mirror, and in turn judges that it is a fantasy?"

"Yes, we were trapped inside. The way I thought of is to let her out of the enchantment and go outside to rescue the soldiers to save us..." When it comes to this, what Ye Shaoyang thinks, "now think of it, in the illusion Everything that happened was too coincidental, but it was also true enough to make us think that it was a fantasy."

Everyone looked at the psychic Buddha flower from afar. Everyone was quite emotional: if it wasn’t for Ye Shaoyang’s discovery, they would only be trapped in the illusion until now, only to be starved to death. In the stone room that does not exist.

At the thought of this, everyone has some backs and cool.

"I have a question." Mao Xiaofang said, "Since this psychic bud has a way to trap us in a illusion, then our body, I was here at a daze, right? Why didn't it take the opportunity to kill us? Not more relaxed?"

"Maybe, it has no way to kill people directly." Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment. "Creating a fantasy, it may also be used to repair it. It has no way to do anything to our flesh. This is actually not necessary, if it can really do Come, we are dead now."

"What do we do now?" Mao Xiaofang said, "I burned it again?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You have a problem with this. We are burning it for the first time."

While saying, take some yellow crepe paper from the backpack, pour a bowl of water, throw the sassafras paper and throw it in immediately, then remove the wet smashed, tear it into a small piece, and give it to everyone. They are each stuffed into the nostrils, so that they will once again smell the aroma of the psychic buds and once again enter the illusion.

In front of the Tongling Buddha flower, Ye Shaoyang first ordered a fire symbol to fight, and then Wutong took out Wubao Jinlian, and once again blew out the Jinlian industry fire.

The flame fell on the leaves of the psychic buds and immediately ignited the fire, similar to what happened in the illusion.

The psychic bud flower tightens the leaves, protecting the membrane composed of the liquid in the middle. When the leaves are completely withered, the film in the middle suddenly ruptures, and a liquid suddenly sprays toward Ye Shaoyang, and Ye Shaoyang wanders away. Ruan said: "Mom, I am doing it for me!"

The spores in a liquid fell on the yin and yang mirror in the hands of Ye Shaoyang. They flashed and went in, no one could see...

Nothing happened any more, and the psychic buds were burned clean, just like in the illusion.

"This time, it will not be an illusion again." Wu Tong looked at the pile of coke in the flower bed and murmured.

In order to verify the previous speculation, under the proposal of Ye Shaoyang, everyone opened the flower bed, and the result was exactly the same in the flower bed as the illusion: at least dozens of bodies, like being cooked into a pot of meat.

This also confirms that the illusion created by the psychic bud flower is based on the real world.

Finally, I got the Tongling Buddha flower, and everyone was relieved with a long sigh of relief. The feeling of being trapped in the illusion is almost a shadow in everyone's mind.

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to deal with this terrible plant in his life.

In the yin and yang mirror, there is a pond in the middle of the raft. There is a small building on the edge of the pond. There is a flower bud behind it, which is full of colorful flowers.

This piece of land that does not belong to the world was originally opened by Yang Gonglu, and later refined by Xue Qi and Chen Lu, forming the present appearance.

At this moment, Meihua hides in the depths of the flowers, and happily **** the aura of heaven and earth that is much more abundant than the outside world... The aura of heaven and earth here comes from a well behind the small building. Meihua first curiously checked in. Here, there is a chaotic gas, self-acting yin and yang, constantly generating the aura of heaven and earth, because of the complete isolation from the outside world, the heaven and earth aura here has no impurities, to be more purely

After Meihua came in, he began to practice at the edge of the well, and was taken out by Ye Shaoyang in the middle, and was rushed back to continue his pleasant cultivation. Suddenly, the surrounding atmosphere produced a wave of changes. Meihua noticed that she looked up and saw a little guy probed through the unexplained embarrassment.

(End of this chapter)

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