Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2390: 2392 sudden disaster 3

"Your yin and yang mirror is not in the bedroom, she was waiting for me inside, but I just went down, she is gone! I can't find it everywhere, and they haven't seen her!"

"You calm down and calm down." Ye Shaoyang comforted him.

Xiao Jiu said: "They are all in the room. It is impossible to make any accidents. She must have gone by herself."

"But she is completely new to the world, where can I go?"

"I want to say that she must not accept the reality, so she deliberately left. Hey, you said, will she go to find Jin Ying? After all, Jin Ying is her future life, and it is me, I will definitely be very Curious." Ye Shaoyang Lingguang now thinks about this possibility.

This is the typical authority of the authorities. Lin Sansheng tried to break the world, but things rushed to him, and he was the person he cares most. Instead, he messed up. At this moment, he listened to Ye Shaoyang and said, immediately nodded: "Yes, or so, Jin Ying lived." Ah, let's hurry up?"

"Jin Ying... I know she is working here, but I really don't know where to live, oh yes, she told me before, she bought a house in this community. That is living in this community... ...but don't know where to live."

Lin Sansheng said: "Looking for Jing Ru, she has Jin Ying's phone."

"Yes, go!"

The three quickly returned home. Zhou Jingru, they were all woken up by Lin Sansheng, they were all in a daze, do not know how it happened, Ye Shaoyang immediately told the situation with Zhou Jingru, Zhou Jingru listened, took out the mobile phone, just dialed, suddenly remembered something, said: "I Call her, how do you say it, she doesn't know the truth... She attended the wedding, I seem to remember the location of her home, I will take you there."

"Well, let's go." Ye Shaoyang went to the door and turned to look at the group and said, "In the middle of the night, don't go too many people. You can continue to sleep. We will find the nephew and come back."

Xiao Jiudao: "Shaoyang, I don't go anymore. I am heavy and easy to be discovered. Since she has the heart to hide from us, she still hides her breath, lest she feel that we are close and leave quietly."

"Well, you really reminded me." Ye Shaoyang drew two invisible charms, which were posted on himself and Zhou Jingru, and they went out.

Hurry down the stairs. Zhou Jingru took the memory and took them to the building where Jin Ying’s family lived. In fact, it was separated from Ye Shaoyang’s house by two rows. When she went downstairs, Zhou Jingru hesitated. “I don’t know which floor she lived in. Still nineteen... Anyway, a very lucky number."

Why is the 18th Geely, to send? Is it not eighteen layers of hell?

This is the mouth, Ye Shaoyang actually remembered these.

The corridor is locked. Without a key card, only the residents in the call can open the door.

"Going to the security guard?" asked Zhou Jingru.

Lin Sansheng has crossed the iron gate and got into the corridor.

"We are waiting for you!" Ye Shaoyang whispered.

The two stood waiting under the corridor.

Zhou Jingru looked at Ye Shaoyang and said: "Will the children be on top?"

"80%, we go back a bit, if she escapes, it should be able to see."

The two returned to the road and looked up.

Zhou Jingru grabbed Ye Shaoyang’s hand and muttered: “I am a little nervous.”

"What are you nervous about, it doesn't matter to you."

"Look at what you said, the military division is not your own."

"I don't mean this. I mean... If it's something else, for the military division, I can throw my head and sprinkle blood, but we can't do anything about emotional things."

In order to make sure that there were no omissions, Lin Sansheng began to look for it from the 10th floor. Anyway, he is a ghost. If he walks through the wall directly, it will damage it, but he will not care about it.

Lin Sansheng’s family was looking for it. At this point, basically he slept, and a young couple was squatting. Although he was not rude, Lin Sansheng still watched it for a long time. Because there was no light in the house, he had to determine whether it was gold. Ying... The sister's hair is very long, lying on the bed, with the movement, the hair continues to squat and hang down. Lin Sansheng did not show shape. He came to the girl and stared at it for a long time before he decided that it was not...

He is red-faced and his heart beats faster if he has the heart.

Going up to the 18th floor, I found the second one. There was a table lamp in the bedroom. The light was very dark. There was a computer on the table. Two people were lying on the bed and watching a movie.

The girl did not wear anything, wrapped in a quilt, and shrunk in the man's arms. The man is smoking, and the two are watching the movie with great interest.

Lin Sansheng saw that it was Jin Ying... Although she had hot hair, she looked a little fat. However, even if he did not even see her face, she was sure to be her.

A feeling of heart. Throughout time, no matter how long it takes, this feeling is the same.

At this moment, Lin Sansheng seems to understand what... The person in front of him is the one he really likes, and he is his own nephew...

Then, seeing the intimate posture of the two people, the feeling of sourness in the heart can not be described.

Lin Sansheng stood outside the room and looked at Jin Ying silently. For a time, he forgot everything.

Jin Ying pulled up the quilt and said to the man behind him: "I just felt a little cold, as if someone was opposite... Say you don't be afraid, as if someone is watching me."

Husband smiled and said: "You are nervous, but fortunately, it is not a horror film tonight."

Jin Ying picked up a small box from the bedside table, which was filled with bayberry. She fed it to her husband, watched his sour expression in his mouth, smiled happily, and then swallowed oneself and hugged her husband. The neck is full of sweetness as a person/wife.

Lin Sansheng couldn't stand it anymore, went through the room and went to the balcony, no one on the balcony.

At this time, a dog was called downstairs.

Ye Shaoyang and Zhou Jingru also heard it.

"The dog called, go, let's go see!" Ye Shaoyang took Zhou Jingru's hand and ran to the other side of the building.

"What happened to the dog?"

"In the middle of the night, there is no movement. How can a dog call it? Most of it is to see a ghost. There is nothing to repair, and it will not be tempered."

Just from the side of the building, the figure passed over and the other side almost slammed into it. The figure immediately attached to the wall and looked like a faint shadow.

Zhou Jingru instinctively held his mouth.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the shadow and said: "Hey, it's you, don't run."

The shadow left the wall and appeared in front of Ye Shaoyang. The girl dressed in costume was the nephew.

The nephew licked his mouth with one hand and sobbed in a low voice.

"You... I said, where are you going?"

"Where are you, what are you going to do? Why do you want me to get here, I want to go back, I want to go back to me at that time!" The child rushed to Yang Yeyang and cried.

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