Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2380: 2382 dead and altogether 2

The ghost-caught alliance and the people of the Wind Valley together, even Lin Sansheng, the military division also personally went into battle, and now there is no planning, short-handed, and into a deadly fight.

The thunder will be able to control the thunder, although there is no thunder and thunder, but the ten people teamed up to arrange a thunder, the power is extremely horrible, everyone can't resist, can only step back, the defense is lost, it is morning and evening Things.

Over there, Yang Gongyi and Bai Ze can still play a dozen, Jianwen Emperor is unable to withstand the magical power of Bifang, has been unable to support, can only take advantage of the spiritual strength of the pine-grained sword, reluctantly, self-protection Only.

Everyone is very anxious, but there is no way to do it, only to be desperate.

"A good group of tiger leopards, in the world and in the ghost domain, can be vertical and horizontal, but unfortunately dare to invade my Xuanyuan Mountain, but it is a pity to die..."

A bang.

In the mouth of Bi Fang, a spurt of spurt was originally vomited to the face of Jianwen Emperor. The Jianwen Emperor completely lost his power and could no longer resist it. In his eagerness, he used the pine-grained ancient sword to stop.

Shenguang squatted on the blade and flew directly out of the party. He was seriously injured and fell to the ground and could not climb.

Bi Fang did not rush to kill. There is no compassion, but disdain. It directly morphs out of the real body, screams in the sky, fans double wings, and rolls up a strong hurricane, blowing toward the four treasures.

Originally, the two alliances have already lost, are hard to resist, and encounter hurricanes, more passive. On the spot, several Thunder generals seized the opportunity to kill several of the twelve opposing disciples...

Lin Sansheng was full of sadness. Looking back at Donghuangzhong, the last soul of Xiaojiu was about to be generated. According to the previous speed, it is estimated that it will take three minutes. However, they have persisted for less than three minutes.

They tried their best. As for the strong people they are facing now, it is completely trouble-free to destroy several major sects in the world, let alone the territory of others. In the face of layers of siege, they can persist until now, it is not easy.

But... After all, is it going to fall short?

"Killing and generating the benevolence, giving up the righteousness, killing the generation of the bene..." Lin Sansheng kept chanting these two words in his mouth, releasing the suffocating suffocation and rushing to the front.

"You are all back, I am coming!" The orange suddenly opened the crowd and rushed to the front. He put his hands on his hips and said, "Come on kill me, I am the daughter-in-law of Cui Fujun, the deputy of the Emperor of Heaven." See you dare!"

The thundering generals, who had already sneaked in, heard her shouting and immediately stood still.

Although the Yin Shi and Xuanyuan Mountain have nothing to do with it, but Cui Tianzi’s face can’t help but one person swears: “What do you say nonsense, Cui Tianzi has a son!”

"He has no son, but Xiao Langjun have heard of it, serving Cui Tianzi for many years, like his son, I am his wife! If you don't believe, come and kill me!"

The thunder will be picked up. At this time, Xingyue Nuo shouted: "You are an official in the Yin Shi, but come to my Xuanyuan Mountain to trouble things, if Cui Tianzi knows, it will not cover up!"

Resent the thunder of the generals: "I Xuanyuan Mountain only Xuanyuan Shengdi, do not worship the Yinsi, you are afraid of her doing it, today they come to my Xuanyuanshan shārén set fire, even Cui Tianzi, can not tell a truth, kill she was!"

The Thunder will bite their teeth and rush to the sky. The Tianlei network will be launched. The oranges can’t escape, but the defense is against them, but where is their opponent, but these generals don’t dare to kill her, at least no one wants to. Hands-on, so the shot also left room, only seriously injured her, and did not really shāshou.

After the oranges were knocked back, the gangs were no longer scrupulous and swarmed...

The situation is even more crisis. The members of the two major leagues have been forced to the edge of the thunder pool. In the next few steps, they will also break into the thunder pool, and there is no retreat.

"You break through, I am blocking!" The four treasures were already injured, but forced to sacrifice the cautious Arhat again, blocking in front.

"What!" Lao Guo pushed open the flat head in front of him and said, "I want to die together, I don't care!"

"To die together, my mother, I am dragging a few!"

The pony, a general of the thunder, was not prepared, and he gathered all his anger on his fists and slammed it against the temple. The general of the thunder screamed and was knocked over to the ground, like the fish that had just fished ashore. The whole body twitched, and soon the soul flew away and turned into fine.

Actually gave the pony a punch and died!

"I said, we are afraid that we will not be able to live!" The pony said loudly as he killed the enemy.

"Dry, go and hurry!" Four treasures shouted.

"Take your sister, I mean, since we can't get away, let's stop and fight for the last time for the small leaves. If Xiaojiu really can rob the success, with her strength, she can definitely take the small leaves. We are also dead, what do you say?"

Everyone agrees, fights and fights to kill the enemy.

Wu Jiawei was seriously injured, but there was no fear on his face. He was killed in the crowd, lest he fell behind, and a sword killed the general of Lei.

The rest of the people are not willing to lag behind, each of them makes the final strength and fought bravely to kill the enemy. One by one, the expression is decisive, and even a smile on her face seems to be vying to die in front of her teammates.

The generals of the Thunder, as well as those who were Pangu, who saw death and madness, made a big question mark in their hearts.

They don't understand why these people are not afraid of death at all. Why do they clearly have the opportunity to break out and stay here? They never understand what these people are insisting on?

Living together. Never give up.

When I was married to Jinlan, how many people did not hesitate to say these words, but how much can the world do?

At least, they did it.

No one wants to leave Ye Shaoyang and leave his friends to leave.

"Stupid humans."

Xingyue slaves cannot understand this feeling and do not want to understand it. Her eyes have always had success or failure.

Now, she has seen the victory, her face smiles, and she looks at the Biqing who is firmly pressed on the ground. She said, "You are standing in the wrong team. You choose to let them help you. But today, you are going to die together. Here, however, you have to walk in front of them."

Finished, one-handedly printed, hit the Baihui point on her head.

Bi Qing closed her eyes, her face was unwilling, and she waited for death in despair. However, after waiting for a long time, Xingyue’s palm was still not photographed. Turning her head and looking at it, it was a blue light, entangled in Xingyuenu. Wrist.

Xingyue slaves are even more shocked than Biqing. No matter how hard she is, this hand can't be pressed down, and it can't be recovered. It can only be hovered in the air, and it doesn't listen at all.

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