Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2333: 2335 Undead King 1

The appetite of the Red Moon Rakshasa is very big, and they will destroy all of them.

After the group of evils entered the battle, they immediately smashed around the crowd.

Ye Shaoyang’s side was originally a crowd of people. As a result, the other party came to rescue the soldiers at once. It suddenly became a party with few people. Fortunately, no matter whether it is human or evil, it is not weak, and immediately resists. The offensive began to counterattack.

Ye Shaoyang fought a few rounds with the book, and immediately saw that the scholar used the real Maoshan technique! And it has been built into a three-flowered gathering, and between the fighting methods, it is calm and refreshing.

"No wonder it is Maoshan's teaching." After some battles, the scholars also generally saw the strength of Ye Shaoyang, which was much more powerful than he expected before. The heart was also shocked. Ye Shaoyang saw the move and the pressure from the Qixing Longquan sword, let him determine that this opponent is the same as himself, is a spiritual fairy.

Zhang Xiaohan is much more powerful than before.

"Who are you?" Although the other party did not necessarily say it, Ye Shaoyang couldn't help but ask. Lingxian tablet, which is definitely a figure in the history of Maoshan, as long as he said the name, he could not know.

"I have heard of it, but you have heard it."

Wood fell true?

Ye Shaoyang’s heart glimpses, the name itself has indeed been seen in the classics of Maoshan’s dynasties, and he can remember that the name is still very loud... At the moment, he is thinking in his mind.

Before he thought of the corresponding name, Mu Luozhen himself said: "I was a member of the Jiajing period of the Ming Dynasty, and I was a disciple of Maoshan. I used to be as strong as you, the flood in Zhejiang that year, the court. For the cover of the land for the mulberry, through the natural disaster machine, bombing the dam, buying rice fields, hundreds of officials filled the private pockets, forced countless farmers, for a time sorrowful, mourning, I was ordered to go beyond the soul, coincide with the local farmers When people rebelled against the government, they were angry for a while, killing a local county and arresting them for the government.

At that time, Hairuihai Qingtian, a county magistrate, let me go, but because I was a Taoist, I was easily identified. The court ordered me to catch me and finally found out that I was a Maoshan disciple.

Because the Jiajing Emperor worshipped the channel, he did not eliminate the sect, only let my master send me to the court to plead guilty. Oh, my master, but I was afraid of the imperial power. I wanted to send me to the court. I fled the sect. My master sent people to catch up all the way... It’s always my technique, and I escaped. Yezhang teaches, you said, is it that I am wrong? ”

Is there such a thing?

Ye Shaoyang looked at him with astonishment, just about to open his mouth. The wooden swordsman turned his sword in his hand, and recited a curse in his mouth. He sighed on the sword and then swayed.

"Five thunder is really printed, the heavens and the earth are ringing! Flying across the void, Leiguang is gathering!!"

When the sword broke through the sky, a thunder suddenly sounded, and a trace of thunder flashed on the sword front, slamming down against Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang knows that this is a five-thousand true singer. A very powerful spell in the inner door of Maoshan is displayed by a fairy, and it is unstoppable.

Ye Shaoyang touched out Taiyi's dust, swept the volley, and recited the water and land enchantment, and held the sword in the hands of the real person. However, one of the Thunder attached to the Taoist sword was divided into five, and fell on the side of Ye Shaoyang. Taking him as the center, according to the position of Wu Leiyuan, a seal was formed and constantly oppressed.

"This means good, but I can't sleep with me."

Ye Shaoyang put the seven-star Longquan sword in front of him, scratching his fingers, writing a "Shen" word on the hilt with blood, and then raising his hand, sticking a few spiritual symbols on the hilt, and cursing in the mouth: "Seven stars long Ming, turn into a soldier! Broken!"

Forced to play the hilt, a few magical characters flew up, hovering around the front and rear, with the seven-star Longquan sword as the center, the spiritual interaction, can withstand five Rays of light, and consume each other.

This attack and defense, formed a confrontation, Ye Shaoyang also has the heart to fight with his mana, and does not take the initiative to attack, the two sides are so deadlocked.

"Please continue to talk about your journey."

The woods are cold and screaming: "Tell you anyway. After I fled, I wandered the world, seeing the people not talking about life, hungry everywhere... This world is unfair, we practice the division, even if it is desperately overwhelming, what is the use? Have you thought about this yet?"

"No, I am not as extreme as you are. We are just Masters. Other things, we can't manage it, we can't worry about it, and now it's a peaceful life, a harmonious society, and no trouble for you."

The society is doing its own job, just like the war years. Although it is due to the war, it causes death and injury to the military and civilians. However, doctors still have to cure diseases and save people. They cannot continue because they are fighting, they can’t save them, and they can’t save people. Take all the weapons to fight, if you do this, then the injured will only wait to die. The accusation of the Master is to get the spiritual events of the world. If there is political ambition, don't be a mage.

Ye Shaoyang’s views on this issue are still relatively mature.

Wood fell into humanity: "Since ancient times, officials have forced the people to oppose. In the past, Zhang Taitian’s Taiping Road did not reveal the uprising. Is it a climate? Therefore, I have collected the people in the private sector, and I want to uncover the righteousness and resist the court. Unexpectedly, the incident was carried out for the officers and men, but the magical circles also cooperated with the government. They wanted me everywhere. I went to nowhere, and I sneaked into the Forbidden City and assassinated the emperor..."

Ye Shaoyang heard this and looked at him with a stunned look, muttering: "Buddy, although I don't agree with you, but... you are really arrogant." A Taoist, actually unveiled / righteous, after the failure Thinking of the assassination of the emperor, this kind of thing is really shocking.

"As a result, have you failed?"

"I took advantage of my own Dafa, thinking that the soul is inseparable, and I will be able to kill the emperor. I don't think that there is a sacred beast in the Forbidden City, and there is a famous Master. It is very deep and hurts my soul. I fight to escape, the ghost enters the yin, but catches it for the yin, saying that I am a demon... Hey, this gang, but it is no different from the human court, saying that I am in trouble, I am going to hell... I The fugitive ghost field will chase after the ghosts, and there is no way to go, but Yuehua saved me and took me to the Taiyin Mountain..."

It turned out that he actually had such a tortuous experience, Ye Shaoyang said coldly: "Do you think Taiyin Mountain is better than the human court and the yin?"

"On the Taiyin Mountain, there is more order than the human world..."

"Wood fall, Hugh to leak the secrets of my Taiyin Mountain!" Red Moon Rakshasa heard the wooden spit and shouted.

The wooden dropper said to Ye Shaoyang: "The heavens and the earth are not benevolent, the things are the dogs, the saints are not benevolent, and the people are the dogs. Laojun is not empty."

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