Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 2400: Master 2402 is on the top 2

"I believe in you." Ye Shaoyang did not ask, said a pinch on his face.

The buns looked at him gratefully for a moment and nodded.

Ye Shaoyang turned to look at Qingyunzi, watching him look like a smile, a little embarrassed, said: "Master, you know my..."

"Explain a fart, I still don't know you? I know when I play the Republic of China!"

"Republic of China!"

Ye Shaoyang was on the spot.

After a while, I took a look back at Qingyunzi and said, "Master, you remember, I... I don't know what to say, why did Meihua and Xiaobai face forget me?"

Qingyunzi glanced at him and looked up at the gray and red sky. He said, "This is a good place in the ghost field. There is no noise, no one is disturbing. The only bad place is that there is no sun." . . . Although I am a ghost now, I don’t need to bask in the sun, but I always feel that something is missing."

Ye Shaoyang held Qingyunzi's legs and murmured: "Master, I am going to tell you about business, will you say it after you finish it?"

Qingyunzi turned his head and looked at him and said: "Bunny rabbit, you may be resistant, went to the Republic of China for a month, and did so many big things!"

"Master, how did you remember it, why can't anyone remember it?"

"Crap, they drank Mengpo soup, I didn't drink... I secretly dumped it, I naturally remember you."

Meng Po Tang?

Ye Shaoyang stunned. "I don't know Master, Meng Po Tang drank. It's not a memory. I have entered the mystery of the womb. They just want to forget me. They won't do it."

"Of course, it is not the general Meng Po Tang, it is Xiao Langjun's operation. I don't know what the formula is. Anyway, Meng Po is called out, and forgets the water. After drinking, I can forget all the memories with someone. ”

"This...there is this thing in the world?"

"I didn't know before. When Xiao Langjun put the water in front of me, I was a little confused."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yes, yes, Master was very tired when you were a child, but it was bad."

Qingyunzi ruthlessly knocked a chestnut on his head.

Ye Shaoyang squinted and listened down honestly.

"Xiao Yiyun said things to me and my master and my grandfather, and then let me drink. I made a means not to drink, so I remember all these things... they drank themselves, so they took you I forgot to forget all the things you have done."

Ye Shaoyang looked at Qingyunzi dumbly and said: "What is the love of the water, how is it directed against my head, I mean..."

Ye Shaoyang is looking for words to describe his own meaning. Qingyunzi has already understood and said: "Forget the water, you need to add the body of the other person, you still remember the girl named Qiaoyun, she was quietly Cut your hair... I found it by Xiao Yiyun, and added it to the water, it took effect."

Qiao Yun... cut my hair? Why is she doing this?

In the eyes of Ye Shaoyang, there was a look of Qiaoyun. I couldn’t help but miss it for a while. I didn’t know if she was okay?

Suddenly thought, what is what for a while, but almost a hundred years, the bones of Qiao Yun, it is estimated to be turned into white and gray.

In the past 100 years, I was here, but in the "time and space tunnel" opened by Shan Haiyin, everything was gone. Everything passed.

Qiao Yun, Mao Xiaofang, and some friends I know in that world, have passed.

"To Master, but Meihua and Xiao Yiyun also met in that era, but now I see, there is no memory of that time between them, this..."

"There is something difficult. Anyone who shouldn’t know each other at that time has to take some hair into the water, drink it together, and forget each other."

Ye Shaoyang listened to Qingyunzi and fell into deep thought. Then he said, "Master, then since you haven't forgotten me, then I came to meet you when I was young... How do you feel?"

"I didn't meet you young."

"No? But you obviously have seen me. When you see the five-year-old, I am also called Ye Shaoyang... What does it feel like?"

"Everything is a memory. Before you return to the Republic of China to find me, everything has happened. You just modified my memory. Maybe, in the world, there will be different results, but it will have no effect on me, just memory. Was modified... What I remember now is that when I saw you in the Republic of China, and then you went, after 80 years, I accidentally met you again in the mountain village. Only then did I know that it was you, then I received you. For the disciples, everything after that has not changed."

Ye Shaoyang squatted and looked up at Qingyunzi. He said, "Master, will this feeling be... will there be a feeling of memory confusion?"

"Well... at first, there was, but then I was connected. I just need to recognize the facts. The fact is that I accidentally accepted you as a map, and then you have been stuck for more than ten years. As for the memories that you modified after crossing the Republic of China. It doesn't matter, it's just that you go back. It's as simple as meeting me in the past."

Ye Shaoyang stunned. Think carefully, Qing Yunzi's theory is really simple, but it is indeed a shot.

Qingyunzi looked at him. Very rarely, he said with a strong heart: "You remember a little, what has happened, can't be changed. Even if you can go back to the past, change everything, and make changes later, it is also an illusion. It has been modified, remember, there is no regret in life, many things, you only have one chance to choose!"

The things that have been modified, even if they are true, are not the truth, because everything has already happened. To modify him is nothing more than deceiving himself.

Ye Shaoyang thought of Lin Sansheng. At first he went to find the nephews in the past with enthusiasm. Now he is looking back, but he regrets it.

Incompleteness is also a kind of beauty. If something happens, don't think about change.

You can only change the future, not stay in the past.

As if in the darkness, I suddenly grabbed a touch of aura. Ye Shaoyang slowly closed his eyes and realized this wonderful feeling. He opened his eyes for a long while, smiled and looked at Qingyunzi, and said: "Thank you for teaching Master, I am enlightened again. It is."

Once enlightened, the heart will be solid. With the current strength of Ye Shaoyang, he has already reached the peak and wants to break through the realm. The difference is the opportunity. Every time he enlightens himself, the promotion from the realm is even closer. He has now vaguely felt the feeling of breaking the realm. Very mysterious, can not be expressed in words.

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