Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2383: 2385 analysis results 1

Everyone looked at each other and Lin Sansheng said, "Everyone is careful." The first one left the Leichi and walked toward the valley.

Everyone slowly keeps up.

Xingyue slaves and others did not move.

When all the fish went away, Xiaoji turned and said to the wind: "You also go."

"You first."

Xiao Jiuyi took a moment and took the East Emperor Bell and flew over.

Looking at the stars and moons, the road winds up the murderousness in his eyes and slowly said: "I said, I will kill you."

Xingyue slaves licked their lips and showed a sneer.

"I am waiting for you, or, I will go to you."

The figure of the road wind swept past.

A group of people went to the gates of Xuanyuan. On this road, they did not encounter any obstacles. Only when they arrived at the gate of Xuanyuan, a group of disciples of Beidouguan stopped here and saw that they came in intact, and there was no chase behind them. I was shocked and didn't know what to do. At this time, a disciple of Beidouguan flew in the direction of Leichi, and he said with a loud voice: "Take the commander's decree and let them go back."

Although these people are puzzled, they have to separate them from each other and let them go out.

Still, the wind was pressed, and after everyone went out, he went out again.

The Xuanyuan Gate is closed.

It is back to the small island of Chaos, surrounded by a piece of white.

Recalling the experience just now, everyone feels like a dream, nine lives, they are finally alive back.

"This is not the most violent glimpse of us, but it is the most dangerous." Lin Sansheng expressed his feelings.

Everyone nodded and agreed.

“Thanks to Xiaoji’s resurrection at a crucial moment, otherwise it’s dangerous today.” Meihua looked at Xiaojiu and said with a smile.

"How is the boss!"

Guagua responded and hurriedly asked.

Xiaojiu put Ye Shaoyang gently on the ground, everyone immediately surrounded, Ye Shaoyang was unconscious, his face was white and scary.

"He is almost extinct, but he is still alive, but he can recover. Let him fall asleep and slowly recover some of his own. After waking up, he will adjust his interest for a while."

Xiaoji stretched out a hand and touched Ye Shaoyang’s face. Others did not experience it, but she knew that Ye Shaoyang was suffering from the process of thunder, knowing what kind of pain he had endured, and relying on a stubborn thought to support the last moment, the idea Is to sacrifice him to complete his own soul repair...

I heard that Ye Shaoyang is fine, everyone is relieved, Xie Yuqing Huo’s standing up, lost the voice: "Snow Qi!"

Xiao Jiu did not say anything, the tail opened, the bottom of the nine tails was exposed, and the end was rolled with Xue Qi.

Xue Qi is also as unconscious as Ye Shaoyang.

"She has successfully robbed, and now she needs to recuperate and soon wake up." Xiao Jiu said.

"Lord! You are back."

Da Situ turned from the other side of the tree of life, followed by the chaotic creatures, looked at Yang Gongyu with horror, and looked at other people, muttering: "The miracle, you are safely coming back... Are you ok?"

"All right, you arrange some people to stay here, if the people of Xuanyuan Mountain come out, kill them!"

Da Situ’s face is a bit embarrassing, saying: “My chaotic world has been guarding Xuanyuan Mountain for thousands of years, if you are against them...”

Yang Gongyi waited for him to finish, Shen Sheng said: "Here, I still have to say it?"

Da Situ hurriedly bowed to the ceremony. "Don't dare, all matters, naturally obey the Lord's instructions."

"That's it. But they are not likely to come into my chaos. In short, you should pay attention to it." Yang Gongyi turned to look at the group and said, "We still leave this and go back to the world. It is completely safe."

Everyone immediately set off.

"All the injured, advanced yin and yang mirrors, and everyone is going."

Lin Sansheng gave a cry, and some of the injured, such as oranges, immediately plunged into the Yin Yang mirror in the belt of Ye Shaoyang.

Xiaojiu took Ye Shaoyang and Xue Qi, and started with everyone. Suddenly there was a bang from behind, everyone turned back and suddenly stopped: the wind stood under the tree, the whole person became crystal clear, a bit like Mercury, beyond recognition, flows up and down.

"Wind brother, what's wrong with you!" Yang Gongyi immediately rushed over, but did not dare to help him.

"My two spirits are almost destroyed..." The wind was soft and turned into a little man, shuddering. Yang Gongyu carefully held him in his hand and said with a trembling voice: "Don't scare me, you are fine!"

After waiting for a while, the road stopped shaking and said slowly: "I am fine. Fortunately, the spirit is still there. I need to adjust the interest rate of seven or forty-nine weeks to recover. You can put me in the sleeve and take it away. ""

"I am coming to me, this little man, haha, interesting!" Xiao immediately came to touch the head of the wind and said: "If you have always been so small, how fun it is."

"Dead fat, you go away!" Xiaobai pushed the pony away, looked at the wind with pity, and asked for warmth. Finally, Yang Gongyu took the spirit of the Yuanshen in the sleeves, and the group quickly left Xuanyuan. The door, the air flight, returned to the position of the void crack opened before, after going out, or Ye Shaoyang's room.

Yang Gongyi wiped a hand on the wall and dissolved the spiritual power without leaving any traces.

Back to the familiar place, everyone's heart is completely put down. Basically, all of them are sad, so they sit down and adjust their own...

Xiao Jiu put Ye Shaoyang on the bed and kept himself silently on the side.

"Xian Chang, I am waiting for the power of three people, I have not been able to deal with Dong Huangzhong, why not fight hard?"

After Ye Shaoyang and his entourage left, Bai Ze immediately questioned the Xingyue slave, and his tone revealed obvious dissatisfaction.

Xingyue slaves are far away, faintly said: "Today's game, host for me, we river and other identities, why bother with them, you two people or Shanshan Zen master in case of an accident, I can not explain. So I would rather let them away Go. The river does not turn, there is always a day of reunion."

Shanshan Zen Master said: "The palace owner said that they were successful, this is a destiny, but it can not be forced. Just... the old man did not expect that there are so many strong people in the world..."

His words are a heartfelt feeling from the heart, but in the ears of Xingyue slaves, they have different meanings. Shen Shen said: "It seems that you want to unify the world, you have to get rid of Ye Shaoyang." Fortunately, I have a layout, and I am not desperate to fight with them today. It is also my steady victory, and I can’t be too hasty."

Bai Ze and Bi Fang had to fight hard before, but they were only vindictive. Now, after listening to the words of Xingyue slave, calm down, whether it is Ye Shaoyang or the Tao, it has nothing to do with them. Everything is not hosted by them, just I was ordered to help.

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