Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2363: 2365 sword refers to Xuanyuan 1

These are chaotic creatures, wearing costumes of various colors, one by one curiously looking at Ye Shaoyang. Everyone has released the spiritual fluctuations that only the Master and the Evil can detect, which proves that these guys are very powerful evils.

"Your clothes are wrong, you are wearing Hanfu, but many places are not right..." Lin Sansheng flew past, pointing one by one, these evil things are looking at him with a look of contempt, thinking who this person is, What are you doing?

“Thank you, Mr. Thanks, these costumes are what I learned from the world, but I didn’t expect to have so much attention and laughed.”

An old voice floated from behind the crowd. Everyone is looking at it. It is an old man with a white beard and a robes. It looks like a supernatural Taoist.

The first reaction of Ye Shaoyang is that if the old man gives people a look at Feng Shui, the big bosses are sure to give them a lot of money.

"Da Situ, you are here." Yang Gong greeted him.

The Situ Palace is one of the ancient official names, one of Jiuqing, who is in charge of educating the people and exercising political affairs. Lin Sansheng is an ancient scholar. When he hears it, he knows that the old man has a high weight. He goes up to the etiquette of the scholars and said: "Be rude."

Da Situ smiled and said: "Mr. can tell the official's fallacy, grateful, and rude?"

When the pony listened, his face twitched and leaned into Ye Shaoyang’s ear and said, “I’m hurting when I hear this.”

Ye Shaoyang stunned and said: "What the hell?"

Pony Tucao said: "You don't know, the stray evils gathered in the Valley of the Winds, in all ages, they have been wandering in the ghost field in ancient times, and they are out of touch with the world, and everyone who speaks is also listening to the eggs. pain……"

"Roll!" Ye Shaoyang snorted.

Yang Gong said: "This is one of the three masters of my family. I don't have a name. You call him Stuart. Da Situ, these are my friends. This is the road, this is Ye Shaoyang, you can see it today. Come, just meet."

Ye Shaoyang stared at the head of the old man, and he could faintly see a purple gas, which proves that the old man is a monk, and the purple gas is condensed, and there is a faint lotus shape. It may have been repaired into a three-flowered roof. It is estimated that the cultivation is not low. Almost a **** of evil, this body is placed wherever the strong. I think that he is a big Situ in the chaos world, and his identity is almost second only to Yang Gongyi. It is only natural that he has such strength.

Big Situ stared at the wind for a while, then looked at Ye Shaoyang, and then nodded thoughtfully.

Yang Gongxiao smiled and said: "What happened to Da Situ? You usually like to study the human world. If you see them today, why not give them a face?"

Da Situ waved: "These two faces are extraordinary and cannot be phased. The Lord brought them here this time and summoned dozens of guards. What happened?"

Yang Gong said: "We have to go to Xuanyuanshan to do one thing. If an hour does not come back, you will take them into the door of Xuanyuan and go to Leichi to meet us."

Da Situ was shocked and stunned for a long time. His eyes swept over Ye Shaoyang’s face and yelled at Yang Gong: "On the Lord, you have to smash the thunder pool... This is a small matter, not to mention that the Xuanyuan Mountain is so powerful that it cannot Dealing with it, even if you are successful, how can we get out of the way at the time, we are afraid that we will be involved in the chaos..."

"I don't care about this. I can't do it. Even if Xuanyuan Mountain blames nothing, they can't kill my chaos. Da Situ, you take them here, we will pass."

What the big Situ wants to say, and finally just nodded and said: "In any case, you must be safe and return to the Lord... The old slaves are waiting for good news here."

Yang Gongyi greeted everyone: "Go."

Around the "tree of life", Ye Shaoyang looked around, did not find anything like the door, and then went out of the island, so he asked Yang Gong: "Where is the door?"

"Just this." Yang Gong licked his finger. Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked at it. It was a distorted branch hanging from the canopy of the tree of life. The middle formed an arch shape. It should be said to be two. It looks like a sign of McDonald's. But there is no visible magnetic field.

I was wondering, Yang Gongyan reached out and clicked under the canopy, silently recited a certain spell in his mouth. During the time, a golden magnetic field appeared in the middle of the arch, which was very deep.

Lao Guo was happy when he saw it. "Don't love McDonald's to change the name of the Golden Arch, it is based on this."

"What gold arch?" asked Ye Shaoyang.

"The latest thing, you don't know." Lao Guodao, "What should I do now? Go straight in?"

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and said to the crowd: "I have to start when I go in. I don't say anything extra, are you ready?"

Everyone nodded.

Ye Shaoyang took out the yin and yang mirror, so that Meihua, Xiaoqing, Xiaobai, Orange, Xueqi, Fengqi and Cui Ying both hid in, Guagua and Buns were on one side and kneel on Ye Shaoyang's shoulder.

Look at Lao Guo and take two high-pressure water guns. There are two more on the belt. Xie Yuqing carries a water tank that sprays pesticides on his shoulders, and holds the squirt in his hand. The four treasures carry two sacks with stinking smell. The appearance of these three people looks unfamiliar, it is a bit funny.

Wu Jiawei took the Tibetan front and took it away. Ye Xiaomeng took out the jade dust mites from the family.

"The things that look at the house are all taken well." Ye Shaoyang confirmed it again.

"Master. I, I have nothing." Zhang Xiaorui protested.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment and gave her the Tianfeng Leihuo flag.

She has officially worshipped the teacher and opened her eyes in Maoshan. She is an authentic Maoshan disciple. It is more convenient to use Maoshan inner door magic to control Maoshan's implements.

"How are you so silent today, this is not your style." Ye Shaoyang looked at her, a little puzzled.

"Master, I want to create an atmosphere, the wind is bleak and the water is cold, and the strong man will not return to it..." Zhang Xiaorui was intoxicated. "This kind of momentum, how beautiful."

"Yimei your sister!" Ye Shaoyang knocked a boiled chestnut on her forehead. "We will go to the end, and we will come back with a good end. No one will be in trouble, nor will it be an accident, well, start work!"

"!" The pony screamed excitedly, the first one plunged into the door of Xuanyuan.

What the city owner did, still not so tune. Ye Shaoyang shook his head and followed.

Going in from the door of Xuanyuan, the scenery in front of you is different immediately:

There is no more fog. There is a green grass in front of it. There are many trees and flowers, and there are a series of mountain shadows not far away. The top of the mountain is hidden in a cloud.

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