Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2361: 2363 origin 1

Lao Guo and Sibao also came back one after another. Ye Shaoyang summoned everyone to the living room, and the thumb pressed on the yin and yang mirror, releasing a sigh of suffocation and infiltrating into the mirror world. After Lin Sansheng perceived it, he settled the scorpion and came out. Looking at the big guy, I asked the old Guo things to bring them together.

"It’s all at the door, it’s too stinky, I can’t be too lazy to put it on.” Lao Guo pointed to the two sealed ribbons at the door.

"What is that, how can it smell?" Pony was curious.

"You will know when you get there." Lao Guo smiled and touched two pairs of rubber gloves and handed them to Ye Shaoyang. "You can get it yourself. I have this strength. I went to the lower leg and I won’t go. The sprayer I also Put it on the door, the tank is full, enough for you."

Ye Shaoyang looked at the sprayer and water tank on the side of the two stranded silk bags, swallowed a mouthful of water and said: "That, I am too thin, this is not suitable for me, the monk, this is for you."

Of course, these are all four treasures, and suddenly they are somewhat retreating.

"What is this. Or will I come?" Xie Yuqing also came early in the morning, listening to it for a long time, feeling that he had finally been useful for three years.

"I didn't say that I want to take you there!" Ye Shaoyang said, "You don't have spells, Xuanyuan Mountain, you think it is an ordinary ghost hole corpse."

"You said last night that you are going to take me! You forgot, yesterday you went to my house and said."

Ye Shaoyang snorted and said, "You can really edit, when will I go to your home!"

Xie Yuqing came up and screwed his ears. "You dare to lie, you said that you have been there!" Suddenly thought, Ye Shaoyang may not want to admit to going to his home before so many rénmiàn, so as not to cause misunderstanding, not to admit it. After all, It’s deep in the middle of the night...

"Well, I went, let's go." Ye Shaoyang's ear was hurt, but only when she was deliberately squirming, didn't think too much, immediately took it soft.

Four treasures: "Goats, let her go. Guo Laolan láng also went, Xuanyuanshan those who claim to be gods, do not generalize to ordinary humans, and then say that these things are really no one back, you and I must be the enemy, not enough people."

Ye Shaoyang listened to him and said that he had to agree. Of course, they also have no opinion.

Ye Shaoyang helped Xie Yuqing to carry the water tank for spraying pesticides on her body and teach her how to use it.

"Oh, what do you do with this, we are not going to plant the land, I will try it..."

"You have to, don't try!" Ye Shaoyang several people reacted fiercely, "You know how to use it, don't try!"

Ye Shaoyang thought about it and said: "That, I will give you something. If someone rushes to you, it will be self-defense."

Xie Yuqing said: "No, you forgot to give me something." It was the smashing nail of Maoshan that said that he had pulled out a chisel-shaped silver object from his bag.

"Okay. It's still easy to use."

When the wind looked at the spirit and nailed it in the hands of Xie Yuqing, it was a bit uncomfortable. To Ye Shaoyang said: "What about my Maoshan, you just give it away?"

"No, when I was in the last action, I was given her self-defense." Ye Shaoyang's eyelids turned over. "I am a Maoshan teacher. You are just a disciple. I just gave you a bird."

"Then go on your own, I go to Maoshan to abandon, there is no need to help you." Daofeng said with a sullen face.

Yang Gong smiled. "You can sometimes be very cute when you are arrogant. Ok, don't make trouble, let's start now?"

Ye Shaoyang’s eyes swept around the faces of the crowd and nodded and said, “Let’s go.”

Yang Gongyi found a smooth wall, and his hand drew a horizontal line on it, leaving a vapor-like breath, as if the ink spread from the wall like paper.

"What is this?" Ye Shaoyang asked curiously.

"Chaos is infuriating."

Yang Gongyi then drew three lines, four chaotic infuriating, forming a rectangle, constantly spreading toward the middle, and soon filling the middle part, forming a very strange picture, looks like a white Xiangyun, was set on the wall.

Lao Guo took out his mobile phone and took a picture. As a result, he did not take any pictures.

"Okay, go in, hurry up." Yang Gongyi finished, he first drilled in. Followed by the wind, Ye Shaoyang greeted everyone and sneaked in, directly from the "wall".

The head just stretched out and was immediately blown by a cold wind. Ye Shaoyang looked at it, there was a white mist everywhere, and everything could not be seen clearly. So he quickly caught up with Yang Gongyu and asked: "Is this the chaos?"

"of course."

"How is that like this?"

Yang Gong stunned him and said: "What should it look like?"

Ye Shaoyang thought it right, no one specified what the chaotic world must look like. He only listened to Yang Gongxuan: "This space is like the human beings thousands of years ago. The chaos is not open, there is no difference between yin and yang. There is such a chaotic innocence everywhere, and the souls of the chaotic world are all born out of chaos."

The cold wind is biting, and everyone is freezing. The old Guo shrinks his arms and says: "I said my brother-in-law, how cold here, I knew I had some clothes."

Yang Gongyi listened to his brother-in-law, and he was a little shy. He explained: "This is a evil wind. It can be blown into the bone marrow. It is useless to wear thick clothes. Hold it."

Pony patted Lao Guo and said: "Look at you, or be a ghost, don't be afraid of cold. Otherwise, go back to commit suicide, go with me to the Valley of the Wind, how about I let you be a deputy city owner?"

"Roll your uncle. Don't curse me!"

"Well, you forgot what you are doing!" Yang Gongyi took out a white shawl from his sleeve, held one end, threw the other one out, let everyone hold it from the human projection to here, and go to the yin In the same way, living people still have flesh and blood. Although they can protect the wind, they are all white, and they don’t know where to fly.

Ye Shaoyang greeted everyone to grab a shawl and yelled at Yang Gong: "Well, the old driver can drive."

Yang Gongyu just wanted to leave, suddenly a few white shadows floated in the white mist, people did not come to the sound first: "Where is the creature, smash me the chaos!"

It is an old voice, and it is a bit of a strange Chinese.

"Retreat!" Yang Gong snorted.

A few people stagnate, hurried to the ground, and bowed down. "I don't know if the Lord is coming, and sin should die."

"Okay, you go to call a group of high-education, and go to the gate of Xuanyuan, I will arrive in an instant."

"Follow the orders." Several people beheaded and left immediately.

Yang Gongyi shook a shawl, dragged a dry man and flew forward.

(End of this chapter)

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