Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2223: 2223 Eight Diagrams 1

It’s like throwing a grenade and popping it up. The grenade will not kill the other party. It’s already scary. After being caught by the other party, it won’t explode!

Chen Xiaoyu was still experiencing this kind of thing for the first time. He was stunned for a time. In the next second, a powerful amount of power actually pushed the seal to himself, breaking it in front of him, and the spiritual power of the seal. In an instant, Chen Xiaoyu flew out and slammed into the ground.

Chen Xiaoyu got up and looked at Biqing with a stunned look.

Biqing did not pursue, but just looked at him and looked at him evilly. This look... In Ye Shaoyang’s view, it’s like Su Mo.

"Hey, brother, are you okay? You didn't play the strength, continue to marry her!" Ye Shaoyang used to help Chen Xiaoyu in the past, facing Bi Qing, hate and said: "You don't underestimate my brother, he is Not ready, you have the ability to prepare him!"

"Roll your mother!" Chen Xiaoyu screamed at her chest.

Bi Qing extended a hand to him and simply spit out two words: "Come on!"

Chen Xiaoyu cried, crying: "I am not his brother!"

Biqing did not care about him, and the figure flashed and rushed over.

Chen Xiaoyu’s Monkey King wants to help, rushing up to stop in front.

However, Biqing was only distracted. As soon as the fingers lifted, a white air flew out, and the monkey king was wrapped around the body. However, it may be that it is too weak, and it has not killed it. It is so trapped in the air, the route remains unchanged, and it continues to rush toward Chen Xiaoyu.

On the side, Lu Xiaoqing launched a surprise attack.

Biqing left his hand and waved, and it was a white air flying out, blocking him in front of him. Lu Xiaoqing's hands were printed and struggling with a blow. He actually broke the white spirit. Once again, Biqing had already arrived in front of Chen Xiaoyu. It was too late to help. .

"Brother, ah, don't worry!" Ye Shaoyang stepped back a few steps. Chen Xiaoyu also knew that he couldn't run away. He had to face his face with pain. This time he used ten percent to repair and built a strong knot in front of him. In this world, this enchantment is not a bit offensive. He is completely defensive and he is already afraid.

He is not stupid. The confrontation of that round has already made him realize the gap between him and Biqing. If Ye Shaoyang is not playing with him, he would not want to make this head, and see Biqing coming again, and He had to use all his strength and arranged such an enchantment, hoping to block the attack of Biqing and win a little face.

Bi Qing opened his fingers and slammed on the enchantment arranged by Chen Xiaoyu. Then, after a stalemate for about five seconds, Chen Xiaoyu thought that he had withstood himself. He just had to breathe a sigh of relief. Biqing suddenly smiled and only heard a sigh. A crack appeared from the center of the enchantment and then quickly cracked. Then a loud bang, the enchantment collapsed, and Chen Xiaoyu flew out again...

Biqing gently swept the other hand and dropped the monkey king on the ground.

"Senior brother, brother, you are fine!" Ye Shaoyang rushed over and looked down at Chen Xiaoyu with great concern.

Chen Xiaoyu was thrown into the body like a piece of pain, and turned over and over on the ground, wanting to open the leaves and Shaoyang, but the pain can not speak, on the ground straight, had to take the eyes to force the leaves Shaoyang, can not wait to swallow him.

"Senior brother, why don't you do your best, I told you that she is very powerful and definitely qualified to be your opponent. You don't have to be merciful!"

"Roll!" Chen Xiaoyu spurted a blood in his throat, and did not know whether it was because of injury or was given by Ye Shaoyang.

Bi Qing had already wanted to let go of Chen Xiaoyu. He heard Ye Shaoyang say this and moved his eyes to Chen Xiaoyu. He whispered: "Come back."

Chen Xiaoyu is going crazy, and burst into tears on the spot. "I am really not his brother, I am not your opponent... Don't always aim at me." Ah, suddenly turned to look at everyone, "Don't look at it." , together!"

Miao Xin and others also rushed up, but not to help Chen Xiaoyu, but the enemy is currently, they decided to go together and destroy the powerful evils of this unknown origin.

In the face of the siege of everyone, Bi Qing did not care, arms wide open, looked up at the two dragons above the head, muttered: "It is time."

At the moment, a light drink, his hands gently pulled back, the two dragons suddenly broke away from the track, falling into her hands, and became the two groups. Biqing spread his hands and quickly spread out, quickly filling the space. Everyone suddenly fell into the clouds, and the line of sight was blurred. Except for the white, everything could not be seen. With the feeling, I rushed to the position where I had stood before, but she was not there.

What about people?

Everyone looked around and was very nervous.

At this moment, there was light flashing above the top of the head. Everyone looked up and looked at it. It was the five elements of the light that floated in the air before: gold, green, brown, white, and red. They continued to rotate and expand, falling around the crowd and intertwined. It formed a strange pattern. If someone looks down from the sky, the pattern of the current five-color aura is like a five-pointed star, and Ye Shaoyang is a person, just in the middle of the "five-pointed star".

After the ghosts lost their bondage, they all awakened. Hundreds of ghosts fell into the "five-pointed star" and rushed over to everyone.

“Everyone back to back and take care of each other!”

Under the reminder of the wonderful heart, the people back to back, always facing outward, each holding a device to resist the attack of these evil spirits.

"Ye Shaoyang, you are a beast!!" Chen Xiaoyu wants to be desperately with Ye Shaoyang, pulled by Lu Xiaoqing, and stuffed behind him. "As far as you are, you can beat someone, you must hurry and adjust, we will stand up!"

Chen Xiaoyu was reluctant to hate Ye Shaoyang, and Ye Shaoyang screamed at him and smiled at him: "You can hurry to adjust your interest, and maybe you will find a duel for you. After all, you are the strongest one among us!"

"You bastard!" Chen Xiaoyu violently thundered, but also a little worried that Biqing found himself, did not dare to delay, hiding behind Lu Xiaoqing began to adjust interest rates.

Miao Xin took a look at Ye Shaoyang. "Nothing is enough! We will all die here, and you still have a mood to hang him!"

"I don't necessarily die." Ye Shaoyang looked around and said, "What are these five lights?"

"It should be the appearance of the gas and water essence... It should have been used by my ancestors to seal her land, but it seems that she has been infiltrated by her, but it is controlled. Now this is... Five elements?"

"It's a five-line array, but the five-line array is just a rough statement. The five elements are intertwined and varied. I don't know what this is. I wonder why this woman knows this."

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