Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2391: 2393 ambush 1

At this time, Lin Sansheng fell from the sky, stood behind the nephew and called her.

"You... shameless, you lied to me! The one above is the one you have been looking for! Why are you looking for me!"

Lin Sansheng is silent.

Ye Shaoyang and Zhou Jingru did not know what to say, they could only watch silently.

"I was wrong..." Lin Sansheng bowed his head and said after a while, "I just can't leave you, six hundred years, I am not willing, I really don't want to be..."

"You are not reconciled?" The nephew turned and looked at him, crying and shaking his head. "But, what you are looking for is not me. You let me go with you, I can't do it. My three lives." I still suffer in the ancient tomb! I am going to find him right! If I am with you, what should he do? You said, will he wait forever?"

Lin Sansheng nodded.

"I know, I am wrong, if I can compensate... you want me to do it."

"I want you to send me back, go back to me... In your words, that is my world, whether I can find him or not, that is my life, even if I go to the Yin Shi reincarnation, I will wait for him. of."

Lin Sansheng looked at her and laughed. "You have waited for me for hundreds of years in the reincarnation. Finally... When I found you, you broke our fate, just upstairs, you saw it. ”

"What about that? Everything is a fate, it's your choice. At least I have to do what I should do. Three lives... You are not the three people who love..."

At the end of the day, she cried on the floor.

Zhou Jingru saw that she was very pitiful. She went over and wanted to pat her shoulders. As a result, the hand was worn directly from her. This reminded me of the difference between the ghosts and the ghosts.

Lin Sansheng stood behind his nephew and looked at her. After a long time, he said, "I will send you back. Go back to your time."

The nephew raised his head and looked at him with tears and said: "Can you do it?"

"I will try my best, I promise you, although I am not the life of your world, but I am still my... my character, you should know."

The nephew looked at him fixedly, and his expression was extremely complicated. Then he slowly stood up and squatted in his arms and cried aloud.

Ye Shaoyang took Zhou Jingru and stood silently in the distance. After a while, the nephew calmed down and let Lin Sansheng hold it and walked toward Ye Shaoyang's home.

Ye Shaoyang and Zhou Jingru followed, and when they went upstairs, Lin Sansheng flew directly to the nephew, and Ye Shaoyang and Zhou Jingru took the elevator.

"Shaoyang brother."

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and found that Zhou Jingru was looking at his side and looked at him doubtfully.

Zhou Jingru bit his lip and said: "That... I feel a little bit, as if we are getting farther and farther away... I don't know if it is true, don't think too much."

Even complaining about himself, Ye Shaoyang suddenly raised a little embarrassed, stretched his hand and pinched her face, said: "Nothing, I am very busy recently... A lot of things, you know, so a little cold you, but In my heart, you have always been my closest and most trusted person. If... you have trouble, I am sure to rush forward."

"Well, I believe." Zhou Jingru showed a satisfied smile. "However, I hope that you will take action next time, and you can take me with me, at least to help you do something. I don't want to participate, this feeling. I really don't like it."

"Well, I don't want to be polite with you next time."

Zhou Jingru nodded and nodded, really satisfied, the little dissatisfaction that had been buried in the heart for a long time was swept away. She was so understanding and demanding.

"The day after tomorrow, there is a concert. If you have time, let's go and listen." The elevator door opened and the two walked together, Zhou Jingru said, "If you are busy, forget it."

"Busy is not busy. We are going to Longhushan, but there is still a period of time, it is impossible to do things every day, just... I have no special interest in listening to songs. I am still listening to the big four. What is the song of Tian Wang Leslie Cheung."

Zhou Jingru grinned and said: "I know, you usually have time to listen to the song, but you have to go to this concert. This is a joint concert of three young singers. One of them, you know."

"No, I know a singer? Oh, you mean... wouldn't it be Zhuang Yu Ning?"

"It is her, she is now developing in Beijing, this time is the opening of our company, specially invited her to go home to open a concert, you may not know, she is now a first-line star, if not unexpected, the future star magnanimous."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, remembering Zhuang Yu Ning, and his heart was filled with some memories of the past, saying: "Well, I have long felt that she will be famous."

"Then go, let me go back and let you sit in the first row."

Back home, Lin Sansheng and his nephew are just arrived. When everyone saw the nephew and Lin Sansheng came back together, they immediately came up to ask about the situation. Ye Shaoyang and Zhou Jingru waved behind them and asked them not to ask.

The nephew got into the yin and yang mirror, Lin Sansheng also followed, Ye Shaoyang guessed that he was comforted, so he simply told everyone that it was going through, because this is Lin Sansheng’s own affairs with his nephew, and other people can’t say anything. Only the part of the emotion.

In the latter half of the night, Ye Shaoyang slept for a while. The next morning, he was awakened by Xie Yuqing and pulled him out very mysteriously.

Ye Shaoyang looked at a few people on the bed, probably before and after the night and night, these people are still asleep, one did not wake up.

“I told me to get up early in the morning?” Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing went outside and asked.

"I will take you to eat a big meat buns and go." Xie Yuqing urged him to go out.

When Ye Shaoyang heard about the big meat buns, he immediately drooled and went out with her. On the road, he talked about the ancestor who had encountered the owner of the bun shop in the Republic of China. Xie Yuqing took out the letter Ye Shaoyang wrote at the time of the Republic of China. Look.

"This is this, with your handwriting on it."

Ye Shaoyang heard her say this before, but didn't see her manuscript, got the yellow paper, and there was a strange feeling in her heart that she couldn't tell, and immediately started to look at it. However, it was a word on it. No.

Both of them were shocked. Look carefully, there is really no handwriting, even if the pencil is wiped off, it is impossible to leave a trace.

"How could this be?" Xie Yuqing himself was paralyzed.

"I know what happened..."

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