Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2335: 2337 month Huazhili 1

"Boss, we are evil things, can't stand this Sanskrit!" Buns plunged into the yin and yang mirror to hide.

The four treasures snorted, and the golden body was shattered and fell to the ground, his mouth groaning.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart is awkward, and the four treasures of Luohan Jinshen, although the offensive is not flexible enough, but the defense is extremely strong, and it was suddenly shattered! How strong is this attack that does not destroy Ming Wang?

Fortunately, the instrument that was formed into the king of the Ming Dynasty was also crushed under this attack.

It was finally ruined. Ye Shaoyang is also relieved.

However, without waiting for him to relax a little, the pieces of silver that were crushed were combined again and re-aggregated into an unmoving king. This time instead of standing, they sat on a lotus leaf that was also composed of silver fragments. With his hands clasped together, the whole body is constantly emitting silver brilliance, and the cockroaches generally diffuse.

For a time, everyone felt the invisible pressure. With the continual superposition of Guanghua, the pressure of this group became stronger and stronger, forming a layer of enchantment. From the head and surrounding of Ye Shaoyang's head and people, Ye Shaoyang rushed. Rushing to the far side, reaching out to the right hand, immediately touched the invisible barrier. As a result, without waiting for the hand to pull back, the spread of the enchantment has reached the back of his hand, blocking the entire right hand in the enchantment.

"Yuhuan Qiankun, can break the void!" Ye Shaoyang left his hand and pinched it. He hit the palm of his hand and shattered the enchantment. He took it out and hurriedly retreated to the group. "What a ghost, how can there be such a terrible sorcerer!"

Enchantment is the most commonly used method of spells and sorcerers. It is used to defend or trap each other. In principle, the stronger the mana, the stronger the enchantment and the larger the range.

But... like the vast enchantment in front of you, and trying to trap all of them, how...what is the deep repair of the caster? Not to mention that these people, none of them are weak, but most of them are the top-level existence of today's magical circles. They want to put them all in a deadlock. This is the red moon, if not a madman, then It is super strength.

Even if the road wind and Li Haoran come, it will definitely not be done.

A group of people stared at the void, and the mage who had survived the battle and died in this moment, in the face of this shocking power, there was a faint fear in the depths of his heart.

Wu Jiawei and others tried to break the enchantment, but they could only break the part, and immediately they were repaired by the swarming force, and then proceeded.

The space in the middle is getting smaller and smaller.

At this time, a glimmer of light fell in front of the enchantment. It was the Red Moon Rakshasa, with a cold smile, and slowly said: "The wrath of the Buddha, the incarnation of the Ming King, even the strength of the world, not to mention Pack up a few of you! I also have no intention of killing, handing over Wutong and Ye Shaoyang, and you are not dead!"

Hearing this sentence, naturally no one will have any reaction.

"Impossible!" Wu Tong did not know when he came to Ye Shaoyang's side, clutching his arm and said, "This can't be a true Ming Wang. I don't even believe that there is a real king, just like a Buddha, just a The power of faith."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Crap, if it is really capable of destroying the world, it will also deal with what we do."

Turning his head and glanced over the past, those sinister generals have been killed seven or eighty-eight, and the rest are also trapped by everyone's tactics. Only the real people and the self-satisfied are still there, because the four treasures are injured, Bi Qing top Go up, fight for the self-sacrifice, and never fall. Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan real people joined forces to withstand the real people, and the rest of the people looked at the scene in a foolish way, a little helpless.

The wooden real people and the self-satisfied are all at the end of the red moon, and they are naturally not afraid of being blocked, and the purpose is only to drag them.

"The thief, the thief, I first cut this deity king's deity, how will it look, you work together, slightly resist!"

After Ye Shaoyang finished, holding the seven-star Longquan sword, he looked up at the statue of the King who was hanging above the enchantment.

"Shaoyang, I am coming, you cooperate with me! Who are you to face this vulture!" Bi Qing shouted.

Lin Sansheng and Feng Wei heard this and immediately topped it. Biqing flew up and turned into a lotus flower that was not released, and flew up.

"You help me!"

Ye Shaoyang heard the voice of Bi Qing, and he was willing to take a bite to break the tip of his tongue. He sprayed a blood on the sword of Qixing Longquan, and his left hand also scratched his fingertips. While writing a rune on Jianfeng, he read in his mouth:

"The sorrows of the sun and the moon, the radiant protection of my golden body, the evil spirits of the four sides, instantly turned into a light dust!"

Forced to play the sword front, trembling, and gave a dragon.

"Seven stars return to home, Longquan kills the enemy! Evil!"

Longquan 诛 evil sword!

Can use the power of the Seven Star Longquan sword to one of the biggest spells.

This is also one of Ye Shaoyang's killers.

Longquan sword flashed like a purple arrow, straight into the sky, stabbed into the enchantment.

Rubbing... The enchantment broke from the center and there was a huge gap. Ye Shaoyang was also tired of his arms, and grabbed his arm. Chong Biqing shouted: "White Lotus, look at you!"

"Thank you for compliment, but I am not white."

Rely, when I praise you. Ye Shaoyang secretly spit out his tongue.

After the gap in the enchantment, the spiritual power around it seemed to be perceived, constantly rushing in, and quickly repairing the gap, but the lotus flower of Biqing was faster and had already been drilled out and landed on the head of the Mingwang statue. Then slowly open, the petals fall, revealing the cold light, slowly rotating around the Ming Wang statue, and finally fell on his two eyes, completely confusing his eyes.

After a few seconds of silence, after a slamming, the Ming Wang began to smear from the head, and then the snoring sounded one after another, and the Ming King collapsed and collapsed.

The petals re-gathered, and then the flash of light flashed, and Bi Qing again turned out to be a human body. His face was pale, and it seemed that she had spent a lot of repairs just now. It slowly fell from the air and landed at the top of the enchantment.

"The bulls are white lotus!" Ye Shaoyang screamed, and the king was broken. This enchantment lacked the source of spiritual power, and it was impossible to spread in the middle. The sense of urgency in the hearts of all disappeared.

"Don't break the enchantment, just these two guys can't run out, let's hold them together!"

Under Ye Shaoyang's order, everyone rushed up and besieged the real people and the self-satisfied.

"Oh." The self-satisfied sighed, "Stupid humans."

"Don't force it, wait for it!" Ye Shaoyang picked up the seven-star Longquan sword from the ground and rushed up.

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