Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2345: The 2347th king returned 3

"She has to find more revenge for me, and it is not bad for you two small characters." Ye Shaoyang slammed the soul, took a few steps, and pulled back, the male mage immediately fell to the ground, grasping the soul with both hands But how can I break free from it, it looks very embarrassing.

"Ye Shaoyang!"

Wu Yueran wants to go to the rescue.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly sighed: "Get out!"

One hand squeezed a seal, and hit her with a palm, and the palm did not hit her, but a hurricane slammed into her heart, and the whole person flew out and fell to the ground, slamming Spit a blood.

Almost at the same time when she landed, the fact that the figure descended from the sky was not actually falling from the sky, but was thrown away from the distance. It was the old Taoist who spouted blood in his mouth. Immediately after falling to the ground, he squatted on the ground like a tortoise, and did not move.

Sibao and others came from afar.

Lao Guo and others immediately came forward to recognize them, and both sides were very excited.

"Father, your son is still here." The four treasures handed him something, the oil paper umbrella that the old Taoist sang. Lao Guo stunned and hurriedly asked, "How to open?"

"I don't know, I tried it before I tried it. I guess it is a special spell."

Lao Guo took the oil paper umbrella to the old Taoist priest and drove him to release the seven-tailed owl.

"If I don't let go, you can never open it, Ye Shaoyang, it's better for us to make a deal..."

"I trade with your sister!" Lao Guo went to the front and yelled. "You can't open it, you can't open it..."

"Open and open, don't fight!"

The old Taoist priest was beaten to cry, and he no longer insisted on trading. He was weak and forced to open the oil paper umbrella. The flat head was released. After landing, he immediately turned into a human figure and looked at Lao Guo very shamefully. "Uncle, I am miscalculated."

Thousands of umbrellas are indeed rare and powerful instruments, especially for the evils. The strength of the old Taoist is not bad, but the flat head is taken in. The most important thing is that the incident is sudden and the reaction is slow. Otherwise, the big demon who spent a lot of thunder, he couldn't be so easily accepted.

"You know that miscalculation is good, don't worry about it. In this respect, you have to learn Shaoyang. At any time, fight with others, always beware of accidents, keep one hand, and seize the opportunity. Don't feel that strength is against the enemy." ”

Although it is a reprimand, it also tells some of Ye Shaoyang's advantages.

Wu Yueran three people lying on the ground, heard this, and the heart seems to have some understanding.

"The three guys, what a special thing... oh we are not there, come to bully our people, mom, fortunately we arrived in time!" Four treasures remembered the performance of the three people before the swindle, they did not fight a fight Come, go up and kick the old Taoist feet, the old Taoist priests on the ground.

Wu Yueran wiped the blood on his mouth and rushed Yang Shaoyang: "Even if we are not your opponent, but you are so vicious, it is not the master!"

"What should I do?" Ye Shaoyang smacked her eyebrows. "Like those old monks, you killed his family. He also advised you to turn back to the shore? Sorry, I am a stingy person. I have always been fighting." Stop the war, you hit me a punch, I will give you three punches, I will never suffer."

Wu Yueran looked at him silly and didn't know what to say. At this moment, she realized that Ye Shaoyang was different from his imagination and was different from most of the masters in the world. He is a linglèi.

"Butterhead!" Ye Shaoyang snorted. "You lost money before. How do you deal with these three people and hand it over to you! But at least leave a living mouth, let them go back to report, I Ye Yang, come back, tell Xingyue slave, tell The world’s martial art school, the spell guild wants to unite the world, at least the first thing to pass me!”

The words are smashed and hit the three of them on the ground. The three looked at each other, three people... leaving a living mouth. Ye Shaoyang’s words made them tremble with fear.

"Ye Shaoyang, you..." Wu Yueran squatted up. At this moment, she really felt the fear of death.

The flat head went to Ye Shaoyang and said: "Boss, if you kill them, I am afraid..."

"Afraid of anything, if you want to kill, you will kill all, whether it is a spell guild, or a sinister to find trouble, everything I am squatting, you decide."

The flat head looked at the three people on the ground, biting his teeth and said: "I have nothing to do with myself. Before they were as insulted to the uncle and Meihua sister, this breath can not help but the old Taoist who caught me, I see Still let him go, the other two, let them go back and send words."

Wu Yueran listened to the male mage and looked at each other. Although he said nothing, his eyes were obviously relieved.

"Ah, you dare!" The old Taoist priest was pretending to be dead. Hearing the words of the flat head, he suddenly felt no pain in his waist. He jumped up from the ground, and with Ye Shaoyang’s theory, he couldn’t tell, and he pleaded with Wu Yueran. I am here to give you two battles, and you can help me with the words."

Wu Yueran said: "Qin Lao can get back a life today. It is not easy. Don't say more. I will go back to play Master, and I will definitely arrange for you..."

"I have abolished the meridians, and there are still some proper arrangements! It is not you who dare to waste!" Suddenly thought of something, turned and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Ye Shaoyang, you are not fair, we three come together, why only waste me one ! To waste, everyone will be scrapped!"

Wu Yueran and the male mage heard this and immediately picked him up.

Ye Shaoyang and others look at each other, they are very helpless, shārén heart, this is the heart: If you said that they were scrapped three at the time, the three must be with the enemy, but only for one person... the guilty immediately got up.

"Okay, do it, don't toss it anymore!" Ye Shaoyang waved his hand in irritability and didn't want to delay in this matter.

The old Taoist priest heard that he had to start, and immediately pleaded for it. He suddenly made a plan and offered to give away the thousand umbrellas.

"I am one of the twenty-four guest clerk of the Spelling Guild. This Master is not mine, but the guild is sent down and used by me to carry out the task. This is the instrument of Jiu Duanguang, Ye Tianshi, the rank... this can be Not a general instrument!"

Ye Shaoyang was not interested in this instrument. He listened to him saying that he picked up the thousand umbrellas and swept one hand from the umbrella surface. He released the helium test. The rune above was engraved on the oil paper umbrella. The spiritual power is very strong. It is indeed the instrument of Jiu Duanguang. Now I laughed and said: "You are stupid, you are abolished. I can still take this baby, do you need me to give it to me?"

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