Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2342: 2344 memory 殇 2

Mao Xiaofang sighed: "If you don't forget him, if you don't forget him, you will meet him again in the future, but you can go back, but Shaoyang is going back there. There is still a person there. In her memory, it is not with Shaoyang. In this way, if the two memories are mixed, what will happen, no one knows. Anyway, if you meet him, you should re-recognize it once."

Several people persuaded, Meihua also had to agree.

Mao Xiaofang said to Xiao Yiyun: "If you want to do this, Shaoyang has already gone back. If you see Meihua and others in advance, their memories have already been confusing, but it is trouble."

Xiao Yiyun glimpsed, and when he came back, he opened the crack in the void and said, "I will do it, and I will go back in an instant. On the other side of Qingyunzi, it will take some time. Meihua girl can go with me and go for a drink." No, Meng Po Tang."

Meihua had to follow him to the void.

After they left, Miao Xin said to Mao Xiaofang: "You are waiting here. I take the phoenix and take a step forward to go to Maoshan. Let’s go and talk to Yun Chunsheng first. This is a good thing!"

After saying it, I couldn’t help but say that I took the indus and left.

Wutong is still in a relatively aggressive state, and she is directly taken away.

Mao Xiaofang and Daoyuan real people returned to God and wanted to chase them, but they were afraid to go far. Later, Xiao Yiyun, they came back to find themselves, had to stand and look at each other.

"The abnormal performance of Shaoyangzi before you walked, you see, he is clearly let us kill the wonderful girl." Daoyuan real people shouted voice.

Mao Xiaofang said: "It is not necessarily the case. Shaoyangzi wants to kill the wonderful heart, but there is no reason, but... there must be a demon in the abnormal situation. Shaoyangzi cannot make such an action in a straightforward manner. Now they have to Go, I thought..."

"Resigning from Maoshan, there are thousands of miles of roads, why should we win this moment, and there must be some reason." Daoyuan is human. "We have a brother with Shaoyang, if we can't complete his last wish... I will say it is a last wish. I am restless, I see this, you are waiting here, I catch up with them, secretly observe, see if there is an abnormal trip to the wonderful heart, and then make a decision, I will leave a signal all the way, after you see, immediately chase after I am."

"Be careful all the way!" Mao Xiaofang took a shot on his shoulder and shouted.

After the departure of the real people of Daoyuan, only Mao Xiaofang was left, and silently looked at the direction in which Ye Shaoyang disappeared before, and all kinds of ignorance suddenly came to mind.

He took out the big money that Ye Shaoyang gave to himself, and watched quietly in the moonlight. "Shaoyangzi, fortunately, after I have lived less than ninety years, I don't have to wash away my memories. I can always read them. Brothers in my life, there are Daoyuan, you, enough."

"I remembered..." Meihua said with a voice, grabbing the collar of Lao Guo opposite. "I remember the boss. I knew him, ah, how could this be!"

All kinds of memories about Ye Shaoyang came to me. When I was in the Republic of China, I already knew Ye Shaoyang. Another kind of real memory, but it occupied the other half of the head. The two sides tore apart. For a time, Meihua did not know which memory. It is true. This kind of feeling makes her gods very uncomfortable. It seems to have been attacked by powerful thoughts. Her hands are pulling her hair, rolling up on the ground, and making strange noises in her mouth.

Lao Guo was frightened. He quickly threw away the paper man who was looking at his eyebrows and came up to help her. "Oh, this is what you just said, hello, how are you doing now, do you want to breathe?"

Lao Guo said to put his mouth together. Meihua still has a bit of instinct, a slap in the face.

This feeling lasted for a while. When Lao Guo was at a loss, Meihua’s body suddenly froze, and he did not move for a while. Then he sat up from the ground and looked around. He frowned. “What happened?”

"I don't know, it's like crazy sheep." Old Guo Yan was in front of her, admiring her long-legged cheongsam hem as she rolled on the ground and rolled up, and said her previous performance. Once again, I asked: "You said that you knew Shaoyang more than 90 years ago?"

"Is there?" Meihua squinted his head and remembered it carefully, but he couldn’t remember what he had said. In his mind, it seemed to be empty and seemed to have lost some memories. This feeling made her very I don't understand, but I don't know why, slow down, put the cheongsam together, cover my legs, and say coldly: "I don't see enough! You are my brother's brother, it is my uncle, you peek I am so funny?"

Lao Guo’s old face was red, and he coughed twice. He once again told her about the strange performance, but Meihua did not remember it at all. The two couldn't find a clue and had no choice but to think about it.

"Hey, Shaoyang will not come back again, everything will be too late, and the wife will become someone else's wife." When I mentioned Ye Shaoyang, Lao Guoxin was suddenly full of emotions.

"No. Leng Yuzi will not marry what Houqing, she is my nephew, always!"

Lao Guodao: "The news brought back by Guagua, cold jade said, naturally, there will be no fake, but I understand why Lengyu does this. She really loves Shaoyang and will do it... ..."

Meihua also sighed and said: "Yeah, unfortunately the boss is not there, we have no leader, nothing can be done. Even the yin gods no longer put us in the eye."

"What is the yin dynasty." Lao Guo snorted. "The same is true in the world of magical circles. People are walking away from tea. They are sure that Shaoyang will not come back. I went to Maoshan last time. The gangs are ridiculous, and it is necessary to suppress Maoshan. Recently, even The mage who is doing business with me has a different attitude. When Shaoyang is here, this group of people has been so daring!"

"Is there a way to go?"

"The road is self-reliant, and it is not in the human world. The strength is strong. In many cases, it is powerless. After all, it cannot be intertwined."

Speaking of this, Lao Guo and Mei Hua are all in a hurry, they are helpless.

People go tea-cool, and everything is the same, not to mention that Ye Shaoyang’s front is too strong, sweeping the world, attracting a lot of embarrassment, and offending many people...

Suddenly, the bead curtains outside the coffin shop creaked, and there was spiritual infiltration. The old Guo and Meihua Huo stood up.

"What person!" Meihua said coldly.

A young woman came in with a smile on her face. When she entered the door, she immediately smiled on her face, but she smiled a little. She said, "You are very difficult to find in this place."

"What are you doing? In the middle of the night, come to the coffin shop, the family is dead?" Lao Guo saw that the person who was coming was not good, he always had a bad mouth, and naturally there was nothing to treat.

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