Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2370: 2372 Qing Changfeng 2

"Five-in-one, Juyuan Guiling, disease!"

The road wind rarely read a spell, and the five black air immediately condensed together, like a snake, constantly turning around the big seal, holding the big seal, and constantly dissolving the spiritual power.

Qing sneer, silently recited the spell in the mouth, in the big seal, suddenly glowed with a divine light, and instantly swayed the spirit of the Five Dynasties, and pressed against the wind.

The road hurriedly used the whip to resist, and when I felt the pressure of no-depression, I pressed down and the expression suddenly became dignified.

"I am a singer of the Eight Spirits, how is it compared to the magic of your door?" Qing Qing controlled the big seal, and said with a scorn.

"Then let you try."

The wind sighed and the right hand shook. From the sleeves, a **** flag flew out. He kept putting this thing in his sleeves. Before Nangong and Jianwendi were hiding in the **** sea, they flew out from inside.

The **** flag fluttered in the wind, and bursts of screaming and screaming from the middle, countless ghosts trapped by the **** seas, rushed out for a moment, heading for Qingfei, and another 12 figures, also Rush out in an instant.

The twelve disciples of the Valley of the Wind led by the ancient evil spirits.

"Chong Shang Xuanshan, killing you!" To play, just play big.

This is the style of the road. I never think about how to end it. I don’t care about karma. Even if the real gods live on Xuanyuan Mountain, he doesn’t care. It’s nothing more than a few names. As long as he can fight for Ye Shaoyang, everything... he can ignore the consequences.

Qing was shocked and drunk: "Commanded to the Beidou Guan disciples, killing the thief as much as possible!"

The disciples who stood before stupidly rushed toward the mountains immediately. One of them immediately turned back and hesitated and asked: "Zu Shi, did you inform the gods of Lingshan?"

"Do you say those few beasts?" A cold cry, "When I am going to help them, I will only ask you to master the masters and they will come over!"

The man had to go, but because of such a fallacy, he had fallen behind several companions and was robbed in front by the twelve disciples. He was flustered and wanted to go back up the mountain, but he was led by the ancient evil spirits, and several hit one. A few rounds, immediately lost, was killed on the spot, the soul was divided by a few people, even the fine swallowed.

Before the few disciples did not dare to stay, the mountain went to the people.

Qing anger, arranged an enchantment, the ghosts of those **** seas and sorcerers are blocked out, the way to fight the wind.

"Do you know how to do this, what will happen?"

The road wind smiled and counted as a response, and the whip whip was greeted.

Fight in a more brutal way, continue...

The battle at the Thunder Pool is not as clear as this:

After the arrival of Xingyuenu, nothing was done and was discovered by Biqing, and immediately launched an attack with both eyes. Her strength is under the Xingyue slave, and there is no smelter in hand. It was not an opponent. It was just a helping hand. Yang Gongyu also went forward to fight together. It was fiercely fighting. Nangong Shadow dared to find the Xingyue slave. Immediately let Bi Qing and Yang Gong hold their hands and fight with Xingyuenu.

"Shanshan Zen master, help me." Xingyue slave also guessed that he could not be the opponent of the three, said to an old monk who had come before him.

Shanshan Zen Master is one of the three elders of Panguyu. He was cultivated as Tongtian. He was originally practicing with the two brothers and brothers in the forbidden land in the cloud. He was reported, and some people thundered the pool. It happened that he had recently closed a Huiyuan meditation and another. The two divisional brothers could not go out for a while, so he was curious and went down the mountain to find out.

When Xingyuenu and others were fighting, he had been watching from a distance and did not shoot. He is not watching the war, but watching Ye Shaoyang. I want to know what these people are, why come to the Thunder Pool.

When he saw Donghuangzhong and the nine-tailed fox under the bell, his heart was also a little shocked. I was waiting to see it. I suddenly heard the Xingyue slaves ask for help. I immediately shook my head, solved my embarrassment, lost my past, folded my hands together, and thought of a spell. It suddenly became huge, like a tent, wrapped in Biqing and Yang Gongyi. Go in. Left Nangong Shadow and Xingyuenu singled out.

"Where is this?" Bi Qing and Yang Gongxuan looked at it, and there was endless darkness in front of them. The two men were in a state of sorrow. The old monk could actually trap both of them. This means that it is invincible.

"How to do?"

The two were wondering and sulking, and suddenly a golden light shot from the darkness of the sky, as if the black curtain had been opened.

The golden light fell, over the sky above them, and suddenly a golden lotus flower appeared, followed by a Buddha, sitting on the lotus platform. The two looked up and found that the Buddha statue was like a man like a woman, not a man or a woman, infinitely solemn, but with a trace of sadness in his eyes.

The Buddha slowly opened his mouth, his lips twitched and spit out a spell:

"Nan no, drink 啰怛 哆啰, 哆啰 night yeah, South no, Aya yeah, Po Lu 羯 emperor, Shuo 钵啰 ,, Bodhisattva 埵 耶, Mo 诃 Sa 埵 耶 诃, Capricorn, Gallo Gaya..."

It is the curse of Sanskrit's "Great Compassion Mantra". It is slowly from a neutral to the voice of men and women. Sometimes it is close to the ear, sometimes it is far away.

As this one spit out through the words, Yang Gongyi and Biqing felt a kind of pain that seemed like a hundred claws. This kind of feeling can't be described. They have a body repair, but they don't know how to deal with it. Fly up to crush the statue, but no matter how high they fly, the statue also flies, always hanging over the top of their head, constantly chanting the spell.

"Ah..." The two finally couldn't stand the erosion of the Sanskrit's heart, and they squinted their ears and shrank them to the ground, twisting them painfully.

Outside, in the eyes of the onlookers, the shackles thrown out by the Zen Masters have never been dropped, but have been hung above the heads of the two men, but they have released a circle of golden light and covered them.

There is no dark void, no Buddha and Sanskrit.

However, the painful performance of the two is seen by everyone.

"Vulture, what means you make!" Pony opened his mouth.

Sibao took a picture on his head. "Don't accidentally hurt, think about it."

At this time, their situation is not easy: a mixture of various feces has been piled up along the Thunder Pool, and everyone in the Ghost Alliance is hiding inside the encirclement.

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