Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2360: 2362闯山4

When Ye Shaoyang listened to her, she knew that she had not succeeded. I don’t know why, and my heart was somewhat relaxed, and I didn’t say much.

On the night, Ye Shaoyang talked with the pony for a while. They went back to the room, found the mobile phone, charged the phone, turned on the WeChat, and immediately popped up a few messages. She had heard of Wu Xiao’s discovery that she had happened to herself. Everything, let me contact her immediately after I return.

The rest are issued by Zhou Jingru. I know that I went to the Republic of China, my mobile phone was left at home, I sent a lot to myself, and I said a lot of words that I couldn’t say in person, and I firmly believe that I can come back.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and found the phone of Yan Lengyu, which was also charged.芮冷玉's screensaver was the last time he went to the beach with him. He was so eager to let the two men reach out the thumb and forefinger of one hand, formed a rectangle, and took it with a mobile phone. Screen saver. Seeing this zhàopiàn, Ye Shaoyang’s eyes suddenly became a little moist.

After returning home, Xie Yuqing took a shower. She didn't stay at Ye Shaoyang's house tonight, because there were too many people there and there was no place to sleep. After listening to Ye Shaoyang, they set a plan and she went home with Xue Qi. rest.

Recently, Ye Shaoyang is not in this period. She often suffers from insomnia. She has not slept well. She wants to sleep well tonight, and will go with Ye Shaoyang tomorrow.

As an ordinary person, she knows nothing about the magical world, gods, ghosts, but also knows how dangerous this action is. Ye Shaoyang, they only came back one night, and they have to take risks. She is not at ease. She, lying in bed, thinks about it, decides to go with the past anyway, even if she doesn't do anything, she must see it with her own eyes and determine the safety of Ye Shaoyang.

She had not been able to participate in the battle of Stars in the sea before, and she has always regretted it.

Xue Qi sat in the living room, licking the ice cream cone, watching TV silently, but she was thinking about something in a mess.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang.

"Snow Qi, you see who it is." Xie Yuqing was lying on the bed, too lazy to open the door.

Hearing the sound of opening the door, then Xue Qi’s somewhat surprised voice: "How come you?"

"I am looking for Yuqing."

It is the voice of Ye Shaoyang!

Xie Yuqing rushed to find out the clothes to wear, went to the living room, it really is Ye Shaoyang.

"How did you come?"

"Nothing, I came out to find Brother Guo to move things, passing by here, watching your room light up, come up and see you."

Ye Shaoyang is a bit cautious.

"Sit. Xueqi goes to pour water."

"I am your servant." Xue Qi pouted, still went.

Xie Yuqing took Ye Shaoyang to sit down beside him, and Ye Shaoyang moved to the side and smiled at her.

"What happened to you?" Xie Yuqing frowned.

"What's wrong?"

"How do I feel... you are not quite right." Xie Yuqing scratched his head and looked at him.

"Where is something wrong, isn't it right?" Ye Shaoyang's eyes wide open.

"Nothing, you are looking for me... Is there something to do? Oh, I forgot." Xie Yuqing knocked on his head. "It’s right for you. I told you, I must go tomorrow. Even if you don't agree, I am going to go! Otherwise you will let me wait at home, I can't stand the kind of suffering, you know, you can rest assured that I will never run around and will not be your burden."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her hesitantly and said, "Where?"

"Ye Shaoyang!" Xie Yuqing jumped up. "You deliberately, where can you go, of course, go with you to the thunder pool!"

Ye Shaoyang stunned, smirked and said: "What, not that I will not let you go, mainly because it is too dangerous..."

"Everyone is not going to go, the road is going, there is nothing to be afraid of."

"Everyone goes..." Ye Shaoyang thought thoughtfully, nodded and said to her: "That, do you know the purpose of our thunder pool?"

"You are so weird tonight!" Xie Yuqing frowned. "I doubt if you are Shaoyang. Going to Leichi is of course to help Xiaojiu resurrection. I don't know much. It is what you said."

"Oh, there are many people at night, I forgot what I said." Ye Shaoyang patted the seven-star Longquan sword in his waist. "If it is a fake."

Xie Yuqing said: "Would you let me go?"

"This... I will say tomorrow, I have to go to find Brother Guo, I am leaving."

Ye Shaoyang got up. At this time, Xue Qi sent the tea slowly. Ye Shaoyang reached out and squeezed her face. He said: "I see you are addicted to Yu Qing, I don't want to go back to where I am."

"You are so many people, not bad for me." Xue Qi grinned.

Ye Shaoyang said goodbye to them and went out.

"What time is it tomorrow?" Xie Yuqing asked at the door.

"This... you will pass in the morning. It will be earlier."

Close shàng door, Xie Yuqing turned back to the door, bowed his head.

"What's wrong?" Xue Qi asked her face is wrong, asked.

"I always think that Shaoyang is a bit strange... The clothes on his body don't seem right, not through today. I never remember that he has this blue shirt."

Xue Qi's eyes flashed, opened the window and flew straight.

Ye Shaoyang just walked to the door of the community, and suddenly the sound of Xue Qi sounded behind him, saying: "Shaoyang!"

Ye Shaoyang looked back and said: "Dry, how come you down."

"I want to see the pattern on your Longquan sword."

"See what this is doing?" Ye Shaoyang is puzzled.

"I went to the museum that day and saw a sword with the name of the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword. It was like your sword. I thought about seeing your sword, is it the same as the sword. Curious, Can't you?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and pulled out the Qixing Longquan sword. Suddenly, Ling Qi was overflowing. Xue Qi felt the aura of the sword from far away. He took a look at it for a while and said: "It is exactly the same."

"That is mostly fake. There are many swordsmen in ancient times. They are like fake swords, and they are more and more."

Xue Qi nodded and said goodbye to him. He watched him leave and he returned home.

"It is true that Ye Shaoyang, the seven-star Longquan sword is true, can't be fake." Xue Qi said immediately as soon as he entered the door.

Xie Yuqing said helplessly: "You are too nervous, I am under the spit, how can I doubt his identity, I can still recognize Ye Shaoyang."

"The demons change, sometimes more than true. How can you see the naked eye? If you can see it on this bone, you should be careful." After a pause, Xue Qi said, "But don't worry, it is Ye Shaoyang. The Seven Star Longquan Sword can't be faked."

Ye Shaoyang slept for two or three hours. At dawn, the wind came.

(End of this chapter)

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