Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2384: 2386 analysis of the results 2

To understand this, the two immediately relieved, looked at each other and nodded slightly.

Bi Fang said with a hand: "Since the fairy has long been laid out, then I will not bother with it. If he needs help again, he will be handed over."

"There are two nobles who work." Xingyuenu is also very polite to them.

The two flew away.

The leader of the thundering generals, clicked on his own subordinates, there are several gods broken, some gods are still there, you can have a chance to robbery in Leichi, and some direct souls fly away, turn into fine, can only slowly gather The soul is born again.

The general sighed and said hello to Xingyuenu and Shanshan Zen master, and left with his men.

"Today's business, not to be defeated, just... the master here is a heavy injury, but it makes my heart uneasy..." Xingyuenu looked at the mountain master, and his attitude was rare with sincerity.

The Shanshan Zen Master announced a Buddha number and said: "He is so desperate, the old man is not very concerned, and the palace owner does not have to blame himself. It is right to repackage the river and mountains here."

"This is the case, the palace will leave first, go to Beidou to look for my brother, and then make plans."

Two people said goodbye, Shanshan Zen master sent away the Xingyue slave, silent for a long while, summoned three disciples, and said: "You three, go to the world, try to find out the origins of this group of people, and the world of magical circles today The situation... report to the teacher again."

The three men took the lead.

When Xingyue slave came to the place where the wind and the Qing fight, the disciples who saw several Beidouguan were cleaning up the mess, asked about the passing, and then went straight up the mountain, entered the Beidouguan, and found a hidden secret behind the main hall. The sanctuary, push the door in, and sit on the futon, and is breathing. A purple gas flows up and down the body, repairing the soul.

Xingyue slave did not interrupt him, took a futon, sat down in front of him and waited quietly.

Qing spit for a week, open his mouth, slowly spit out a breath, the exit is a cloud, slowly dissipated. Open your eyes and look at the Xingyue slaves, faintly said: "It’s been a long time since I played so hard. Today is really a movement of the bones... That road, I have a battle with me, I hate that there are mountains and rivers in his hands. The social map... I didn’t look at it for a while, and I consuming a sacred power... I was even sucked in by my deity. It’s really hateful!”

Silently hated for a while, said: "This hatred does not report, my heart is unwilling, I want to go to the world to find him, how do you think?"

Xingyue slavery: "The things of the world have always been taken care of by me, and the brothers should not break the rules."

Listening to her, she suddenly said something uncomfortable, cold and cold: "You have been in the world for a hundred years, still can not stand on the human foot, and today, when you look at it, how long will it take to wait for the teacher?"

"This thing has nothing to do with you."

Stand up in a clear way, saying: "The life of the teacher, I also have a share, how can I have nothing to do with me."

"The life of the teacher, let me run this business, you can't ask."

"You waste too much time and do nothing. I can't wait."

This pair of high-ranking brothers and sisters quarreled, and the ordinary people are no different, anyway, no one listens, do not pay attention to the image.

The two argued for a while and cleared their hands: "I will take another step back and give you some time. You can talk about it yourself. If it doesn't work, then you will go back to the mountain and give everything to me." Otherwise, I will go back to the mountain and join you."

Xingyue slaves sighed and said: "Although. My layout in the world will definitely win."

I snorted and said, "Return the King Kong to me."

Xingyue slave suddenly remembered this, and said the story of the resurrection of the young ancestor and the take away of the fairy.

Listening to it, it’s speechless.

"He is not destroyed, I know it, but how can it... neither show up, why can you control King Kong, can you take people away?"

Xingyue slave shook his head. "I tried to get back to Vajrayana, but that power... I can't compete."

"Even if you can't compete?" Qing shocked and muttered: "There is only one possibility..."

Xingyue slave nodded.

Both people have thought of the only possibility: the young ancestor of the yak, has already proved that the mixed yuan is not great, and the achievements are of no mana.

Only in this way, Xingyue slaves will have no power in front of him.

After a long period of indifference, he said: "However, if this is the case, it should not be difficult for him to kill you, why not?"

Xingyue slavery: "The only reason I have thought about this is that he has already proved that there is no good or evil in his heart, no enmity, no care for everything."

"After the testimony, is this really true?" Looking into the distance, the heart is full of yearning.

The people who can prove the mixed avenues are few and far between the past and the present. The rumors of the Taoism are the Taoist ancestors of the Song dynasty. I know, in fact, there are still, but there are only a few people.

Although they are not ordinary human beings, there is no difference in essence. As long as they are creatures, no matter what they are repairing, they can be justified.

But the requirements of the sermon are not just mana. Qing has already reached its peak in mana. The only difference is the opportunity. However, it has not been able to break through this last level for hundreds of years. The words of Xingyue slave are even worse.

Xingyue slaves also indulged for a long while and said: "You and I don't have to envy others. If I am in the business of human life, I might help me to prove it."

"Then I will watch." Lightly said. Although a bit disdainful, I also feel that the method of Xingyue slave is desirable.

Ye Shaoyang made a very strange dream. In his dream, he had nothing to do, like a camera tied to an airplane, overlooking the earth.

He saw the volcanic eruption, the hurricane raged, the sun and the moon were dark and dark, numerous high-rise buildings collapsed, the people ran around and fled, and there were countless deaths and injuries... But he was only a perspective, he could only watch all this, and could not do anything...

Among the crowds who fled, he saw some people he was familiar with, Xie Yuqing, Zhou Jingru, Zhang Xiaorui... Everyone was running hard, behind them, the earth fell, surrounded by the sea, a huge wave hit, will Xie Yuqing I rolled in with Zhou Jingru.

"Do not!"

Ye Shaoyang shouted, and the man slammed up. Then he saw Zhou Jingru and Xie Yuqing. He was sitting on the bed eating melon seeds and hearing his voice. The two people smashed the action of the seeds, and the next second The bell, the two thrown away the seeds and rushed to him.

(At about 9:30 tomorrow night, the Yin and Yang Division issued a wave of red envelopes to celebrate the first month of the month. Everyone went on time, and did not verify the speed of the group.)

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