Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2327: 2329 Yejiacun 1st World War 2

Going back to have more people to help, they certainly support, but this is the case, they are all right now, and it is a bit sad. Especially Meihua, some unhappy on the spot, biting his lips and not talking.

"The question now is, how do you find Xu Fu and tell him about our decision?"

"He will come to us." Lin Sansheng said, "He wants to avoid the pursuit of the Yin Shi, certainly can not show up, but he left a breath on the East Queen's clock, can sense the position, will definitely find it, will be time Tell him it is."

"Does he disagree?"

"He is not qualified to disagree." Lin Sansheng replied decisively. "He is the person who runs the overall situation. This matter is personal to him. There are no pros and cons. He will not have opinions."

Ye Shaoyang considered it for a moment, and his eyes swept away from the faces of the group, saying: "If you have no opinions, then things will be fixed."

Everyone nodded and then discussed for a while, because they have to hurry tomorrow, and they all go to rest.

Meihua and Baozi flew together on the roof and supervised the surrounding, so as to avoid uninvited guests coming.

"What is your wife?" Ye Shaoyang left Lin Sansheng in the room, and suddenly remembered that he was a person from the yin and yang mirror, so he asked.

" Still in the mirror." Lin Sansheng has a snack.

Ye Shaoyang asked about the nephew, Lin Sansheng said it from the beginning.

"The trough, you haven't come to me for so long, it's with your wife! It's a light-hearted friend!" Ye Shaoyang snorted and then smiled again. "Congratulations, you haven't waited for hundreds of years."

Lin Sansheng bowed his head and said nothing.

Ye Shaoyang said: "So, she still doesn't know the truth of all this, thinking that you are the lover of his death? The amount, I mean... In fact, Lin Sansheng, who is shrinking with her in that world, is not alone. , how to say it so much."

Lin Sansheng said: "I didn't know. Actually, I didn't intend to tell her before, and I didn't plan to come to you. I wanted to live with her in the woods. You should understand, I am afraid she accepts. I can't tell the truth, but since I want to see you, I can't hold her."

Ye Shaoyang stunned, he did not think of this layer, muttered: "So why are you still here?"

Lin Sansheng looked at him and barely smiled: "When you talked to Xu Fu, I have been looking at you in the woods. I heard that you are going to Leibai, you are going, I am hiding alone with my wife, Qing, I, Shaoyang, you. Do you think I can stay?"

"Ha ha!" Ye Shaoyang laughed, suddenly remembered something, and asked: "Then you used to tell her everything in the yin and yang mirror, she... what attitude?"

"Understand me, accept me too. Just..." Lin Sansheng hesitated for a while, but did not say what it was.

Ye Shaoyang just wanted to ask, someone knocked on the door outside, Ye Shaoyang used to open the door, and stood outside to stand the real person and Mao Xiaofang, and let the two come in.

"Shaoyangzi, we are coming to say goodbye." Mao Xiaofang said as soon as he entered the door.

"What, you have to go!" Ye Shaoyang was shocked.

"Not now," Mao Xiaofang smiled. We accompanied you to find the girl. I was worried that if there was any situation, I wouldn’t have time to say goodbye to you, so I would be relieved if I said it in advance. After all, we can't go to your time with you. ”

Ye Shaoyang suddenly burst into a burst of sorrow and grief. These days, he always stayed with the two of them. He also experienced several battles. He had long been in love with his hands and feet. He suddenly thought of separation. Ye Shaoyang’s heart was very sad. The most important thing is... ...this time, there may be no chance to meet again in the future.

"If you want to talk about it separately, you don't have to be sad in advance." Ye Shaoyang smiled. "But if you have any plans, let's talk."

Mao Xiaofang said in a serious way: "I have thought about it. In fact, it is also a reminder that you gave me. My strength is like this. At most, it is a breakthrough in the immortality. It is better than a genius like you. I still specialize in one. Just do it. Choosing a zombie is good. After you leave, I will retreat to study the zombie spells and become a real zombie leader in the future. Haha, it sounds good."

"Amount, it sounds so cool." Ye Shaoyang thought that Mao Xiaofang would probably really develop a clue and become an expert figure in catching zombies, so the deeds will be passed down... However, he clearly knows the result first. If you want to fight in this direction, then what is the cause and what is the result?

It seems that everything is not that important.

"I believe in you, a generation of zombies." Ye Shaoyang smiled at him and turned to ask Daoyuan real person. "What about your ancestors?"

Dao Yuanzhen was silent for a moment, saying: "I want to walk alone in the world and look for the way in my heart."

Ye Shaoyang looked at him and nodded. He did not say his later fate. In any case, it was his own choice.

"After a hundred years, we can still meet each other."

"At that time, I really became your ancestor." Daoyuan, who has always been unsmiling, laughed.

"No matter what the future, at least for now, I can call you a good brother. You two are my good brothers."

The three looked at each other and laughed.

Mao Xiaofang proposed to drink alcohol, but Ye Shaoyang insisted on drinking when he was really different.

After chatting together for a while, the two said goodbye to leave.

"I really can't bear them." After the two left, Ye Shaoyang said to Lin Sansheng, "I am here because of their help. I am also a blessing, and I can make good friends everywhere."

Lin Sansheng seemed to have a lot of thoughts, just nodded and didn't talk.

After waiting for a while, someone knocked on the door outside. This time it was Meihua, and it was also goodbye in advance. Meihua’s mood was somewhat low, and Ye Shaoyang was so comforted that he reluctantly left.

"You have to go. Feng Yu two couples, may also go to the reincarnation in the future." Close the door back to the room, Ye Shaoyang exclaimed.

"There is nothing in the world. Shaoyang, you have a lot of advantages, but too much feelings, many things, you can't open."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "What happened to you today, or a wife, and people have become more sentimental. I don't want to do anything in the future. My biggest headache is the thunder pool... but you can help me. I am also relieved a lot."

"But I can't always stay with you."

"Not necessarily, you are a ghost, longevity is not dead, big deal, I will die in the future, stay in the Yin Shi, go to the Yin and Yang Division as a master, everyone long together, in the various divisions of the Yin Division, think it is also very cool."

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