Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2344: 2346 king return 2

This guy looks like he is in his early twenties, but his expression is sloppy, and he doesn't feel good at first glance. Wearing a gown of the past, like the costumes of the Republic of China, vaguely revealed aura, indicating the identity of the Master.

"Who are you, with them?"

Seeing that the other party dared to block a person, Wu Yueran was suspicious in his heart, did not dare to move, his eyes swept away near him to determine whether there was an ambush.

"You are also arrogant, even if you go to the door, you will take away my servant. You are really bullying me. I don't have any ghosts."

"You are also a ghost-caught alliance?" Wu Yueran looked up and down.

The members of the Ghost Federation have never seen them, but in the intelligence of the Spell Association, in addition to the ordinary human beings in the members, as long as they are masters, any features are clearly recorded.

Sibao and Wu Jiawei, these two are the strongest of the human beings in the members, but they are lost in the void, like a mage, no one is right, who is this?

Meihua and Lao Guo are also catching up, hearing the sound, trembled, and hurriedly walked a few steps. From the side of Wu Yueran, they saw the appearance of the speaker. Lao Guo’s legs were soft and almost fell to the ground. Meihua was also suddenly Covered my mouth.


"Little teacher!"

For a long time, the two forced to suppress the excitement in their hearts and called them together.

Wu Yueran and the man around him trembled, and then looked at the opposite person, indeed meet the characteristics of Ye Shaoyang in the intelligence.

"Ye Shaoyang, are you Ye Shaoyang?" Wu Yueran said.

Ye Shaoyang looked at her with a smug smile on her face.

The two were not sure. Looking back, Meihua and Lao Guo were all bursting into tears. This confirmed that this is Ye Shaoyang.

The owner of the ghost-caught alliance, Mao Shanzhang, Ye Shaoyang, actually... came back! ! !

This is a message that is enough to shake the entire spell world or even a few different worlds.

However, Wu Yueran was too late to be excited. They were more concerned about their own life safety. Wu Yueran bit his teeth and said: "Ye Shaoyang, even if you are, how can I do it, I thought I would come."

Ye Shaoyang spread her hand to her, meaning to come.

Wu Yueran suddenly stopped. She thought that Ye Shaoyang would at least say something, and then he would pick up the words and seek a chance to reconcile. I didn’t expect Ye Shaoyang to say anything, but she would have to do it directly... although she had never seen Ye Shaoyang. But the name and his previous deeds have always been heard, she knows that she is not an opponent.

"Little teacher, really you!" Lao Guo also came back to the moment, his lips groaning.

"Let you wait a long time, I miss you too." Lao Guo's face is full of pleats, and Ye Shaoyang looks so kind. As for Meihua, I just saw her soon, and Ye Shaoyang knows that The same person, the heart can not help but also have a feeling of being separated from the world.

"Ah, the younger brother, the flat head was taken away by them! You are going to save him back, in that direction."

"Do not worry, Baoye and Baimei have already gone." Sibao, Wu Jiawei, and Fengqi two couples, the old Taoist mana is even stronger, Ye Shaoyang is also assured.

"Ah, they are back, this is good, haha!" Lao Guomei opened his eyes and smiled. There are four treasures and Wu Jiawei, and that is absolutely assured. When the gaze turned, it fell on Wu Yue and then on the head of the head, and snorted: "Little girl, what did you say before, um, the ghost-caught alliance is just like this,"

Wu Yueran hesitated and said, "Ye Shaoyang, the two armies are fighting, not killing. We are just coming to the news."


Ye Shaoyang’s voice “Oh”, Wu Yueran’s heart is not at the bottom.

Lao Guo wants to laugh, and he still cares about Ye Shaoyang. Is everything normal? Seeing that he can still be so forced, he knows that it is normal.

Wu Yueran bit his lip and said: "Now is a modern legal society. I don't believe you dare to kill us."


Ye Shaoyang is another oh.

Wu Yueran’s heart is even more boring, and his speech is a little trembling. “What do you want?”

Ye Shaoyang said: "Beauty, when you bullied my brother and the doorman, it is not like this now, I still like you."

In a word, reminding Wu Yueran to recall the words that had been forced before him... The intestines are repenting, but the words they have said can’t be recovered. I don’t know how to do it well. The men around me are screaming: So bullying, I can't stand it anymore. I am also a disciple of Xingyue slaves. I am afraid that you will not be a genius. I will be together!"

After finishing the removal of the sword, I rushed over. Wu Yueran also had to keep up with the scalp.

"I can't stand it, come." Ye Shaoyang didn't use the Qixing Longquan sword to solve the evil spirits. Before the Republic of China, this instrument could not be used. Now back to his own time, Ye Shaoyang wants to test it. The spell of the gossip whip, the soul of the soul immediately entangled, such as the fire is generally hot.

How familiar is it. Ye Shaoyang’s mouth was smiling, waving his soul, and swept over Wu Yueran.

Three people fought together.

"I dragged him!" The man put a few charms on the sword, and jerked, smashing the spirits into pieces, turning them into a spiritual force, gathering them in one place, entangled the soul of Ye Shaoyang's hands. Suo. Wu Yueran seized the opportunity, and his hands were sealed, and he hit the door of Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang controls the soul of a person with one hand, and prints with one hand, using one heart and two hearts, while defending against two people's attacks.

"Breaking!" Ye Shaoyang shakes his right hand, and the soul of the soul can be broken. The rhythm, the loopholes, and finally only out of danger, completely ignore Ye Shaoyang's attack, close to the body, one hand caught Ye Yangyang throat.

This is a two-game injury. If Ye Shaoyang does not accept the move, he can only squat under this. Wu Yueran thinks that Ye Shaoyang has a strong algorithm. After all, it is also a human being, and it is also a bad thing for her. However, she only counted herself a lot. Ye Shao** didn't think about it. The left hand had a print, and the second finger in the food was in front of her, and it was in the palm of her left hand.

"Ah!" Wu Yueran screamed, his right hand did not reach in front of Ye Shaoyang, his body was soft, and he looked at the man who was **** by the soul. He gritted his teeth and said to Ye Shaoyang: "We are disciples of Xingyue slave, leaving us There will be room for relaxation in the future. If you kill us, Xingyuenu will definitely want you to take revenge!"

(Shaoyang is back, but the affairs of the Republic of China are not over yet, and I may have a chance to meet with Mao Xiaofang in the future.)

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