Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2398: The 2400th one wears the cloud arrow 4

The couple's name is actually no stranger to him. A few months ago, in investigating a psychic incident, Ye Shaoyang met Yang Siling and fought side by side in the evil spirit space.

At that time, Li Xiaoqiang, whose soul was broken, thought that he was dead. Later, he did not expect to be blessed by misfortune. He was reborn by Zhao Gongming, and he was collected under his arm. Later, Yang Siling also came to go, and the two lived happily in the ghost field...

There was once in the ghost field, they had appeared, and helped Ye Shaoyang not to be busy. But since then, Ye Shaoyang has never seen their husband and wife again.

"Haha, brother, you still remember me!" Li Xiaoqiang was very happy, and came up and patted Ye Shaoyang's shoulder.

Ye Shaoyang found his sleeved arrow from his backpack and smiled: "I have been wearing cloud arrows and I have been with thousands of horses. I have been there."

"Oh, I hope you can't use this arrow brother." Li Xiaoqiang looked at him. He couldn't tell the excitement in his eyes. He suddenly thought of something and asked, "Yes, brother, are you looking for me?" Something?"

Ye Shaoyang spoke out his intentions. "I know that you are a military ship. I am a human master. It is not appropriate to take your boat."

Li Xiaoqiang laughed and said: "Brother, you are not taking me as a brother. What is the relationship between sitting on a boat and saying that you are not going to the front line? Come, just that my fleet is going to be opened. You should go to me first. The boat, I will take you to set off together."

Ye Shaoyang promised to go down and say goodbye to the orange and Xiao Yiyun. Everyone is also a regular visit. There is nothing to say. Simply say a few words, let the oranges and Xiao Yiyun go back first and go on board.

The cabin does not look high from the outside, but since at least one-third of it is eaten in the water, after actually entering the cabin, Ye Shaoyang discovered that the cabin is actually quite big, about two meters high, about three or forty flat. The space is separated by a screen, and the outside is like a living room. Surprisingly, the furniture in the cabin, the tables and chairs, and some of the appliances are contemporary in style, and there is a phonograph. There is no record inside.

There is a ceramic tea set on the coffee table.

The whole looks like a living room with a slightly smaller family.

Ye Shaoyang’s heart was amazed and waited for a while in the cabin. Li Xiaoqiang also got on the boat, and then he took the water and drove the boat out.

Driven by the power of the seal, the ship drove quickly.

"Sorry, I have waited for my brother for a long time. Come, let's drink tea. Your two little brothers also drink a little." Li Xiaoqiang sat down opposite Ye Shaoyang and drummed the tea set. "You can rest assured, I have some **** tea. Qiubai Mountain The pick, the ancient moon master personally refining, tastes good, a bit like the human peak, you try."

Li Xiaoqiang personally teas and gives Ye Shaoyang a good look. Ye Shaoyang is a little embarrassed. Looking for the topic and mentioning the decoration style of this cabin, Li Xiaoqiang said that he is a contemporary ghost. His aesthetic still stays at the stage of his life. The old guys who have been around for hundreds of years have different preferences, so they have renovated their own boats.

"Right, this is what you listen to."

Li Xiaoqiang got up and came to the phonograph, grabbed the needle handle above, and released the spiritual power. Some of the spells were lit up at the moment, and the music came out in the phonograph: "The wolf smoked, the river looked north, the dragon rolled up, Ma Changyu, Sword is like a frost..."

"Following the loyalty to the country!" Ye Shaoyang certainly heard this song. This song is in the Sogou music of his mobile phone. It is very bloody, but... I heard this familiar music in the ghost field, and Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a sense of confusion. Looking at the phonograph, he said: "What is this high-tech!"

"Speaking, this thing is still related to you. This is invented by your old door brother Guo Lao. The name is Ghost Book No. 2, the number is very small, and it is sold in the ghost market. I still let my men get a good one. With the spiritual activation of the seal, the song stored in it can be played... It is exquisite, and I don’t understand it at all. Your brother is really a wizard."

"Okay." Ye Shaoyang wiped the sweat on the temple, which was speechless.

"In other words, if you haven't seen it for a few months, you are well mixed and you are a general. You are welcome."

Li Xiaoqiang said with a smile: "I don't want to be alive before I die. It is a relief when I die." The voice turned and said, "The most important thing is that Siling is with me... This is my biggest gain, brother, you. Da En, I can't report it."

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly said: "You want to be a brother, don't mention this, I will help you, I will not be polite."

Li Xiaoqiang laughed and sat down in front of him and continued to make tea.

Ye Shaoyang secretly observed him, although he did not have much contact with him, but the previous Li Xiaoqiang was not like this. He felt that since he became a general, the temperament of the people was different, and he became more arrogant and bloody. It is very emotional.

"Right, what about your wife?"

"He is on the front line. I came back this time to transfer troops and take medicine. She didn't come over, but unfortunately you have something in your body, or you can go with me. I will be very happy to see you."

"You can help me with it. Actually, I heard that you are all good, and I am very happy."

Li Xiaoqiang nodded and stared at him, silently said: "Brother, I have always been on the front line, but the news of the world, especially about you, I also specifically inquired about some, do not know what they said, is it true or false?"

Ye Shaoyang said: "What do you mean?"

Li Xiaoqiang hesitated and said: "I don't know what you said, I really don't know the truth, so that my wife... is it really a reincarnation?"

Guagua and buns are very sensible in the shoulders of Ye Shaoyang, did not participate in their chat, heard this sentence, Guagua's eyes suddenly flashed, revealing a kind of incomprehensible deep meaning.

The buns were noticed, and the melon said: "Second brother, you smell my hand is not fragrant."

"What the hell?" Guagua instinctively smelled the hand he had stretched out, and then... the pupil gradually spread.

Ye Shaoyang threw both of them off his shoulders and replied: "You are honest." Knowing that they are playing, and regardless of them, looking at the teacup in their hands, they nodded slowly.

"This..." Li Xiaoqiang also fell into meditation.

"The brother, you must rescue her from the hands of the corpse?"

"Of course, but I won't let her hurt, I have a solution."

"I believe you!"

Li Xiaoqiang looked at him and looked very determined. He said: "The Shaoyang brothers, my words are here. In the future, if you have a place where our husband and wife are, no matter who the other party is... we are willing to help you. Always wear the clouds. Arrows, thousands of troops to meet each other! This promise is always valid for you!"

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