Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2217: 2217th Palace 1

It seems that a child of four or five years old has a string of grass-like things on his head, round and round, and looks a bit funny.

When Meihua saw him, he also saw Meihua, looking straight into the eyes, the little guy groaned and turned to escape, but thought that the outside environment was even more terrible, and he returned and said to Meihua: "There are people outside. To kill me, I borrowed this place to hide."

Meihua spent a long time thinking about something and asked: "Who is killing you, who are you?"

"That's the stupid priests." The little boy also thought of something. The girl stared at Meihua and said, "Are you his servant?"

"Who are you?" Meihua has stood up.

The little boy was a little alert, and stepped back. He said: "I think you are also the soul of the ghost domain. Why are you willing to be a servant to a Taoist?"

Meihua ignored and asked: "Who are you, how come here?"

"I... I am the same as you, and you must not kill each other..."

Meihua smiled coldly. "I have already recognized the Lord. There is only a master in my heart. Where is there any similar kind? If you are forced by him, then I can't let you go!"

Said that the volley rushed over.

The little boy bit his teeth and rushed over. Both hands suddenly turned into green vines and rolled over to Meihua, but they looked at the strange point. Meihua solved him a few times, and he shot him in the palm of his hand. Let go of my heart, this strength... I can’t run out here.

Meihua did not worry too much, but smiled at him teasingly and said: "Mao, do you still fight?"

The little boy struggled to stand up and looked around. He felt that he could not have a chance to escape. He was not the opponent of the beautiful aunt in front of him. He hesitated and put up his hand: "But it, don't fight, you The master is so powerful that I didn’t expect you to be so powerful, but here is the void, my first hand can’t be displayed, I admit defeat, don’t fight.”

"Then you are honest, let me tie you up."

"Tied up, why are you tied up?" The little boy looked innocent.

"You don't want to worry about it, that is, you have to pay more and more, choose your own."

The little boy hesitated, reached out and said with hate: "If you are willing, come!"

Meihua smiled and said: "You are not my son. I have nothing to bear, let alone just tie you."

The little boy lit up and shouted at her: "Then I will recognize you as a mother, dry mother!"

Meihua swayed and glanced at him. "It's not bad!"

When I walked over, I spit out a vapor in my mouth, wrapped him around and wrapped it like a scorpion. Then I reached out and touched his head. "This is good, you are staying here, I am going out to see the boss."

Ye Shaoyang and the people burned the Tongling Buddha flower together. They were going to cross the flower bed and continue to move forward. A shadow suddenly appeared in the Yin Yang mirror and fell in front of him. He called: "Boss."

Ye Shaoyang snorted: "How come you?"

"There is a guy who just broke into the yin and yang mirror and was caught by me. I will ask you how to deal with it."


Ye Shaoyang stunned for a long time and was shocked: "Impossible, what time, I don't know. Who is it?"

Meihua looked at the curious eyes of a few people around and said, "Want to say it here?"

Ye Shaoyang moved in his heart and said: "In this way, are you not catching him? First, tie him up. I have no time to wait until I go out from the ancient tomb. Then I will ask again."

Meihua promised to go down and dig into the yin and yang mirror again.

"What did she mean, what did she mean." Miao Xin asked first, "Who has gone to your Yin Yang mirror?"

"I don't know, I really don't know." Ye Shaoyang shrugged and carefully recalled that he really couldn't think of this thing at all. Is there something that sneaked into the Yinyang mirror, why should he do this?

"Then you don't check it out?"

"I was caught anyway, go out and say, I don't want to stay here, let you wait."

Listening to him, the wonderful heart also vaguely understood what, glanced at Chen Xiaoyu and others, knowing that Ye Shaoyang was guarding them, so he no longer asked, nodded and said that he understood.

She didn't ask, even if others were curious, it was not easy to open up, and their main task now is to go down to the underground palace and look for the smelter to determine the cause of the haunted canyon.

About the flower bed, and then go forward, did not go far, it really passed a fork in the road, everyone got into the road, and soon came to the front of a stone door.

It is exactly the same as what I have seen in the illusion.

Ye Shaoyang went to the door and reached for the stone near the door lock.

"It seems that this loose situation encountered in our fantasy is modified by the Buddha flower."

"I felt the same as it was at the time." Wu Tong muttered.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yes, it is just like real. This is also the most powerful place for the Buddha. If it is too impractical to make a hole, it is easy to be suspicious."

His words made everyone remember the experience in the illusion, but still felt a little chilling.

"I said before that, the treasure here is really there, what should I do now?" Chen Xiaoyu asked Chaomi and Wutong. He and Ye Shaoyang temporarily reconciled, but they will not talk and will not look at each other.

Wonderful heart: "What can we do? We don't have the tools to open this stone door now. Everything has to wait until we go back. Let's do something important first."

I know that I can't get in, everyone has no opinion, and I will continue to move forward.

Ye Shaoyang didn't want to go too close to Chen Xiaoyu. He walked behind the team with Mao Xiaofang. Wu Tong also deliberately slowed down and walked with them. He suddenly whispered to Ye Shaoyang: "What is the real Yin Yang mirror in your hand?"

"Well? Of course it is." Ye Shaoyang said after reacting.

"The yin and yang mirror of Maoshan?" The expression of Wutong is incredible. "I heard that the Yinyang Mirror is one of Maoshan Zhibao. You are a foreign disciple. How can this thing be in your hands?"

"I... my master gave it to me." Ye Shaoyang chose to tell the truth.

Wu Tong sighed: "Don't lie to me, these instruments can't be given to the inner disciples, so either you are fake or you... stolen."

Speaking of this, she stared at Ye Shaoyang with a serious expression. "I don't want to make friends with someone who steals things."

friend? Did she treat herself as a friend?

Ye Shaoyang stunned and immediately smiled at her. "You can rest assured that it is not stealing. This is a difficult story to say, but I can't say it now, but I promise to tell you in the future."

(End of this chapter)

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