Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2393: 2395 ambush 3

"Little Heaven, you are back!" There was some surprise in the black impermanence.

Ye Shaoyang arched his hand and said, "I have seen the Lord. You are this..."

"Catch the prisoner. If you have something to do and go home, you can go to my house to sit down later, but you can't be on the lookout." White impermanence is very polite and underground.

Ye Shaoyang was a little embarrassed, and did not know how to deal with it. A figure turned from the other side of the encirclement. It was Xiao Yiyun who saw Ye Shaoyang and immediately pulled him to the side and said, "How come you?"

"Should I ask you, how is this your joint action, even the Temple of Heaven has a share?"

"Without my business, I was originally looking at the excitement. When I saw the melons and me, I knew that you were coming, and I was waiting for you here."

"Wait for me?"

Xiao Yiyun smiled and said: "This is going to ask you what to do, you want to help?"

Ye Shaoyang looked at the two sides of the game and hesitated. He remembered that Xu Fu had done everything he had done for himself, although he was very arrogant and sent himself to the Republic of China for a month, but everything was said to be for himself, and people also sent themselves back. The most important thing is to help Xiaojiu reinvent the spirit before, and then there is the later Leichi.

Thinking of this, Ye Shaoyang said to Xiao Yiyun: "In any case, he is my benefactor, and the benefactor is in trouble. I don't make sense."

Xiao Yiyun listened, his hands pressed against his shoulders and said: "You are crazy! Do you know the consequences of doing this? To say good people, black and white impermanence has not helped you many times? Besides, Laojia also taught you to gossip." Whip, count you half Master, can you do it to them?"

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him and said: "If it is convenient, I have already started!"

"Boss." The orange passed through the woods, walked out and stood next to Ye Shaoyang.

"How come you?" Xiao Yiyun pulled her over and said, "You will persuade Shaoyang, he will save Xu Fu."


Orange Road, "Boss, you want to know, if you want to do it, everyone together. Guagua, you are going to call everyone!"

Guagua immediately nodded, just to go, can Xiao Yiyun hold it, the buns want to slip, but also be caught.

"You are really mad at me!" Xiao Yiyun picked it up. "How do you follow the oranges!"

The orange said silently: "The boss taught me, knowing the truth, although the black and white impermanence is also good for us, but now Xu Fu is trapped. If they slow down, the boss can't help."

Guagua also said on the fire: "Yeah, if you dare not help because you are afraid of offending the yin, then what is it?"

In the words of the orange, I woke up Ye Shaoyang and seized Xiao Yiyun and said, "Come on one thing and hold your wife down. This matter cannot be implicated in the Temple of Heaven!"


Xiao Yiyun’s words were not finished, and Ye Shaoyang had already rushed toward the encirclement.

Black and white impermanence has also been paying attention to this side, see Ye Shaoyang rushing over, black impermanently shouted: "Little Tianshi, I know what you are playing, you listen to me, all your previous behavior, although conflict with the Yinshi, but still Excuse me, Xu Fu is the number one criminal of Yin Shi. If you are doing it today, Xiao Tian Shi, you can't turn over in your life! Even Cui Tianzi can't help you!"

Ye Shaoyang suddenly stopped.

"Shaoyang... No." Xu Fu said, looking at Ye Shaoyang, "You are going, everything I can do is done, you don't need to save me."

Ye Shaoyang slowly shook his head. "I am saving you because I treat you as my own person. It is not the same thing as whether you can help me."

"Ha ha ha..."

White laughed wildly, "Okay, good, Ye Shaoyang, you are a man. If I don't die, I will hand you this brother!"

"No interest." Ye Shaoyang took out the Qixing Longquan sword and walked over. He said in his mouth: "You, I am just to save Xu Fu today, not against you, offended."

"Ye Shaoyang, you are really a ghost! I will come to see how your strength is now!" Ten Niang said, it is necessary to rush toward Ye Shaoyang.

Black impermanence hurriedly stopped, whispered something, Ten Niang gave up, snorted coldly, continued to practice, strengthen the control of Xu Fu's spiritual magnetic field.

"Ye Shaoyang, you stand!!" Black impermanence shouted.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and held the seven-star Longquan sword. He had to recite the curse. Suddenly, Xu Fu burst into a bang, and the judge in his hand continued to brush up. He did not know what spells were used, and even erased the auras that make up the spiritual magnetic field. Part of it, and beyond the speed of the magnetic field enhancement, sighed at the white: "You go first!"

White stunned for a moment, and he ran a sigh of relief on the double fists, leaping and slamming, and suddenly slammed into the weakest place in the magnetic field that Xu Fu brushed out.

A loud bang, a gap was opened above the magnetic field, and a strong spiritual fluctuation was vented from the middle of the magnetic field. For example, the same hurricane blew, and even the farthest Ye Shaoyang body swayed.

White rushed out.

"There are ambushes around, don't chase him, trap Xu Fu!" Bai Wuchang ordered, everyone continued to practice. Xu Fu closed his eyes slightly and used the official pen to draw a few strokes in front of him. The spirit gathered and formed a "敕" character.

"The life of the heavens, the spirit of the earth, flying into the sky, traversing thousands of miles, the world is in a hurry as a law!"

I rushed back and pulled the word "敕" into the body, as if I was wearing it, and flew toward the gap.

"Suraro Yuji, this is the ancient secret, fast, stop him!"

Just as the white impermanence of speech, Xu Fu has already rushed out of the spiritual magnetic field, white impermanence and other methods of doing things. One time the implements and spells have generated countless Taoist lights, and they attacked Xu Fu, and the results were all on him. The word "敕" is absorbed, not absorbed, but absorbed.

Ye Shaoyang saw this scene and forgot to help. He looked at Xu Fu, who was slowly taking off from Venus. Before... He knew that Xu Fu was very powerful, but he did not expect him to be so powerful...

"It seems that I have to ask the baby of the Tibetan Bodhisattva." White impermanently shook his head, and took out a golden yellow-like handkerchief from his sleeve and threw it into the air, slowly unfolding.

From below, you can see the handwriting on the handkerchief. In fact, there are only four words. It is not a common Buddhist slang word such as Amitabha or Bitter Sea, but "If I smell it."

Four correct brush strokes.

Xu Fu looked up and saw these four words, as if he saw something terrible, his eyes showed a hint of fear, biting his teeth and rushing up.

The word on the handkerchief suddenly turned away and turned into a faint black smoke.

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