Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2341: 2343 memory top 1

The bullhead hesitated a moment and said: "Then I waited for the mighty coming to the world to catch Xu Fu, and even listened to it. Is this not a problem?"

Xiao Yiyun said: "I will wait for the return of the yin, report it, and pay more attention to these people in the future, beware that Xu Fu will come to them again." Black and white impermanence also came together, several people discussed it, I feel so.

Xiao Yiyun looked at Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan real people, cold and cold: "I don't care if you two really know Xu Fu, Xu Fu or Ye Shaoyang, if you come to find you, be sure to tell me in the Yinsi!"

Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan really lead the gods and naturally promise to come down.

"According to the words of the squad, I will go back for a while." Bai Wuchang finished, turned and pointed at the direction of the mountain pass, and said in a loud voice: "There are laborers listening to the holy beast, going to the yin."

The huge figure of Yamaguchi slowly went away.

Xiao Yiyun let the black and white impermanence they go first, and they stayed behind to say a few words to Mao Xiaofang. Black and white impermanence, the bull's head may not know Xiao Yiyun and their exchanges, Xu Fu's existence, Xiao Yiyun is afraid to have long known that before he faced Ye Shaoyang and the performance of these two heavenly masters, they all know that it is installed, also Just selling personal feelings, did not say broken.

After all, they were only ordered to catch Xu Fu, Xu Fu left, they went back to life, there is no need to put too much responsibility on themselves. When I heard Xiao Yiyun say so, I would also like to know each other and greet each other and leave.

"Xiao Langjun, what should I do now?"

"What do you do?" Xiao Yiyun sighed and said, "Shaoyang has gone back to his own time. At this time, it is not happening."

Daoyuan is humane: "This is the case, but... He has been here since, and he has made such a big move. Now the spell world knows his name and is still looking for him everywhere. After a hundred years, the era of Shaoyangzi is there. What effect will it have?"

Xiao Yiyun frowned: "What do you mean?"

"The name of Shaoyangzi will surely be passed down. After a hundred years, in his time, everyone knows that this name is an ancient man a hundred years ago... It is also a disciple of Maoshan, but he is more than ninety years old. The descendants of the people, in that era, saw Ye Shaoyang, who was also the disciple of Maoshan, Ye Shaoyang, the same name as an ancient person, or the same door, they would not be suspicious? If they were sneaked into the truth, would it trigger something? The consequences of knowing?"

The words of Daoyuan Zhenren caused some thoughts at the place.

Mao Xiaofang nodded and said: "Dao Yuan said that there is no way to erase the traces left by him, as he has never happened before?"

Xiao Yiyun said: "I don't know what can be done."

Separating a person's memory alone can of course be done, but as many people watched Ye Shaoyang fighting in Taohua Mountain that day, Yun Chunsheng also publicly admitted that Ye Shaoyang is the sinister of his younger brother Yun Qiusheng, and they cannot always remember these people's memories. Clear it, let's say that things have passed for a while, and the name of Ye Shaoyang must have spread in the magic world. It is impossible to clear everyone's memory.

Everyone has been discussing for a long time, there is no good way.

"I have a way." Wu Tong suddenly spoke. Everyone immediately cast their gaze on her face.

"This method is not very good, but it can also be remedied. To a certain extent, it can make most people believe that there is no such thing as Ye Shaoyang."

She said this, mobilized everyone's curiosity and looked at her.

Wu Tong said: "Let's go to Maoshan, find Yun Chunsheng, tell him all the truth..."

"What, how does this make it!" Mao Xiaofang called. "No one knows the identity of Shaoyangzi. You said it, isn't it exposed?"

Wu Tongdao: "It's not like this. You think about it. Now everyone in the world thinks that Shaoyang is a disciple of Maoshan. It is a hidden person of Yunqiusheng. Naturally, I think that Yunchunsheng knows the details. If he releases the news, tell everyone. That person is not called Ye Shaoyang, but other names, and everyone will naturally believe it. Over time, everyone will call him with a new name, naturally forget the words 'Ye Shaoyang'...not to mention the distance from Ye Shaoyang In the era of more than ninety years, a fake name is impossible to spread for so long."

When everyone heard it, they realized it and thought it carefully. At least they could minimize the impact of Ye Shaoyang.

Mao Xiaofang said: "We can also let Yun Chunsheng put rumors that Shaoyang is dead, and broke everyone's thoughts. He was a short-lived, but for more than 90 years, it is enough to forget a lot of things. Even then there are some about Taohuashan. It doesn't matter if the words of the First World War are passed down."

The people slowly nodded.

Xiao Yiyun said: "Who can guarantee that Yun Chunsheng will not secretly tell the truth?"

Daoyuan real person said: "He won't, he is the real master of the Tao, knowing the interests, will never leak the wind, just... Qingyunzi also remembers Ye Shaoyang's name, he is the master of Ye Shaoyang, if it is in the future Didn't you be surprised to meet a child named Ye Shaoyang?"

Xiao Yiyun said: "This is easy to do, then it is better to clear his memory about Ye Shaoyang, oh, and his master Fu Mingzi."

Mao Xiaofang said: "Xiao Langjun will be such a strange skill?"

"It is good to drink Mengpo soup. Although Mengpo soup can't be given to living people, there are always exceptions. I will go to the government and ask for it."

A few people disagree, "I can't make it, that Meng Po Tang drink, not just a memory, all memories will be cleared, I heard that the living people drink, it is like a heartless, will be like a mystery in the womb, what? I don't remember, like dementia."

Xiao Yiyun smiled and said: "This is the secret of the Yin Shi, but it is not convenient to tell, but this matter is handed over to me, you can rest assured."

Daoyuan’s real person was silent for a long while and said: “After a hundred years, I am still alive... If there is such a soup, I will drink it too, so that I will not be confused by the memory of Shaoyang’s era.”

After that, Daoyuan real people looked at the direction of Ye Shaoyang’s departure and secretly sighed. "I wanted to remember this brother, but after all, it is not a world person, when considering the overall situation."

Xiao Yiyun slightly decapitated, the decision of Dao Yuanzhen is a general understanding. He turned to look at Meihua and said faintly: "And her."

Meihua stunned and immediately shook his head and said, "No, I don't forget him!"

(End of this chapter)

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