Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2326: 2328 Yejiacun 1st Battle 1

The voice of Xiao Jiu came again: "Shaoyang, don't forget, Yang Gong of this world, I don't know you at all."

Ye Shaoyang slowly nodded, this is the biggest trouble... Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and he immediately persuaded Xiao Yiyun and Daoyuan to believe in himself, mainly because they have certain "social relations". As long as they say it, they have to believe. Even so, I had a lot of trouble at the time.

Yang Gongyi seems to have no social relationship, even if there is, in her chaotic world, she does not know at all... Ye Shaoyang thought for a long time, really can't think of anything that can prove that she knows her, what to say after meeting? After a hundred years, you were caught by my brother, and I was released. Then you liked me very much, but then became my nephew?

It is estimated that Yang Gongyi will be killed as a neurosis.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a long time, and couldn't think of any persuasive events. He had to give up temporarily, waiting for the place to be there, and greet everyone to discuss.

"Why do you know so much?" Ye Shaoyang asked Bi Qing some curiously.

"I have lived for thousands of years. I have heard a lot about these things." Bi Qing said with pride.

This sentence caused Ye Shaoyang to be curious about her life.

"We are now working together. Can you tell me something about you? You and Li Haoran, why are you brothers, who is your master, Laojun?"

Bi Qing looked at the distance and said slowly: "When the old man traveled westward, my brother was a mount and a disciple. With the same one, on the river in the valley of the valley, before the two separated, the old man sat on a lotus flower, with The last time the brothers preached, when the sky was in vain, the golden lotus was in the ground, and then the old king was feathered and went to the Buddha... I heard the Taoist scriptures and turned into a demon, and then I went with my brothers and traveled around the world... so it was."

Ye Shaoyang blinked and said, "You are the lotus that Lao Tzu has been sitting on?"

"I didn't say it. At that time, the place was filled with Jinlian. I was just the lotus leaf. I heard the Tao and gave birth to spirituality. I have practiced it for many years."

"Oh, Jinlian...that, are you not Pan?"


"Nothing is wrong." Ye Shaoyang smiled. "I said Jinlian... No, Biqing, I seem to hear you have a name, what is it... What is it?"

"Fu Fu, Bi Qing, are all related to the lotus. Fu Fu fairy is the name before I got the road. When I was speaking with the brothers in the world, the three realms came to listen. The Xingyue slaves were curious about the human law. I have heard it, so I recognize it." Bi Qing rushed to his evil charm and smiled. "If you like it, you can call me Fu."

"Hey, you can kiss some more, call you a fuss or something." Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought that Xiao Ji was listening, he was a little bad for such a sister, and suddenly he was awkward, but the understanding of Xiao Jiu will not open at this time. of.

Bi Qing took a look at Ye Shaoyang and said: "Ye Shaoyang, you are really optimistic. This time there is still a mood to tell me this."

"Otherwise, there is always a solution to the problem. I can't always frown."

From Jiangxi to Henan, after a hundred years, the high-speed rail will be two hours. In this era, it is a very long journey. Fortunately, they have a carriage, they are also official, and they have gone two or three times a day. Baili, according to this speed, the slowest can only be reached in a few days.

In the evening, passing by the station, a group of people stayed, Lin Sansheng also came out from the yin and yang mirror, and discussed with everyone the plan of Lei Pool. After listening to Ye Shaoyang and Bi Qing, the group discussed it a bit, and there is no good way to prove their identity in front of Yang Gong.

"What do you mean by the military division? You haven't spoken for a long time. Do you have any way?" said Ye Shaoyang, looking at the frowning Lin Sansheng.

"Normally, there is no way to prove our identity."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "Can you only be hard?"

"Perhaps, there is a better way than this." Lin Sansheng said quietly, everyone looked at him not talking, waiting for him to say.

Lin San grew a sigh and hesitated. He said, "There is only one way, we have to go back!"

"go back?"

"Back to our time!" Lin Sansheng said in a loud voice, looked up and saw a stunned look.

"You mean, let's go back and then find a way to go to Leichi?" Ye Shaoyang frowned.

Lin Sansheng nodded.

"But Xu Fu said..."

"You don't care what he said." Lin Sansheng interrupted him. "It's natural to have things solved here, but it's more difficult. If you go back to our world, these troubles are solved. Yang Gongyi can take us. Go to Xuanyuan Mountain, the chaotic well of the Yin Shi, you can also casually, the most important thing is that our members are all over there, can go together... I really can't think of why we are in this unfamiliar place. But it's all."

Ye Shaoyang and others looked at each other. This proposal was too sudden. Everyone could not give a judgment at a time.


Biqing first jumped out against it, and said with a strong voice, "Golden Donkey is in the hands of the stars and slaves. I don't know the world after a hundred years. What is the connection with this place? In case of the past, the Xingyue slaves over there. Is there no diamonds on it?"

Lin Sansheng said: "This is two things. If you want to get back to Vajrayana, there is no way. We can directly talk to the Xingyue slaves, even if we don't need it. Shaoyang, Xingyue slaves are not pulling you into the spell guild? You may ask her for King Kong, she may agree."

Ye Shaoyang and Bi Qing were all stunned at once. If you think about it, it might be feasible.

"If she doesn't give it?" Biqing is not at ease.

"If you don't give it, everyone will not be her opponent, but it is not the same as the mine pool. It is on the people's site, and we become the besieged."

Biqing was talked about. In fact, she was most concerned about Li Haoran. The rest of the Thunder Pool is nothing but cooperation with each other.

Ye Shaoyang handed his chin and said: "So, it seems that we don't have to be here to mine the pool. If we go back at least, it will do more harm than good... What do you think?"

Sibao and others immediately nodded, everyone was homesick, and of course they wanted to go back.

"Go, boss, I want to go a hundred years later and see what is different from now!" The buns are the most exciting.

Mao Xiaofang smiled bitterly: "Shaoyangzi, I am a person of this era. If you go back... I can't follow the past, but you have more help over there, I am also assured, I support it."

Daoyuan Zhenren and Meihua are also this attitude.

(The last battle at this stage of the Republic of China is about to open...)

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