Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2371: 2373 Four Great Tenno 1

Everyone was facing outwards. Outside the protection circle, hundreds of Pangu 已经 had been gathered. They had been playing for a while before, but Lao Guo and Xie Yuqing sprayed them with water guns and ejector, so that these Pangu were very taboo. In addition, Shanshan Zen Master did not speak, so these Pangu were just surrounding them and waiting for orders.

In order to save costs, Lao Guo did not dare to take the initiative to attack, and the two sides looked at each other with such contempt.

Seeing that Yang Gongyi and Biqing were trapped by the magical skills of Shanshan Zen Master, everyone was very anxious, but they couldn't think of any good way to look at Lin Sansheng together. But in this specific battle, Lin Sansheng also had no idea, everyone is working. Anxiously, the buns suddenly jumped over Lin Sansheng’s shoulder and said loudly: “The old monk used the magical transformation. They both accidentally said, you open a gap, send me in the past, I broke his illusion. !"

When Lao Guo heard it, he immediately said: "Come here!" Greeting Xie Yuqing, spraying the manure around the nearest encirclement of Yang Gong and Biqing. Sibao also shoveled a big shovel with a **** and lost it.

Several Pangu 僧 immediately arranged the enchantment, blocking the feces and manure, and the old Guo scorpion snorted, holding two water guns in his hand, first shot in the left hand, after being blocked by the enchantment, the Pangu was proudly smirking at him.

"You laugh, you laugh a little, look good." Lao Guo's right hand water gun also squirted past this ancient dish.

"Yushu." This plate is a helpless smile, continue to use the enchantment to block.

The juice was sprayed on the enchantment. Unexpectedly, it was not blocked. It was like a solution. It instantly melted the enchantment into a hole. This Pangu was stunned on the spot, and did not wait for the reaction. Lao Guo shot with his left hand. A stream of urine passed through the hole accurately and hit the body of this Pangu.


The urine encountered the suffocating gas on Pangu, and it was immediately evaporated, and it was steaming. Pangu’s body was instantly broken, only to hear a bang, and the enchantment was completely broken.

"Em!" Lao Guo gave a command, Xie Yuqing launched with him, and Sibao also lost a shovel to Mi Tian. All fell on Pangu.

The golden urine, the yellow rice field, fell in a moment, Pan Guzhen still stood, and never looked back, and looked at them.

Lao Guo and others made a big laugh.

In their laughter, this plate of ancient 僧 僧 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , When I was so humiliated, I was sprayed with manure... The huge anger and humiliation suddenly came up, and then... I just smoked it and poured it on the floor.

A few Pangu 边 on the side was also shocked by this scene.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the buns wore the past from the gap, and several Pangu wanted to catch up. Lao Guo and Xie Yuqing sprayed on their backs together, forming an alternative fire cover. Several Pangu thought of the tragic situation of the same class, did not dare to leave their heart to them, had to retreat to the side, waiting for an opportunity.

趁 趁 趁 趁 , , , , , , 趁 趁 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包 包

Shanshan Zen master looked at him, looked up, the pupil slightly contracted, said: "Psychic Buddha flowers, but the wilderness ... but your little illusion, how can break my Buddha body."

The buns did not speak, but just sighed at him, a vision, drifting in front of the Zen Master.

The two pupils of Shanshan Zen Master instantly zoomed in and stood still.

Lao Guo and others carried a pair of guns. On the one hand, they protected the buns. On the one hand, they looked at the buns and the mountains and meditation masters... After the introduction of Ye Shaoyang, they all knew the magical power of the buns. As long as they are the creatures within the three realms, in principle, Can not escape the illusion of the buns, but the cultivation of the deep, or can rely on the reinforcement of the gods to break through the illusion, so to deal with this, can only be shot, just like the Yamayama Zen master did to Yang Gongyi and Biqing, Suddenly, the two men were trapped in the illusion.

However, the buns are so blatantly screaming that the other party has prepared for it. The other party has been repaired on top of him. Is this still successful?

Even Lao Guo and others have expressed doubts about whether this product is too self-confident.

The buns hovered in the air, staring at the eyes of the mountain master, and motionless, the mountain master also did not move. Yang Gongyi and Biqing are not far away, they are covered, and they are still motionless...

This kind of picture, deadlocked for about ten seconds, suddenly, the buns screamed, fell to the ground, and spewed a green water in his mouth (he is a plant into fine, blood is of course green).

The eyes of Shanshan Zen Master returned to normal, and the buns smirked. "Two copper coins, I also want to buy and sell three or two silver. Little illusion, also want to trap me?"

Fang Cai, he deliberately let the buns trap him with illusion, and then in the illusion to achieve seriousness, in one fell swoop, can break the illusion.

This is absolutely impossible for Ye Shaoyang.

On the one hand, Shanshan Zen Master is very deep, on the other hand, because he is a Buddhist disciple, in the Dharma, the practitioners are required to break through the karma. Founder always, illusion is also one of the karma, so the stable monk is in the face. When it comes to illusions, it's easier to be confused.

"This silly boy!" Lao Guo sighed.

But the buns stood up and wiped the blood on his mouth. The Zen master of the mountain smiled. "Master, you are too honest."

Shanshan Zen Master heard the frown.

At this moment, suddenly a white practice flew toward him, turning his head and looking at it, Yang Gongyi, manipulating six chaotic instinct, rushed toward him, everyone’s attention was also on the buns and Shanshan Zen master. I completely ignored Yang Gongyi and Biqing.

No one knows, when Yang Gongzhen actually broke through the illusion!

Not only Yang Gongyi, Biqing also broke through the illusion, but flew in the opposite direction, rushing to the Xingyue slave.

The sorrow of the mountain master Zen has fallen to the ground.

"How do you do it!" Shanshan Zen master was shocked. Hurry to seal against Yang Gongyi.

"Hey, old monk, do you know the rules of illusion?"

The rules of illusion...

When the Zen master of the mountain responded to the attack of Yang Gongyi, he thought about it and suddenly understood it. He said: "You sneak into Chencang!"

The buns nodded proudly and flew toward the middle of the encirclement. Lao Guo and Xie Yuqing immediately gave "fire cover" to help him return.

The buns fell on Lao Guo’s shoulder and said, “How about it, not bad.”

"How did you do it?" Everyone was very surprised.

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