Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2224: 2224 Eight Doors 2

People are human, the demon has the path of evil spirits.

The demons are ever-changing, each has its own strengths, and manpower cannot. So humans invented various spells to deal with demons, the four pillars and five lines of Daomen, the nine palaces and gossips, the three-door five-doors of Buddhism, the six-word mantras, etc. These are the ways of human beings, and the demons cannot be cultivated and mastered. The one exception is the ghost technique, that is, after the death of the mage, transforming the suffocating into a breath that the soul can grasp, and doing the best to preserve the cultivation, and practicing according to the rules of the magic mastered before birth.

Since Biqing can absorb and seal her own array of methods, there is only one possibility: she used to be a human master!

In a short moment, Ye Shaoyang thought of this many, and made this judgment through reasoning.

"You have done a good job, just to bring the sacrifice, but also enough for me to absorb for a while!" Biqing's voice came from all directions.

The sound just fell, the five-line array suddenly turned up, and the power of a horror surged from five directions. Ye Shaoyang and his party immediately felt tremendous pressure. Fortunately, these are also strong, and they joined forces. I can block it for a while, but I know that it will not last long.

"We are fighting against it, you stand in the direction I said!"

The good heart commanded everyone to stand up, holding the staff and chanting the spell. With the cooperation of the group, a temporary array was arranged, and several people were present to cover the terrorist forces and those who were in the middle of the five elements. s attack.

After the five-line array was running for a while, it stood still and everyone sighed, but it didn't take long for the five elements to work again. It was a flash of fire that forced everyone, even if the enchantment resisted most of the power, everyone still felt hot. Unbearable.

"This is **** fire!" Ye Shaoyang said awkwardly, the heart is even more dazed, mother, this girl can actually control the **** fire!

"It’s a battle, the law is summoned." Miao Xin said, "A wave before it was a hurricane, now it is a sea of ​​fire, and then there are falling rocks, ice awns and heart swords... This is the five elements to kill... It’s incredible to launch this intensity, and we can’t reach the fifth wave.”

Ye Shaoyang asked, "What should I do?"

"The operation of the array, the five elements of each other, there must be a living and a dead door, and constantly changing... Every time the position is changed, the two life and death are also changing, so we are temporarily safe, but if we stand different, here will be sooner or later. Turned into four doors, so the attack is a wave of waves, after five waves, the cycle is reciprocating, there is no end. We only have to constantly move, change the position, in order to temporarily ensure safety..."

When Wu Tong listened to her, she immediately asked: "There are a total of six spaces separated by the array. If you live and die, there are three places for life and three for death. How do we know where to move, in case of crashing into death? What about the door?"

"You can only try it. I can't break the mechanism of the formation in a moment..."

Life and death have a life, at least there is a chance to fight, at most nine deaths, have been standing here, it is absolutely dead. Therefore, after listening to the wonderful words, everyone has no opinion.

Looking around, the rest of the space separated by the light is calm and calm from the outside. I really don't know which one to go to, so I just choose one, let everyone wait and try it myself.

Ye Shaoyang grabbed her and said: "If you go, if you are dead, you can't come out."

"What do you do, do you die here?"

"Follow me, keep safe!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished speaking, he crossed the space on the right side and the people did not stop. Ye Shaoyang stepped in and immediately was hidden by the space and could not be seen.

Everyone looked at each other and no one thought that Ye Shaoyang was so determined.

"Will you go?" asked awkwardly.

"Try, I believe Shaoyangzi!" Mao Xiaofang said that he has also passed.

Wutong and Miaoxin glanced at each other and nodded. They first resisted the attacks of the ghosts, and let Lu Xiaoqing wake Chen Xiaoyu and go with his monkey king.

"Let's go. I won't leave! I don't believe him!" Chen Xiaoyu shouted.

At this moment of life and death, no one cares about his anger. Anyway, he is also awake, so regardless of him, he has skipped the connection between the spaces.

Chen Xiaoyu was left alone, staring at the direction in which everyone disappeared, sighed and jumped over.

Everyone is going to die.

But if they are not dead, they will die, how bad?

Chen Xiaoyu, with this attitude, how to keep up with the big forces.

The space next door was calm and calm, and there was no intrusion by those ghosts.

Everyone has a sigh of relief. Wonderful thoughts, ask Ye Shaoyang: "Are you blind?"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. "Since it is a five-line array, it must follow the laws of the five elements. Twenty-five possible changes will not change from the ancestors. As long as you master the law, you will know where the life is."

Frightly frowning: "Twenty-five kinds of changes, each one is possible, how do you determine which one is right?"

"I have my own way of deduction." Ye Shaoyang smiled, this is not a good explanation, and there is no time to explain: I will be congenital gossip, congenital gossip, not only the elephant, the five elements of the gossip, on the basis of congenital gossip, Ye Shaoyang can play a variety of formation mechanisms based on the five elements of gossip, which is impossible in the day after tomorrow.

It is as if you have mastered the multiplication of the ninety-nine tables, it is easy to count the multiplication of various numbers, which is incredible for those who do not understand.

After waiting for a while, Ye Shaoyang pointed to another direction and drilled into another space adjacent to it, which was safe.

"Master, how come you are coming?" Ye Shaoyang rushed Chen Xiaoyu to pick an eyebrow.

Chen Xiaoyu's face was red, and her heart was bent to the extreme, but she did not dare to attack Ye Shaoyang.

In the gap between the changes in the array, Ye Shaoyang took everyone to move the position and drilled into different spaces. All the way to safety, no longer encountered danger, even those insults were no longer there.

"We have been hiding like this?" Wu Tong asked.

"Although the five elements were formed by the venue, it was hard to drive. I don't believe she can always play with us." Ye Shaoyang frowned and said, "I am afraid, she has something else." means."

The voice of Bi Qing, once again did not know which direction came, and the voice also had some surprises: "Why can you touch the law of the five elements?"

"The worm is a small skill, what is this?" Ye Shaoyang deliberately exaggerated.

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