Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2332: 2334 open 2

The Red Moon Rakshasa pointed to Ye Shaoyang: "This is your descendant of Maoshan, the descendant of Ye Fashan Tianshi, you are going to destroy him today!"

Ye Shaoyang squatted, "You Maoshan" four words, leaking the identity of this scholar, Ye Shaoyang looked at him and said: "You are also Maoshan?"

"It used to be." The scholar gave a glimpse of Ye Shaoyang, and his face immediately cooled down. Then he rushed to the red moon and laughed. "This little person is not worthy of my shot. However, since it is Yuehua, you naturally do it." ”

"True meat." Four treasures made a vomiting posture, said: "Do you have a popular object in Taiyin Mountain now?"

The scholar did not speak, and slowly moved toward Ye Shaoyang. The long sword at the waist flew out automatically, and it was black and white. Ye Shaoyang saw it at a glance. This is the sword.

The so-called Taoist sword is the sword used by the Taoist priests to cast spells. Although it is similar to the swordsman when it is close to the body, it is completely different.

Ye Shaoyang's seven-star Longquan sword is, in the final analysis, a Taoist sword.

As soon as the Taoist sword appeared, Ye Shaoyang determined that the scholar must be a Taoist at least when he was alive.

"You are Maoshan?"

Ye Shaoyang went two steps forward and said coldly.

"What about it?"

"My Maoshan disciple, actually entered the Taiyin Mountain!" Ye Shaoyang said with anger at his teeth.

After the death of the mage, it is best to go to the reincarnation, to keep the name of the world, and to be a bad choice in the Yin Shi, not to go to the Yin Shi and not to reincarnation, there are also many, because in the world to catch ghosts and demons for a lifetime, very experienced, themselves Staying in the world, there are ways to reduce the possibility of being caught by the Master. This kind of general is reluctant to be a mana, and you don’t want to be controlled in the Yin Shi, so you should be a "discrete" in the human world. In other words, to take care of education, in the Yin Shi as hard labor.

The mage who stayed in the human world after death is indeed a spit, and the crime of knowing the law is increased. He has to catch the **** or send it to the animal, but the most ugly thing is to go to the Taiyin Mountain.

Once caught by the yin, immediately shattered the soul, and after the smashing of the soul, put into the bottom of the living hell, no more.

If a martial art out of this mage who went to the Taiyin Mountain, it would be a shameful shame for the whole martial art, let alone a big school like Maoshan. Ye Shaoyang never heard of such a person in the history of Maoshan, standing in front of him. It is the first one. Ye Shaoyang is the master of Maoshan, how can he not be angry.

"The poor road is the thirty-eighth generation of Maoshan, who teaches Ye Shaoyang. Today, you will kill you to clean up the portal!" Faced with the scholar, Ye Shaoyang did not conceal his identity, and said it coldly.

"You are Maoshan's teacher?" The brows of the scholars wrinkled, and then slowly nodded. "The descendants of Ye Fashan, both at the gate, must not be mediocre... the sword on your body, but the seven-star dragon spring sword?"

Ye Shaoyang pulled the sword in his hand and said: "Want?"

The scholar sneered: "Today is my chance, the seven-star Longquan sword... If the seven-star Longquan swords are flowing down the Taiyin Mountain, where is the Maoshan Road?"

These words made Ye Shaoyang's heart more angry and extreme anger. When he was fighting, he often broke out with powerful power. However, when he usually fights, this kind of emotion is not necessary, otherwise people will easily lose their calm because of their emotions. Judge. Since this scholar has a leg with the Red Crescent, it is inevitable that it is not an ordinary person. Ye Shaoyang knows that he can't be awkward. At the moment, he takes a deep breath and suppresses his anger. He is beckoning him.

"Very good, let my predecessor teach you today, what is the real Maoshan Dao!"

After the scholar finished, his hands were sealed, and the sword was flying in the air. He passed through the silver fragments and went straight to Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang snorted and hand-picked the seven-star Longquan sword. He also greeted him and said loudly: "No one of you should go up, I will kill this traitor!"

Four treasures originally wanted to help, heard this, immediately stopped, turned to the monk and said: "Come here, I will meet you, I said, you will not be the monk of Wutai Mountain?"

"What Wutai Mountain! Human Buddhism, what is the thing, the deity is the self-respecting of the Taibao Temple in Taiyin Mountain!"

"Stop, don't say too much!" Red Moon Rakshag gave a cry.

The self-respecting person laughed and said: "Is the goddess afraid that I will leak it? What is the relationship with a group of dead people!"

"You first turn them into dead people and say it!"

"This is the deity! The little monk is killed!" The self-satisfied man also passed through the silver fragments and rushed to the four treasures. On this way, he suddenly had a circle of flames, and the air seemed to be burning in an instant. Individuals have felt the rise in temperature, and they also carry an evil force that erodes the soul of the human spirit.

Mao Xiaofang immediately arranged an enchantment to block the evil forces in this flame. Daoyuan real people also came to help and bless the enchantment.

Sibao looked at the old guy very powerful, did not dare to neglect, immediately sacrificed the crane light, and blew the Bodhi fire to the self-satisfied, and cried in the mouth: "I am hard against you, see if it is your evil. The fire is amazing, or my Bodhi is really amazing!"

Once the two flames are in contact, there is no imaginary collision, but like the poles of the magnet, they instantly fuse together and are entangled and consumed.

The screaming in the mouth of the Supreme Lord is like a madness.

Four treasures suddenly felt that their mana was expelling quickly. Although he was promoted to the Arhat position not long ago, his mana was deep, but the old guy who looked at the other side seemed to be deeper than his own mana. He could not withstand such consumption, so he would use the crane light. One lost, one-handedly printed, continued to control it to spray the flame, the other hand took out the golden cymbal, and the practice took photos of the self-satisfied. But soon both hands felt awkward, and suddenly saw Wu Jiawei standing on his side, watching the battle, screaming: "White eyebrow!"

Wu Jiawei said: "What?"

"What are you doing?"

Wu Jiawei said with a sigh of relief: "You are not going to single out with him? Need me?"

"Single your sister, the goats are going to single-handedly, and I haven't said that I have to single-handedly! Even if I am a meat shield, I have to help you with this output, or how to get the head!"

"Forehead, I thought that your Taoist priests should be singled out to the monks, and the monks should be singled out. Well, I need to say it early!" Wu Jiawei pulled out the sword of Zhaifeng and rushed up.

Behind the scholar and the self-satisfied, the dozens of yin generals and all kinds of evils rushed into the enchantment. The enchantment of the Red Moon Rakshasa is a dead knot, that is, as long as the knot The world exists, you can go in from the outside, but it is hard to get out of it. In other words, this is an endless battle. (Yesterday, it’s late. Sorry sorry)

(End of this chapter)

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