Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2392: 2394 ambush 2

Ye Shaoyang seems to understand what he said, "I have returned to the present world, then I can't see what I wrote a hundred years ago, because I am the person of this world... I can't say it, anyway, that means, If I let me see what I wrote a hundred years ago, it would form a paradox... Maybe the world is not allowed to form, and it will be automatically corrected."

Xie Yuqing looked at him slyly. "Heavenly Avenue?"

"It should be the rule of the world. The time, the space, the life and death of the living things, all have the same law for ten years, and the things that destroy the law will be corrected. I used to be in the Republic of China, so you can see Go to the word above, because there is no me in this era, but I am back, this matter has been fixed... Of course, this is my own guess, I believe so."

Xie Yuqing squinted and pondered for a long time and said: "Who made this rule, who made it?"

"Who knows, maybe it is a kind of power that transcends everything. If you don't prove the avenue, you will know the truth."

Xie Yuqing thought for a long time, said: "Shaoyang, will you prove it one day, just like Li Haoran."

"I don't know, this is a chance, I never thought about it."

"After the sermon, is it a fairy?"

Ye Shaoyang thought for a long time and said: "Should be detached from everything and become another kind of living being. Maybe ordinary people think that they are immortals, but the concept of immortals is only imagined by ordinary people. Actually, of course, it is different. The old mother and the swaying fairy are all teaching the golden fairy. Isn’t that the case? The wind is not necessarily the opponent.”

Xie Yuqing stepped forward with his arm and walked forward together. He smiled and said: "Shaoyang, if you have become a fairy one day, you must come and tell me what it is like after immortality, oh, maybe you become After the immortal, I didn’t care about everything, and I forgot it.” In the end, inexplicably lost a bit.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "How come, if the price of the sermon is to forget all feelings, then I will never prove it."

At six o'clock in the morning, the buns shop has opened the door. The two have eaten a big meat buns, and then pack a lot, bring them back to eat. As a result, halfway through the road, the palm suddenly felt a fiery heat, raised his wrist and saw the two soul print lines on it lit up.

"It's melons and buns. The two men signaled to me, something went wrong!"

"How do you know that something is wrong?" Xie Yuqing was very curious.

"The signal is one long and three short, which is our agreement. It is not a big event that will never send such a signal."

"Amount, you have become a telegram!"

Ye Shaoyang stuffed the buns to him. "They are in the yin, I have to look at it. You should send the buns back, then tell them, let them wait, if necessary, I will greet everyone!"

"Well, you are going, you... how come?" Xie Yuqing looked around.

Ye Shaoyang was said by her, and she only remembered her own situation. She could go to the yin at any time and anywhere, but when she went on, the soul was nothing to do, and the implement could not be used, and this street...self What about the flesh? Or only go back first, arrange the altar, and project the flesh through the void crack...

The two men took a car and quickly went back. After arriving home, Ye Shaoyang arranged the altar and told the story again. Let the people wait for the first time. Anyway, they could perceive each other’s position through the soul print. What happened to the accident? It is not too late to summon them.

Through the void cracks, Ye Shaoyang landed near the south gate of Suidu City. Like the city's urban pool, Suidu City also has four doors, but contrary to the human world, the south of the world is respected. If it is a city, the main entrance must be the south gate. However, in the Yin Shi, it is contrary to the human world, and the North Gate is respected. Therefore, the main entrance of the capital city is the North Gate.

The position passed by the melon and the steamed buns is on the north side of the gate. Ye Shaoyang flew to the body, and his heart was very curious. He thought that the two had an accident. Perhaps they encountered a creature in the ghost field that should not be encountered in the Taiyin Mountain. But what can be encountered in the vicinity of the capital city?

All the way to the past, two or three miles away from the city gate, there is an unknown small river.

There is a child of five or six years old, standing by the river, looking around and seeing Ye Shaoyang, immediately rushed over.

It is a buns.

"Boss is not good, hurry with me!" Then he went in the opposite forest.

Ye Shaoyang hurried to keep up and asked: "What happened, melon?"

"He is guarding in the woods, let me be at this boss, fighting in front of me, it’s too late to go late!"

"You make it clear, who is playing with whom?"

"It is Xu Fuxu's ancestors, fighting with the people of the Yinshi, black and white impermanence, as well as parade gods and many others."

"No way!"

Ye Shaoyang screamed.

This news is really a blue sky for him. Since returning to Lei Leichi, he has never seen Xu Fu. He was still wondering how to find him. As a result... he is actually here.

I can't think too much.

Ye Shaoyang rushed over and the buns ran faster than him. When he led the way in the woods, Ye Shaoyang heard a fight outside, rushed out of the woods, and immediately saw the melon, and Guagua also saw him. , pointing in one direction and saying: "Boss looks!"

Not far ahead, there is a battle on a vast open space.

Black and white impermanence, six or seven gold armored warriors, and the former leader of the parade, who had dealt with Ye Shaoyang, took a tour of the gods, and was besieging Xu Fu and Bai Qi.

Xu Fu holds the official pen and keeps moving in four directions. Every time he draws a stroke, he will form a spiritual power, and he will hold the enchantment and protect himself and white.

Standing up in white, the body constantly emits a dark red scent, forming a bubble that rotates around the body and is free to attack and defend.

On the periphery, under the impermanence of black and white impermanence, uniting everyone's strength, forming a huge spiritual magnetic field, locking the two in the middle, countless auras, carrying out regular attacks, colorful, layered, looks like Kaleidoscope-like.

Xu Fu and Bai Qi are struggling to support...

Ye Shaoyang flew past, the golden armored ghost warrior found him, turned and faced him and said: "The sinister swears to commit crimes, has nothing to do with life, and quickly leaves!"

He shouted, let black and white impermanence and others also found him, each of them stunned.

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