Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2334: 2336 is not destroying the king 2

"The world is good, the yin is worth it, it's all rotten into the roots. Only Taiyin Mountain is a paradise. I say so much to you, just because you are young, you have this cultivation, you can't bear to fall into the world, you If you go with me, even if you are a descendant of Ye Fashan, I can guarantee you all the time... If you don’t, this place is your death, and the soul can’t be comprehensive...”

"Well, don't say it, I know. You have already gone into flames. I have a lot of people, not too good, or I am overtaking you."

Ye Shaoyang shouted, and recited a curse in his mouth. Several magical symbols burned together, and instantly broke the five thunders. Ye Shaoyang suddenly pulled up the Qixing Longquan sword and went to the wood.

Mu Luo also re-accepted the five thunders on the road sword, and again fight with Ye Shaoyang to fight...

"Goat, do you see what the red moon is doing?" The four treasures deal with the self-satisfied with Wu Jiawei, although they will not be able to take him for a while, but the battle is much easier than Ye Shaoyang. I never looked up and saw that she didn't know where to find a incense burner and inserted a scent inside.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at it, but he was puzzled. At this time, the Red Moon Rakshasa also looked at him, and smiled coldly. The figure flashed, and the whole body shone like silver. Then, like countless snow flakes, flew from her. The time was picked up by the wind, and these silver fragments were blown, and they flew toward Ye Shaoyang, as if a snow storm had blown up.

Mao Xiaofang and others immediately vacated their hands and resisted it. They immediately felt struggling.

"These humans are quite difficult to deal with. Time is limited. I drag these two. The moonlight is just right here. The goddess is going to do it quickly!" He shouted to the Red Moon Rakshah without respect.

A burst of sound came from the pieces, as if a person was thinking about a spell that could not be understood.

Then, the fragments gave up their encirclement, but slowly gathered together to form a portrait, white and golden, like a translucent person: wearing a crown, wearing a skull There is only a silhouette on the face, it looks like a woman, but in the face... seems to have endless anger.

What is this ghost thing?

Ye Shaoyang and all the people were stunned.

"Hey!" The self-satisfied man laughed. "The moonlight is very good tonight. The immortal king of the goddess can just anger!"

"I don't destroy the Ming Wang!" The four treasures and the phoenix tree screamed together.

"What is that?" Wu Jiawei asked the four treasures.

"One of the Buddha's anger, gave birth to the Ming Wang... This does not destroy the Ming Wang, the rumor is the Buddha's anger, but this is not the Ming Wang deity, it should be a spell development, hey, this seems to be condensed with Yuehua, can directly Use Yuehua so much, quirks!"

Wu Jiawei was unclear and attacked the self-respecting person while asking: "The Buddha's anger? Will the Buddha be angry?"

"Easy not to be angry, if the Buddha is angry, it will give birth to the eternal king, and it will be able to break everything in the world... Don't talk nonsense, I am holding it, you can try it!"

Wu Jiawei "hmm", holding the Tibetan sword, and reading the spell, stabbed toward the statue of the immortal King who looked like a plaster statue.

The Ming Wang statue did not move, his hands were together, and he suddenly pushed open. A silver brilliance shot, forming a "卐" character, squatting on the sword in the hands of Wu Jiawei.

With a bang, the long sword flew away, and Wu Jiawei’s people also ran out, adjusted it, did not fall, but even retired several steps, and looked at the statue of the King in front of him.

"How can this be!"

Wu Jiawei was taught by Ye Shaoyang to indulge in the heart of the big Zhoutian, long-term cultivation, but also into the land of the immortal card, in the human world is also counted as the strong, the result of a powerful blow, he was so embarrassed to be repelled, This shows that there is a huge gap between the two sides...

Just when Wu Jiawei was forced, the undead king lifted a palm out of his hand and pinched an orchid finger. The **** hit a bullet and a silver light shot at Wu Jiawei.

Wu Jiawei immediately shunned away, but the silver light shattered and turned into countless pieces. He grabbed him in an instant and wrapped him in the middle. Wu Jiawei arranged an enchantment in his body with anger. When the enchantment was formed, it was squeezed by a powerful force and shattered. Wu Jiawei’s throat was sweet and a blood spurted out.

I didn't have time to react, and immediately felt an extremely cold breath. I pressed myself over. This time, he was too late to arrange the enchantment. He was in fear, and suddenly a golden dot was shot from a distance. On the swirl of the debris, there was a clear sound of metal.

Guanghua dispersed, and the thing fell on the ground, but it was a copper coin.

Ye Shaoyang’s casting mother’s big money shattered the silver light fragments and saved Wu Jiawei once.

"I try, you come to me!"

Ye Shaoyang took the opportunity to retire and flew toward the statue of the immortal King. The wooden real person did not catch up. He just smiled and seemed to be watching a very ridiculous thing. At this time, Wu Jiawei had already set off his own sword of Zangfeng and screamed at him. Two people quickly fight together.

Ye Shaoyang flew up, and the result did not wait until the invincible King, the finger of the Ming Dynasty, the flying missiles, and the silver light flew out, flying over and over, Ye Shaoyang was also prepared, and the mouth was filled with the curse: "Sunset Shaming The heavens and the earth are falling open, the Qiankun is infinite, and the Tao is boundless!

The seven-star Longquan sword, which was printed with the tip of the tongue, was pushed forward, and a dragon screamed. The seven-star dragon spring sword instantly broke through the silver light and squatted on the unmoving king.


The eternal king of the Ming Dynasty collapsed and re-formed numerous fragments of silver and flew in the air.

What is the situation?

Ye Shaoyang looked at the scene with a sly look. After a few seconds, he saw that the pieces gathered into a huge palm, and the **** bent and hit him.

Ye Shaoyang stepped back half a step and found out the Taiyi whisk. In front of him, he painted two strokes and painted it into a "乂" character. He pushed it out and hit it on the palm of his hand. The palm of his hand was once again shattered, and a huge anti-shock force. However, it was a few steps back from the earthquake of Ye Shaoyang, and the blood in the body was turbulent, which made him feel uncomfortable.

As a result, before he breathed a sigh of relief, the silver shards were combined again and flew over the crowds, forming different shapes: the spirit beads, the staff, the wooden fish, the blessings...

All are Buddhist instruments, hovering in the air, with extreme cold, hitting the heads of everyone.

At the crucial moment, a golden body of Lohan appeared in the air and confronted these instruments. Among the great afterglows, there was a strong Sanskrit, which shocked everyone, Bun and Meihua, Fengqi The soul of the couple was almost scattered, flying towards Ye Shaoyang.

(The wonderful story has just begun)

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