Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2362: 2364 origin 2

"I said, those are just yours? Why do you speak Mandarin?" Ye Shaoyang asked behind Yang Yang and put a hand on her shoulder.

"Chaos is really angry. When the opportunity arises, the elves are born, and they have been practicing for centuries. They are only chéngrén-shaped and open-minded. Although my chaos is an evil spirit, once the wisdom is opened, we must learn human language, etiquette, and simple knowledge. This is the rule set by the previous generation of chaos, and only then can we become stronger."

After a pause, Yang Gongyi went on to say: "Not only us, even Xuanyuan Mountain, Qing Dynasty, and the boundless world, are the same, and they all act on the Chinese Valentine's Day."

The Taoist style took it very rarely and said: "Compared with evil spirits, the most powerful human beings are not spells and implements, but civilizations."

Ye Shaoyang pondered. He knows that the "civilization" that the wind says is not about the civilization of the civilized tree, but the bigger meaning: culture.

Mainly language and knowledge. These are the most remarkable achievements of mankind. Even spells and implements are the products of these knowledge. They will think, practice, and then progress.

Whether it is human or evil, it is consistent with this truth.

This is one of the reasons why any goblins are desperately trying to repair the chéngrén shape.

On the way to the flight, I encountered several chaotic creatures. Yang Gong was too lazy to say anything more and flew over. These humanoid chaotic creatures immediately fell down when they saw Yang Gong, and they looked very respectful.

These evil spirits are all the same as human beings, but they may not have any aesthetic reasons. Most of them are ugly. The clothes they wear are also the ancient silks of the sinuous silk. After the squatting, they are also squatting. Ancient ceremony.

Lin Sansheng saw these people along the way, could not help but look carefully, and asked Yang Gong a lot of details about these evil spirits.

“Who taught them etiquette and language?”

"There are three chiefs under my command. I often go to the world. I learned this in the world and taught them, but they are not proficient in this. They are not only teaching them the number of rituals and language, but also the verses of the two verses." Class." Yang Gongyi is a good temper for people outside Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang said: "You ask what you do, I want to be a teacher."

Lin Sansheng was silent for a moment and said: "I really have this idea."

"You are crazy!" Ye Shaoyang and others expressed their contempt. It is not to look down on these creatures in the chaos world. The main reason is that Lin Sansheng is a ghost of the world. He has no relationship with the chaos. This idea is a bit crazy.

Lin Sansheng said: "I am serious. You think about it. I can't stay with the deaf children. It's impossible to stay in the world. The Yin Shi and the Qing Emperor are connected to each other. They can't go. I don't want to be here. Mr., is also free, so that we can get together from time to time, why not, and then use my knowledge, when a teacher is still a word."

Immediately said to Yang Gongxi: "You can not only learn these things, but I can teach them more, as long as you allow me."

Yang Gongyi looked at him with some surprise and said: "If you are serious, say it in the future."

In the thick fog, Ye Shaoyang tried to see the surrounding environment and found that there are also flowers and trees here, but the shape is not the same as the human world. The trees are very tall, and even tall, even dozens of floors are so stunned. Not to mention the task, this time is also a strange trip.

After flying for about half an hour, Yang Gongyi finally stopped, and the sleeves waved to disperse the dense fog nearby. Everyone looked around. They found that they were standing on a small island, and there was an endless stream of water nearby, but it was calm. The water quality is also very good, the island is not big, there is only one football field size, there is a tree on the island, the tree 竤hāshoubao? vinegar plagiarism? Also?? 叽螅 叽螅?? Bad Jian XII />

On the leaves and in the air, there are countless light spots like fireflies, all over the sky, but in the cold wind, they maintain a slow flight speed.

"Wow, it's so beautiful!"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly heard the sound of the orange, suddenly shocked, turned his head and found the orange in the crowd, immediately replied: "I am not letting you come! You are the **** of the emperor, it is not convenient to act with us. You don't know it yourself!"

The orange licked his mouth and shouted: "As soon as I left one, I was so bored. Anyway, I came. You don't care, I can't do it."

Ye Shaoyang is speechless.

Xie Yuqing came over and took Ye Shaoyang's arm and murmured: "This is really beautiful. There is absolutely no such scenery in the world. Even if it is dead, it is worth it."

"Don't talk nonsense." Ye Shaoyang grabbed her mouth. I saw the buns and melons jumping together on the tree to catch the fireflies. But these spots are not really fireflies, they can't catch them, and they run away from their fingers. The two guys are having a good time.

"Don't make trouble!" Ye Shaoyang gave a cry, see Yang Gongyi did not object, no matter what, asked her about everything in front of her eyes.

"This is the sea of ​​chaos, um, I just take the name, because it has no name. This tree...there is no name, it is called the tree of life, the whole chaos world, there is a chaotic atmosphere everywhere...only After the absorption of this tree, it can become chaotic instinct. These light are the creatures here, will stay here, carry out unconscious cultivation, until the cultivation of chéngrén shape, produce intelligence, these light, just the beginning of life The shape is slightly shaped above."

Yang Gongyi waved his sleeves in the air and dispelled the fog above the trees. He could see a slightly higher place, with a sigh of smoke like a smoke, slowly spinning around the trees, and then some above, smoke. With the shape, it seems that the paper is a small person, and it has a human form. The more you go up, the clearer the person's form will be.

"It's really...unbelievable." Ye Shaoyang held his head up and spit out this sentence to express his current mood.

No matter how different, Ye Shaoyang is a human being after all, and it is the first time I have seen this mysterious and bizarre picture. The inner shock is also indescribable. He thought of a word: origin.

Although it is not human, it is the chaotic world, but it is also the origin of life in a world.

"Sighing." Lin Sansheng used a more literary word.

"It’s really... I don’t know what to do, but I’m scared.” The pony hangs more.

Just as everyone talked, from the other side of the island, dozens of figures flew and floated on the water around the island.

(End of this chapter)

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