Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2331: 2333 open 1

This is the Red Moon Rakshasa?

On the way, Meihua has given Ye Shaoyang a popular science. There are four Rakshasa in Taiyin Mountain. They are Red Moon Rakshasa, Blood River Rakshasa, Jade Rakshasa, and a name is unknown.

This red moon Rakshasa is one of the four strongest of the four Rakshasa. It is the same as the **** Rakshasa. Although everyone is Rakshasa, the Jade Rakshasa is harder than these two. It’s a lot worse.

Jade Rakshasa, once with the Snow Devils to chase after Ye Shaoyang, but he did not see, was stopped by the wind and pony outside the tomb. After the incident, the pony blew him with him and put the jade face Rakshasa into a play. Ye Shaoyang is also when he is bragging.

For Ye Shaoyang, when I heard the words of Rakshasa, I was embarrassed and remembered a long-lost name: Ghost Rakshasa!

They are called Raksha, and Ye Shaoyang doesn't know if they have anything to do with each other. But the ghost mother Rakshasa, but left him with a psychological shadow...

"Red Moon Rakshasa?" Ye Shaoyang looked at the woman on the soil bag and asked out.

The eyes of the Red Moon Rakshasa moved to his face, and the original calm face suddenly changed. He looked at him slyly. "How come you... here?"

Ye Shaoyang, who was asked this question, was surprised. She looked at her for a while and touched her chin. "Do you know? I didn't have any impression."

The doubtful eyes of the Red Moon Rakshasa looked at him for a long time, and seemed to suddenly think of something, saying: "Are you a surname?"

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "Who are you?"

"It really is..." Red Moon Rakshasa sank for a while and said: "You are the descendants of Ye Tianshi."

“Ye Tianshi?” Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized. “You said Ye Fashan? How do you know that I am a descendant?”

Red Moon Rakshasa smiled coldly: "You are both his descendants, then you can't leave you, Ning kills the wrong, don't let go." After saying this, the red moon Rakshasa opened his arms and suddenly appeared silver under his body. Guanghua, with a force of shaking, as if the scales are broken apart, falling from the body, and the people of Ye Shaoyang rushed over.

"I haven't killed the human master for a long time... Come on."

"Rely! What's the special thing!" Four treasures snorted angrily, rushing Ye Shaoyang shouted: "Old rules, I am squatting, you up?"

"Don't worry, look at the way first. I want to see how she beats us so much." After Ye Shaoyang finished, he played a few charms, and the curse formed a whirlwind of light, and everyone was surrounded.

The silver fragments came to the moment, and when they came into contact with the lights, they released a more intense brilliance, burning the flames of the lights, and as a result, the lights were extinguished for ten seconds, and they were extinguished by the evil spirit attached to the fragments.

"I am going to go, really cattle!" Ye Shaoyang and others quickly defensive defense, but the fragments did not immediately attack them, but rotated around them, constantly releasing evil, Ye Shaoyang hit a copper bean, As a result, all the slams of the slams have not fallen.

"You are also OK, this time, and also use these means to deal with the little ghosts!" Four treasures scolded.

Ye Shaoyang said: "No, I am trying the strength of these pieces. It is indestructible."

"She is not trying to attack us, but is to trap us." Lin Sansheng calmly observed the surroundings and gave a judgment.

Mao Xiaofang spit on the ground and said, "Is it really a big hand. Do you want to pack us all over? I still don't believe that we have so many people who can't beat her?"

The result seems to be to refute Mao Xiaofang's words. The previous corpse of the previous month shook again, and more wounds appeared on the neck. Each had his head squeezed out, but it was much easier than the red moon Rocha, one after the other. A total of more than a dozen evils came out. Ye Shaoyang and others looked at them. There were several generals who were haze, and a few long ones were fierce and evil. Like bulldogs, they didn’t know what it was. They all looked at the red eyes, and the corners of their mouths were drowned, looking very evil and violent.

After the dozens of evils came out, the last one may be too strong, and it is more difficult to cross the void. Just like when the red moon is coming out, it takes a long time for the child to come out, but it is a monk with no eyebrows. The beard, white and smooth, but looks very fierce, but the scalp is creeping, as if there is something below.

When the monk came out, the fierce gaze immediately swept over Ye Shaoyang, and then said to the Red Moon Rakshasa: "The big singer summoned me to wait for these mortals?"

The tone is very disdainful.

The Red Moon Rakshasa pointed to the Indus: "This is the person we want to take away. We must kill it and take her soul away." The finger is directed at Ye Shaoyang. "This is an accident. The joy is, this is the descendant of Ye Tianshi, killing him, breaking the thoughts of Ye Tianshi, a must suffer!"

"What is the aftermath, what do he think?" Ye Shaoyang hurriedly asked.

"Hey, come over, let the poor tell you." The monk looked at Ye Shaoyang evilly.

"Come with your uncle, there is a kind of you coming."

The monk laughed. "Is this called Grandpa?"

Ye Shaoyang stunned and looked at the four treasures. He said: "Is this monk IQ problem?"

"It may have been in the Taiyin Mountain for a long time, I can't understand people. He thought he was praised."

Ye Shaoyang wanted to swear a few more monks, and irritated him even more, but after listening to the four treasures, he suddenly thought of a question: this monk, as well as the red moon Rakshasa, and those evil things in the Taiyin Mountain, why do people say people? Words, although not standard Chinese (somewhat literary), but at least people can understand, if they have been in the world, then it is all right, but many evil things in Taiyin Mountain have never come to the world. Why do they speak human language?

Ye Shaoyang thought of a possibility, but there was no time to think about it in the depths. There was a real reminder to everyone: "One more!"

Everyone turned to look at it, and another figure was drilled out of the neck of Haoyue. The head of Haoyue was gone, and the body was already crushed. Only a black gas could be seen, like a nebula swirl. With.

The last one that came out is actually a sinister dress dressed up by a scholar. Compared with the evil monk and the evil red moon, the sacred look is very refined. He is a scholar. He looks like he is thirty years old and wears a square scarf. A sword was hung around his waist, wearing a white robe. When he came out, he immediately floated to the side of the Red Moon Rakshasa and called out: "Yuehua."

The sound is very soft, and Ye Shaoyang of the gossip immediately suspects that the two people are definitely not related.

(End of this chapter)

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