Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2359: 2361闯山3

"I had inquired with Xiaobai before. She followed my master to the airspace, didn't go with everyone, didn't know that we were coming back." Lin Sansheng thought for a moment, said: "Shaoyang, I will accompany you to Lei Pool." I have to go to see Lin Lin and my master, tell them about things, and listen to what my Master means. After all, it is my master."

Ye Shaoyang nodded. "I will be with you when I arrive."

Lin Sansheng got up and said: "The plans are all planned. When you act tomorrow, you will call me again. I will go with the children first."

Finished the smoke into the Yin Yang mirror on Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang sighed and looked at the night sky and muttered: "The military division, this thing is what I owe you. If there is a chance in the future, I will repay the bones..."

The glass door was pulled open and someone walked onto the terrace. Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at the orange. He said, "You are here."

"I feel that you are looking for me, dealing with something, and this is coming."

Ye Shaoyang was sitting on a lounge chair at this time, and the orange came straight up and sat on his lap. Ye Shaoyang sat up at once and looked at the sliding door.

The orange smiled. "Do not worry, the little wolf did not come."

"No, you don't say it well. When you say it, how do I feel like touqing? You hurry up!"

Instead, the orange clasped his neck and pouted and said: "Boss, you think I haven't."

"Of course, everyone was there before, but I didn't say much to you. Before you... is Cui Fujun helping you to resurrect?"

The orange nodded. "Yujun adults have their hands and eyes, and it is hard to reunite him. But as a cloudy child, it is really difficult to reverse life and death. Fortunately, I used to seal the Yin God. However, I have no chance to reincarnate."

Ye Shaoyang said: "This is why!"

"The rules of the yin, I am already dead, delisted in the book of life and death, no name, if you go to reincarnation, you can only start from the animal road. I don't want to be a cat and a dog. Just stay in the yin forever."

"In this way, you can go to reincarnation to be a rabbit, how cute."

"No, you can eat it if you are not careful."

"Small leaves, this is awkward, the spirit is so abundant, the king can't get it!"

In the sliding door, the sound of the pony came. Ye Shaoyang looked back and saw the pony staring at the thousand umbrellas on the sofa, so he explained the ins and outs.

"The instruments used by Chen Hao's ancestors?" The pony and the oranges were all together.

Ye Shaoyang walked over and took the thousand-machine umbrella in his hand. According to the method taught by Chen Yu before, he tried it. After the thousand-machine umbrella was opened, all the above runes were activated, turning into a circle of spiritual fluctuations. Radiated out around.

The powerful spiritual power makes the oranges and the pony have some taboos, and they can't help but step back.

"It's a good thing." Ye Shaoyang felt the abundant spiritual power in the thousand-machine umbrella, and sincerely praised it. "To give me what Chen Zhen used, it is really a white baby, but I have too many instruments, it is a waste for me to use, I have to find someone to send out."

"Don't!" The orange and the pony screamed together. "So good implements, giving others is not white!"

"I didn't say that I would give it away." Ye Shaoyang took a look at the two people and seriously considered it. This kind of human instrument is just as arrogant, and it is basically impossible to refine it by evil. It can only be used by human masters. Beside him... Four treasures are monks, you can't use this instrument, and he also has a lot of good things. The crane and the golden dragon are not worse than this. Wu Jiawei has a Tibetan sword. He repaired the sword, and the Tao is also on this. It belongs to the Master of the Master. It is not good for him to give him a thousand umbrellas... Lao Guo does not need to say that the strength is not good, and the spirit of the thousand-machine umbrella cannot be exerted. It is easy to be taken away.

When I think about it, there are still no suitable people around to deliver the thousand-machine umbrella, so I have to keep it for a while, and there will be suitable people to send it out in the future.

"Tomorrow Thunder Pool, are you going too?" Ye Shaoyang looked at the pony.

"Is this nonsense, or I will leave it to dry up." The pony also came to the balcony and took the chair of Ye Shaoyang. She leaned on the top and leaned against Ye Shaoyang. Some said with emotion: "Small leaves, When you first went down to the university, did you not think about this step today?"

Ye Shaoyang’s heart moved, and all kinds of thoughts floated on his mind and nodded.

Pony shook his head and said: "I really can't think of it. I am a young man. I actually did what Baiyun City Lord, and made people."

Ye Shaoyang is silent.

A figure, swept up from the outside of the fence on the terrace, and fell in front of Ye Shaoyang, is Biqing.

Ye Shaoyang got up and said: "You don't want to come up like this next time. There are so many people living upstairs. If someone sees you, I think Spider-Man is coming. You will come to me and take the elevator to knock on the door."

Biqing didn't feel like talking to him nonsense. He said, "You are anxious to find me to come back and do something."

"Our action tomorrow morning, go to Xuanyuan Mountain."

"Tomorrow morning?" Bi Qing was shocked. "Is everything ready?"

Seeing Ye Shaoyang nod, Bi Qing asked: "Xingyue slave is not in Xuanyuan Mountain?"

"Then I don't know, but I am thinking about a problem. Before we came back to see Meihua and Xiao Yiyun here, they didn't remember seeing us in the Republic of China. Do you understand what I mean?"

"What do you mean?"

"I just thought about it. Since they don't remember the past, it is very likely that our world has nothing to do with the past... I mean, the Xingyue of the Republic of China slain Li Haoran and took the vajra, but we The Xingyue slave here is probably not a vajra on the hand..."

When Bi Qing heard it, he suddenly understood it and said: "What to do!"

Come up and grab Ye Shaoyang, you have to do it. Pony and oranges and a few of the houses were immediately surrounded.

"Don't stop, don't move."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand and did not struggle. He said to Biqing, "Just maybe, it is still uncertain. Everything will be known when you see the Xingyue slave. If you have the ability to kill me now, you should deal with Xingyue slave yourself. ?"

Bi Qing let him go, said coldly: "I brought you here. You must be responsible for this matter, otherwise I will never let you go!"

"Well, anyway, I will help you find the Xingyue slave, and then I will say it later."

Ye Shaoyang finished the whole dress and asked: "Is it true that you are looking for Su Mo? Did you find her?"

"She is really on the pear hill."

"Then you..." Ye Shaoyang looked at her up and down, as if nothing changed.

Bi Qing sighed with hatred. "The hateful corpse tank is not on me, or even if it is the old mother of Lishan, how can I help me!"

(End of this chapter) (s:)

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