Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2397: The 2399th one wearing the cloud arrow 3

Ye Shaoyang suddenly realized the trouble!

Even if Taiyin Mountain finds that Shanhaiyin is not on Baiqi, he will definitely find himself... Ye Shaoyang’s mouth is pumping and muttering: “It’s really a dog, how can I spread this thing.”

Orange Road: "Hey, the yin will not say this thing out, how can others know?"

"The Yin Shi’s arrest of Xu Fu did not say that the Taiyin Mountain still knows?"

Black impermanence makes everyone jam.

"I am also curious, why is the action of Taiyin Mountain so fast?" asked Ye Shaoyang.

He was hesitant to hesitate, and he licked the tea with his hand and wrote two words on the table.

Ye Shaoyang walked up to him, looking from his direction, and immediately saw the two words: spies.

"No!" Ye Shaoyang screamed and screamed. "The yin also has..."

The two words have not been said yet, and the black impermanence has waved his hand and made a squeaking gesture. "This is a no-brainer. The Yin Shi has been checking out, but there are always some creatures hidden deep and difficult to detect. Well, I can't say anything about this, stop here."

Xiao Yiyun said: "Hey, I should not say what I said, the yin wants to know the whereabouts of Shan Haiyin, only need to use Xu Fu for punishment... Of course, I do not advocate doing this."

Black impermanence silence for a while, said: "The sentence is not a doctor, this sentence is also common in the Yin Shi."

"What is the relationship with Xu Fu? Is he a doctor?" Ye Shaoyang said.

"He... his identity, I am afraid you don't even know Xiao Langjun, which involves secrets, can't be said, but I can tell you that Xu Fu used to be a king of the Great Emperor, and he was not a doctor. The rules, even if he is a first-class violation, this rule can not be changed. Therefore, he does not say, then there is no way to force him."

Ye Shaoyang and others have been greatly shocked, Xu Fu... was actually the king of the Yin Division?

"How is this possible?" Ye Shaoyang muttered.

"Why is it impossible? When Xu Fu got the road, there was only Taoism, no Taoist, he was repaired as a great man, and it was normal to be sealed as a king. Otherwise, how could he have the opportunity to steal the Shanhai Seal?"

It turns out that... Xu Fu has such a deep background.

Black impermanence stood up, lifted the teapot directly, and sipped his mouth and gas, and his face showed a pleasant expression. "Well, since you said that Shanhaiyin is not on you, I will go back to life. Xiaotianshi, go back to Doka. Be careful."

Ye Shaoyang also stood up and thanked him. Ask him to go back and help himself to say good things, lest the Yin Shi really think that Shan Hai printed on himself, although the Yin Shi will not look at himself, but always blame himself.

Black impermanence first went, then Ye Shaoyang and his party discussed the same for a while. Anyway, things have already happened. They can only say as black impermanence, and pay more attention.

"Okay, let's go back, yes, you know where Ziyun is, give me directions, I heard that my master is practicing inside, I am going to find him."

"Ziyunguan, it is good to find, go along the Yinshui River to the west, very far. You want to fly over, it is enough, and that area is a wasteland, the power from the Taiyin Mountain is close, not Taiping."

"There is nothing wrong with it, I am one, running or running. But it’s too bad to go too far... otherwise, do you think of me?"

Xiao Yiyun hesitated: "Now the Taiyin Mountain attacked the city and the two armies fought. I wanted to requisition the Arms Division's ship as I did last time. I am afraid it is not easy to do..."

The orange suddenly remembered something and said: "There is something difficult. This time General Li did not come to the squad to transfer troops. I have come to meet him before, and said that it is open today. We can look for him in the past, the face of the boss, Can he give it?"

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head and said: "No, can I have such a big face?"

"Of course! It’s just that the Seven Lords go to the Lord. It’s not necessarily good, but the boss is going to look for him. I promise him to listen. Let me go, I will see you in the south of the city."

The orange smiled mysteriously, and he couldn't help but pull Ye Shaoyang's arm and walked outside the city. On the side of the buns and melons, sitting on the shoulders of Ye Shaoyang. Xiao Yiyun looked helplessly behind.

All the way out of the city, walking to the Yinshui River, there are many boats parked on the pier, not very large. Because the Yinshui River is not wide and not deep enough, too large ships cannot pass.

A group of soldiers in armor were busy boarding the ship on the dock. Some people sipped, some were named, and the scene was busy and lively. It looks like the kind of scene before the expedition that often appears in costume films.

The orange took Ye Shaoyang and went to the edge of the dock. He shouted: "Hey, who are you managing, go and help me call General Li."

A word attracted everyone, and they came over.

A Cao Cao who took the roster came over and looked at the oranges up and down. Some uncomfortable words said: "Look at your official card, but it is a escort. How dare not talk about etiquette, then General Li is calling you to drink!" ”

The orange licked his mouth and said to Xiao Yiyun: "You come to you."

Before the oranges shouted loudly, Xiao Yiyun was always shy, and felt that he had no face. So he hid behind the oranges and didn't want to show up. He didn't expect to be named by the orange. He had to touch his nose and watched the ghost saying. : "What about that..."

"Oh, it’s Xiao Langjun, disrespectful and disrespectful." The ghost did not wait for him to finish his words and bowed his hand, and his attitude immediately became respectful. In front of these people, Xiao Yiyun is still very face-to-face.

"Ah, I am looking for you General Lee, I don't know where he is?"

"We General Li has already boarded the ship. In the cabin in the front, the small one will go to the door and wait for you. Wait a moment!" The ghost ran to the front.

The oranges greeted everyone to keep up and walked to the side of the relatively gorgeous ship. The ghost went into the cabin and passed for a while. A general wearing a gold armor, accompanied by a ghost, Ye Shaoyang saw that he was a little familiar, did not recognize it at a glance, and rummaged through his memory.

General Li’s attention was on Xiao Yiyun’s body. He left the court and bowed his hand to salute. Xiao Yiyun also went to court.

"I don't know why Xiao Langjun is looking for this future. What is it?"

"I am not looking for you, there is an old friend looking for you."

General Lee frowned, following the direction of Xiao Yiyun's finger, and saw Ye Shaoyang. After a moment, the eyebrows began to expand, and said: "Ye Tianshi!"

"Long time no see, you are now a general, very powerful." Ye Shaoyang also recognized his identity, Yang's husband: Li Xiaoqiang! !

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