Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2382: 2384 dead reborn 2

The five dynasties formed an enchantment in front of them, which actually blocked the joint efforts of Bi Fang and Bai Ze, but did not resolve the offensive. Bai Ze’s bird smashed into the enchantment, flapping its wings and constantly moving toward it. Before the advancement, the three white lights that Bifang had made were also flashing, and the offensive was blessed.

Everyone seems to have a tacit understanding, stop the attack and attack, and look up at this rare scene.

The road wind, since the power of oneself, blocked the attack of two different beasts and the ancient artifact Xuanyuanjian... This cultivation is rare in the world. No one was present at the scene.

"I don't want to break the power of the two corpses." Shanshan Zen masters have fought in battle, and they are fighting against the wind. After all, they are not opponents. They have already been injured. At this time, they are meditating under a **** in the distance. Seeing this scene, I couldn’t help but sigh. "The genius of the genius, it is really a genius, just step into the magic, but unfortunately, unfortunately..."

Xingyue slavery: "When the wind, you use the two spirits that you cut off to block the offensive, this means indeed wonderful, but you are only the end of the strong, I see how long you can hold."

At the moment, the mantra is accelerated, and the face is strenuous, but the mountain peaks of Xuanyuanjian are also slowly pressing down. Bai Ze and Bi Fang are not eager or slow, and they are willing to let the wind consume.

Soon, the two spirits of the Taoist dynasty, the color is getting lighter and lighter, almost transparent...

In the face of the siege of the three powerhouses, even if it is a road, it can't hold it.

"You are going!"

The road looked at these people and said silently.

Some of them were restrained by the other side, others tried to help the wind, but whether it was the mountain, or the law of Bai Ze and Bi Fang, they were not close to each other, and they could not share anything.

These people are considered to be strong within the Three Realms, but there is still a gap between these decisions, and the gap is like an insurmountable gap.

They can't do anything.

The face of the wind, getting paler and paler, is still supporting, but the expression on his face and the smug eyes of the stars and moons have not changed.

"The talents of the sky, but not for my use, it is a pity..." Xingyue slave shook his head, closed his eyes, and constantly strengthened the offensive of Xuanyuanjian.


The spirit on the top of the road was smashed, and the mountain fell down against the top of his head.

"The wind!!"

Yang Gongyu rushed up, six chaotic celestial bodies wrapped around the road wind, to block this for him.

The mountain fell, but a white ribbon flew from the rear, wrapped around the mountain, tightened hard, and even trapped the spiritual power, so that the mountain could not fall.


The mountains were broken, and the broken aura quickly dissipated. In the middle, the Xuanyuan sword was released.

Xingyue slave quickly flew up and took Xuanyuanjian in his hand, with a very shocking mood, looking behind the road.

The eyes of all people have also been transferred together.

A woman wearing a snow-white fluffy dress and the most beautiful appearance, slowly came out from the outer edge of the Leichi. Behind her, the nine tails rose high above her head, one of which was unconscious on the tail. Ye Shaoyang.

"Little nine!"

The first excitement of the orange screamed, awakening the shocked people, and everyone realized what was happening:

The lord of the Qingqiu Mountain, the king of Wan Yao, Xiao Jiu, was resurrected.

The dead are resurrected and the king returns.

"Nine-tailed fox!" Xingyue slave looked at Xiaojiu, and there was an unbelievable look in his eyes.

Bai Ze and Bi Fang naturally know who the Jiuwei Tianhu is. They were attacked after the wind. Now Xiaoji is behind them. Both of them are afraid of being attacked. They dare not focus their attention on the offense. Besides, they are also very aware of the strength of Jiuwei Tianhu. Knowing that once she resurrected, her previous advantage would be gone. It is impossible to kill the Taoist wind in a short time. This embarrassment has to be slowly played and simply stopped. Offensive, the two separated, the adult body, falling on the sides of the Xingyue slave.

"All the thunder, please come back!" Xingyue slave ordered, and the remaining Thunder generals immediately withdrew and returned to them.

"You are also coming back." Shanshan Zen master also called back his own Pan Guzhen.

The two sides resumed their confrontation.

Xiao Jiu came to the side of the road, standing side by side with him, looking at the stars and slaves, no sadness and no joy on his face, no humble, no face, no peace.

Bai Ze looked at Xiao Jiu and said, "Your ancestors are equal to me as alien animals. Today I can't bear to hurt others. You can leave on your own."

Xiao Jiu does not speak.

Xingyue slaves step forward and block in front of the two people, saying: "Today's death, both sides have death and injury, and what is the sentimentality... Jiuwei Tianhu, although you are the king of Wan Yao, but I Today, three people, killing you is not in the words... I sigh that you have just resurrected, you have to die again. You, what else?"

Xiao Ji ignored him and turned to look at the people he was familiar with and said, "Let's go."

"Go?" Everyone looked at her in a foolish way, this situation... How come?

Xingyue slave laughed, "Nine-tailed fox, if you leave alone, this palace can't stop it, but you want to take them with you, too, too much, I want to know... you rely on What do you say?"

"Through this."

Xiaojiu opened his hand and held a bronzed Zhongding in his palm.


Xingyue slave saw it and shouted.

"The East Emperor Bell is ringing, the world is dead, this Donghuangzhong is in my hands, there is no ability to kill the world, but there is still room for you to deal with you... Do you really want to fight together?"

Xingyuenu and others looked silly at Donghuangzhong in the hands of Xiaojiu. Bifang shook his head and said: "That is not necessarily the case. Even the best implements must be driven by mana. The wind has been hurt. You alone, even if you have the East Emperor Bell, it may not be my opponent."

Little nine nodded and said without any tone: "I also doubt that I have this strength, so I want to try. It is death is alive, I will know when I try."

"That will try!" Bai Ze stepped forward, bursting out with a horrible demon, ready for death.

"Slow." Xingyue slave seems to have made some determination, spit out a breath, said: "Let them go."


Bai Ze incredulously looked at the Xingyue slave. "Xian Chang, you give orders, can you think through it?"

"Let them go. Xuanyuan is in my hand, and I will wait until the two are honored. If you kill the enemy, then there will be opportunities in the future."

Bai Ze and Bi Fang glanced at each other and stepped back two steps, which was a compromise.

"Go!" Xiao Jiu stared at the Xingyue slave, and said without squinting.

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