Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2381: The 2383 dead are born again 1

What kind of power is this to entangle her wrist?

The shock of the heart of Xingyue slaves is incomparable.

At this moment, King Kong flew out of her sleeve and flashed blue brilliance.

"Xingyue slave, when you are dead, can you kill my sister?"

Li Haoran's voice! He is not dead!

"Brother!!" Biqing excitedly called.

"You..." Xingyue slave looked at the diamonds flying up slowly, one hand could not move, the other hand immediately printed, and the King Kong was beaten.

In the vajra, the blue light flashed away and landed on Biqing's body. Biqing suddenly felt the body relaxed and the **** was untied. Immediately got up, full of affectionately screamed at King Kong: "Brother!"

In the face of the attack of the Xingyue slave, the diamonds did not move, and her hand was stopped. Then I swung to fly to Biqing, and put it on her hand like a bracelet, and flew away in the distance...

"Brother, you..." Bi Qing did not understand.

However, King Kong did not respond and continued to fly.

The people in front of the Leichi also found the situation change here. The four treasures shouted: "Li Haoran, don't leave!"

"The heavens are invisible, the heavens are invisible, and they are free from them. They are not in them; the number of days of robbery is changing, and the Lord is floating and upside down, and all beings are turned down..."

In the vajra, the voice of Li Haoran was heard, and while he was reading, King Kong was flying away.

"Li Haoran! You said these ghost things, you are here to help! Mom!" Four treasures see the diamonds flying away, so angry.

Xingyue slaves sent King Kong to fly away, and did not catch up. She did not know why the young ancestor was resurrected, and it was only at this time, but just now, she had already felt the strength of the green cow, not her own. Can be dealt with, since the green cow did not bother her, then she would not ask for boring, extra-budget, simply let him leave, and spirited, looking at the thunder pool.

The two alliances are still fighting in the blood, have already retreated to the edge of the Leichi, and then go back, they will fall into the thunder pool...

The situation has reached a crisis.

Suddenly, a muffled sound, the lotus in the hands of Master Shanshan, was broken, and the man also stepped back a few steps. The road in front of him rushed up and rushed to the front of the two major league members, and launched a map of the mountains and rivers. Before the public rénmiàn.

There are two generals of the Thunder department who are rushing to attack. Originally, they can break through the line of defense. As a result, they slammed into the map of Shanhe Society. It was all right. Shanhe’s plan is to absorb the soul through the mind, as long as you don’t look at the picture, Will be tempted, even if the face is fine, but as long as you look at it, there is no absolute strength, basically it is in jeopardy.

The two generals of the Thunder saw a thing in front of them, looked up instinctively, and then... it was a tragedy. They were originally rushing forward, and together with the suction of the Shanhe Society, they did not clear that strength and were immediately sucked into the picture...

Behind them, Pan Guzhen and the Lei dynasty generals also instinctively looked at the landscape on the map of the Shanhe Society. The powerful suction was immediately generated. If there was a close, it was directly sucked, and it was far away to start to escape.

"This is a picture of the Shanhe Society, retire! Kill the road first!" Xingyue slave screamed.

These people of course want to run, but the road wind immediately practiced, and sacrificed the three clear ghost characters, forming three enchantments behind them, just like three fences, blocking their way, and then holding one hand God whip, squatting on their heads. Yang Gongyi also immediately turned into six chaotic celestial bodies, attached to the enchantment, and blessed mana.

These guys are very deep, and it is impossible for a person to want to hold them. But the key point is that these people have seen the pictures of Shanhe Society, not far from the picture, and they are working hard at the moment. To offset the suction of the Shanhe community, in the face of the attack of the wind, once the energy is released to resist, although it can block the whip, but immediately can not resist the suction, was sucked into the mountain river community map.

If you don't resist it, or if you don't release enough mana, you will be killed by the wind and a stick...

When Sibao and Pony looked at the situation, they couldn’t help but immediately rushed up and did it against these people.

"I can let you, so you can..." The pony didn't know where to come out with a black shiny brick, and took a picture of these people's heads, while still licking his mouth and slamming it. A few have been sucked into the Shanhe community.

"Two sages, killing the wind!"

Xingyue slaves screamed and flew down from the hillside to the road. Bai Ze also saw the Shanhe community, but because of the distance, the two were deep and deep, and they were from the first time. Shanhe Society escaped from the suction of the map, and after going around the wind, Bifang turned out to be the real body, and his mouth uttered a deafening cry, swooping down toward the back of the road, and Bai Ze turned into three white lights, attached. On the top of Bi’s head, push the momentum of the dive to the extreme.

Although the road wind has long been seen (Bi Fang and Bai Ze did not sneak attack, just attacked afterwards, avoiding being sucked in by the Shanhe Society), but because of the control of the Shanhe Society, there is no way to withdraw, plus the Xingyue slave Killing in front, there is no way to take care of behind.

The two major leagues immediately stood up and wanted to block the blow for the wind.

After the fans flapped their wings, the resulting hurricane converges into a whirlwind, and with the help of Bai Ze, it is unstoppable, and the members of the two major alliances in front of them are knocked open one by one.

The two great beasts combined to strike, no one can stop it.

The high-tech of Lao Guo and Xie Yuqing cannot even be found on their side.

Xingyue slaves hold Xuanyuanjian and stab the door to the wind.

Faced with the front and rear clips, the road wind evokes the spirit of the Five Dynasties, flies to the back, and at the same time lifts up the Shanhe community and blocks it in front of him. Xingyue slaves rushed to him at this time, hurriedly turned his head and did not look at the picture, turned the sword front, and the people also flew up, and recited the curse in the mouth, throwing the Xuanyuan sword toward the sky, a golden light flashed, and the Xuanyuan sword became a The shape of the mountain is swaying at the top of the road.

"The avenue is the first, the sky is changing, the Xuan Mingtian listens, the heavens have no thoughts!"

At this extremely dangerous time, Daofeng swears a curse, closes his eyes, his eyebrows open, and a celestial eye opens, and a ray of light shoots out to the top of his head. At the top, there is a figure that is exactly the same as himself, but it is translucent, both hands are Day, I held the mountain that Xuanyuanjian has made.

The spirit of the Five Dynasties gathered behind him, and formed the same figure. With one hand on the top, the virtual grip was relative and pushed hard.

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