Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2336: 2338th Huazhili 2

The self-respected and the wooden real people retreat together, backed by the back, is also the best means of sacrifice, no one can close at a time. However, if this continues, the two guys will run out of repairs sooner or later, and then they will only be embarrassed. However, the accident happened again

The Red Moon Rakshasa has a two-handed print, and reads in the mouth: "The law of the king, not born, not like the moon, the envelope of all things...!"

As she shouted, the pieces of silver light shattered by Biqing re-aggregated and formed a high-lying lotus platform. It was over the top of Biqing’s head, releasing a cold chill and falling on it. Enchantment.

The enchantment that stopped the spread before, once again began to spread...

How could this be! !

Everyone was stunned all of a sudden, looking up at this incredible scene, Mao Xiaofang was the closest to the real and the self-satisfied, and because of distraction, he was shot and flew out, and the hurriedness behind him converges. Go up.

"It's impossible... there can't be such a spell under the sun!" Bi Qing said at the top of the enchantment, murmured.

The Red Moon Rakshasa is very strong, but it is absolutely impossible to be so strong that it is so outrageous!

Biqing gritted his teeth and gathered the remaining demon powers in the body. He once again flew over to the immortal King.

Ming Wang like hands folded together, suddenly separated, one hand clenched into a fist, only one thumb extended, released a golden light, hit the palm of the hand that Bi Qing explored.

The two forces collide together.


A sigh of sorrow, Bi Qing fell down, hit the enchantment, and then fell. Spiritual reward

The Ming Wang statue shook a bit, and then only heard a "squeaky" sound, everyone turned to look at it, it turned out that the red moon Rakshasa also spit out a blood.

"This shows that she does not have these profound strengths." Lin Sansheng came to judge.

Ye Shaoyang thinks the same way. If the Red Moon Rakshasa is so strong that it is so outrageous, in the face of Bi Qing’s heavy blows, the deity will not be hurt, but... Where does this Ming Wang’s power like such a horror come from?

"Maybe it is the strength of the help." Lin Sansheng touched his chin, slowly looked up and looked at the sky. "With the moon, the moon is the moon... I know, it is the moonlight! She used the power of Yuehua!"

"The power of Yuehua?"

Ye Shaoyang looked up and saw that today is the day of the lunar calendar. It is not fifteen or sixteen. The moon is round and round, and it is bigger than usual.

With Moonlight blessing spells, this is not an incredible magic. Nissei Moonlight, innocent show, is the power of nature, that is, the source of all spiritual power, the sun is masculine, too strong, so the evil thing is Before being repaired into Dacheng, he did not dare to appear in the daytime, but chose to practice the moonlight at night.

The weasel visits the moon and spits inside, which is the most typical example.

But absorbing the moon, it is a slow process, first absorbed, and then refining into a manipulative spiritual power... Like this kind of magic that can directly manipulate the moon, Ye Shaoyang and his party have never heard of it.

"Haha... You are also a clever ghost. Yes, my name is Red Moon Rakshasa. The cultivation is the technique of Yuehua. I can directly control the moonlight. As long as there is moonlight, I am infinite and inexhaustible. So I started tonight, how do you fight me?"


Ye Shaoyang and his party were deeply shocked by these four words. what is this? Game bug? If this is the case, how can I fight?

"Any spell, there must be a way to crack!" Lin Sansheng knows what Ye Shaoyang is thinking, looking up at the moon, it seems thoughtful.

"Is there any way? Can you shoot the moon down?"

"As long as it can block the moonlight and interrupt the supply of Yuehua, everything is over."

Ye Shaoyang’s glimpse, this is indeed a way of asking for a salary. “But there seems to be no way to do this.”

Lin Sansheng is also indulged in thinking and thinking hard.

At this time, the enchantment has become smaller and smaller, and the four wooden cards around the red line have been touched, and they have been run with their own blood. They are inserted in four directions, and purple smoke emerges, using the force of the array to slow down. The engulfing of the enchantment, but only to slow down the momentum, if this continues, all the people will be sealed in the enchantment, and will be slaughtered.

Sibao proposed to open the crack of the void and fled to the Yinsi. Everyone tried it, but the space in this enchantment seemed to be blocked. There was no way to break the void...

"Shaoyang, is there no way?" Xiaojiu’s voice came from Donghuangzhong. She was always in the East Emperor’s Bell. She didn’t have a perspective, she couldn’t see the outside through her backpack, but she could hear it. Through everyone's words, I gradually understood what this is all about. Before I was afraid of affecting Ye Shaoyang, I didn't speak. Now I can't help it.

"There are always ways, nothing." Ye Shaoyang comforted her. "So many winds and waves I have come over, people who can kill me, have not yet been born!"

"Shaoyang, we have at least one way to use Donghuangzhong..."

"Donghuang Zhong?" Ye Shaoyang stunned.

"Donghuangzhong is now your life weapon, you just have no spells, and its utility is not a spell. You just need to use the gods to sense..."

Ye Shaoyang listened to Xiaojiu and took Donghuangzhong out of his backpack.

"Just... Donghuangzhong is the artifact left by Donghuang Taiyi. You are afraid that there is not enough strength to drive it, forcibly use it, fearing that it will be countered, the gods are damaged... I don’t know what will happen, not Do not use it as a last resort."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the image of Xiao Jiu on the East Emperor's clock and nodded.

"Who is she?" Wu Tong looked at Xiao Jiu and asked curiously.

Ye Shaozhen did not hear this. In his heart, there is only one question left: At the moment, is it really a desperate situation?

"Donghuangzhong, Donghuangzhong is actually in his hands!" The self-respected and the wooden real people also heard the dialogue between Ye Shaoyang and Xiaojiu. They learned that Ye Shaoyang’s hand was Donghuangzhong, and his heart was shocked to the extreme, and immediately increased the offensive. Want to push everyone away and **** this legendary level. Fortunately, there are many people in Ye Shaoyang, and they are blocked together.

"Ye Shaoyang, you will give me the East Emperor Bell, I will let you go, talk and count!" Red Moon Rakshasa also picked up, very excited.

This is like the baby in the martial arts novels such as the Dragon Sword and the Eternal Sword. If you can get an artifact like Dong Huangzhong, the ritual becomes your own weapon, and the strength can be improved several times. As for how to sacrifice and Use, get it later and then study slowly.

"Well, you first removed the enchantment, I will give it to you."

Red Moon Rakshah laughed. "Now I just want to seal you. Donghuangzhong is also in my bag. Why should I do more to give you a chance to escape?"

(End of this chapter)

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